Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.
- Thomas Edison

In the last couple of generations mankind’s blessings have increased a thousand fold! Advances in science and technology have provided us with more than ten times the knowledge, wealth and ability of all past generations combined! In every aspect of life, we daily enjoy and often take for granted blessing the likes of which tens of billions of others could only dream. Even greater breakthroughs loom on the horizon. Given so much, it seems we owe a great debt, but to whom? God or random chance?
Arguments for Biblical Authenticity
Individually our circumstances and choices vary. Yet we do share some concerns. Why are we here? Where are we going? What will we do with what we’ve been given? Since we know we brought nothing into this world and will leave with only how we’ve lived our lives, maybe we should use some of our resources to consider these important topics.
Many argue such lofty questions are unanswerable or irrelevant. Even if we found answers, what would it change? Wouldn’t we still be who we are, doing pretty much what we're already doing? Actually, just asking the Big Questions can make a big difference. Like a ship in a vast and dangerous sea, admitting our situation is key. Only then can we hope to get our bearings and set a safe course. Yet there are so many ways to spend our time. Family. Friends. Lovers. Work. Entertainment. Food. Hobbies. Travel. Pornography. Drug abuse. The list is endless...
But life’s not. It ends abruptly and forever. This is one of many reasons the Ultimate Questions deserve answering. Particularly if doing so improves our odds of finding happiness and of avoiding costly or repeated mistakes. And we’re hardly too busy. Average TV viewers watch 150 hours a month. We’ve got plenty of time to consider what’s most important in life.
The Biggest of the Big Questions is how we got here? If there's no God even the Bible says to “eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.” But if there is a God there's a thousand reasons to discover who He is. In fact, we may pay a high price for ignoring Him, both in this life and throughout eternity.
Fortunately, it takes only 60 seconds to prove God exists. Admittedly it takes a little longer to narrow down who He might be. Still, the longest journey begins with a single step. Step one, proving there is a God, requires literally only a minutes worth of math. You wont need trigonometry or calculus. You wont need geometry, algebra or even a calculator. The great mystery of God's existence can be answered by solving the simplest math problem ever...
1. Anything and Everything
The size and age, mass and force, intricacy and beauty of the Universe and life on Earth all clearly indicate an Intelligent Designer. The Big Bang and Evolution theories have no conflict with Intelligent Design. These theories merely address the process or method of creation. Neither are concerned with the questions of origin or intelligent design. A million Big Bangs and trillions of years of evolution could never explain what came before or disprove the presence of a Divine plan. Nor is naturalistic evolution by random chance the best explanation for the astounding complexities in our Universe culminating in hundreds of 100 fine tuning characteristics necessary for the development of our Privileged Planet and advanced technical life.
Such overwhelming evidence is augmented by the simple fact that for anything to exist, it must have either been created, created itself, or possess self existence (one of the five attributes of Divinity). Such rationale holds true for everything from the tiniest partial of matter to an infinite number of universes to Omnity itself. Self evident, this undeniable proof of the existence of God is easily demonstrated by the simplest math possible: 0 + 0 = 0.
Some, objecting to the logic of a self existent God, seek to remove the necessity of Omnity from the equation. These argue that from certain perspectives intricate and interesting mathematics and/or metaphysics could postulate a theoretical model such that nothing might indeed create something, and therefore everything. Tellingly, for such a concept to arise on earth the everything arising from nothing need be exquisitely fine tuned to at least 10 to the minus 24 millionth power (10 with 24,000,000,000 zeros after it). The chances of such fine tuning parameters occurring by natural selection alone are equivalent to an individual winning the California lottery 3 million times playing a single ticket each drawing.
While anything may be possible except perhaps nothing producing everything common sense as well as Occam’s Razor, a guide to theoretical modeling, suggests God rather than nothing as far better fit for the role of Creator. Paraphrased, this long established principal states “to start from the simplest possible explanation and make it more complex only if, and when, absolutely necessary.” Examples of interpretations of this theory include, ““do not make unnecessary assumptions” or “do not add assumptions that are unnecessary for the theory / conclusion” or even, “if an assumption is not necessary for the explanation – don’t recruit it in the argument.”
Those intellectually honest enough to be highly skeptical of or even jettison atheism altogether are left with agnosticism or some form of religion, of which there are many. Yet even a layman’s study of world religions in side by side comparison with the Bible reveals a preponderance of evidence for Scriptural authority and authenticity. God's existence is a matter of fact. But is He the God of the Bible? The following nine points provide overwhelming evidence that He is...
2. Past and Future Prophecy
Also compelling is Scriptures explanation of eternity's past and humanity's future featuring 1,000 fulfilled prophecy’s. The odds of even a dozen of the Bible's ancient prophecies having been fulfilled are greater than a quintillion to one. That's like filling Texas ten feet high with silver dollars, marking an "X" on one and a blind man finding it. Yet scores of the Bible's prophecies have come true, including the impressive and unparalleled prophesied destruction of the city of Tyre by Alexander the Great. Such odds far exceed those necessary to establish something as a "scientific certainty." Similar odds exist against today’s unfolding of prophecies from the Bible’s Book of Revelation. How could a Jewish fisherman living millennia ago, who knew less about the world than a modern elementary school student, accurately predict current events in our time? Yet some of the author's prophecies have already happened and more are in motion. Our generation is witnessing the pages of Revelation unfold in such events as the singular reemergence and global prominence of Israel in a way unique in history. The development and proliferation of nuclear weapons that could destroy a half or more of humanity. The creation of the European Union from the ashes of the old Roman Empire. The ability of kings of the East to raise a 200 million man army, equivalent to the entire world's population when Revelation was written. The rise of technology necessary to produce the Mark of the Beast, as well as a host of other prophetic markers of the Great Tribulation...
The odds of even a dozen of the Bible's ancient prophecies having been fulfilled are greater than a quintillion to one! That's like filling Texas ten feet high with silver dollars, marking an "X" on one and a blind man finding it! Yet scores of the Bible's prophecies have come true, including the impressive and unprecedented prophesied destruction of the city of Tyre by Alexander the Great. Such odds far exceed those necessary to establish something as a "scientific certainty."
3. Science and Scripture
While there have been, are and will continue to be questions concerning the compatibility of faith and reason, that which is true in both are complimentary. Good theory and good theology have much in common.
In fact, among the greatest evidences for the authenticity of the Bible are scientific breakthroughs that finally allow us to see what scripture’s been saying for millennia. Amazing scientific discoveries described millennia ago in Biblical passages include a testable model of creation that encompasses many modern discoveries in the areas of astronomy and physics, biology and human origins, earth science and understanding the universe.
4. Life and Death
Happiness is our greatest goal. Billions have experienced more joy and less sorrow by following the Bible's guidelines. Hundreds of millions of addicts and criminals, violent people and their victims would’ve been spared a lifetime of pain had the Bible’s teachings been followed. Other benefits of obeying God are less obvious, yet these too have been time tested, showing the Bible’s a reliable Users Guide in the search for happiness.
In life, nothing is more certain than death. From the moment of conception the clock begins ticking on an extremely short lifespan when compared to eternity. We didn’t create ourselves. We can’t save ourselves from death. Thankfully, the Bible offers a choice of eternal futures. With "Heaven to gain and Hell to loose the choice seems simple. Joy forever in exchange for simply loving God and others for a few years on Earth. Sounds like a great deal! Yet most give it little or no serious thought, gambling blindly with their souls. Why? With so much evidence supporting God and scripture, aren’t its offers and warnings something to think long and hard about?
5. Wisdom and Foolishness
There are many sources of “wisdom”. While some are helpful, others do more harm than good. Either way none compare with the Bible. It's principals became the cornerstone of the Western World because of their success in providing practical answers to the problems of life for thousands of years. Promoting a perfect blend of self control and liberty, billions have found greater peace of mind and happiness in it’s teachings.
Unfortunately life’s littered with those who choose to disregard the User Manual’s instructions. While promising freedom, unhealthy cravings and impulses have incrementally imprisoned billions in chains of selfishness, emptiness, lies, lust, drugs, violence or crime. The Bible warns that, for better or worse, our thoughts become actions. Actions become habits. Habits become lifestyles. Lifestyles of doing whatever feels good rather than what is good eventually ruin individuals, families and whole societies.
6. Pain and Suffering
Sadly, mortal life’s full of sorrow. So much so each and every one of us, knowingly or not, have issues with God. Is Omnity fair or even good? Over the course of human history the lives of billions have been devastated by loneliness and depression, illness and disease, pain and death all contributing to the bitterness of loss. Naturally this raises the question how could God allow suffering? Others have fared better. In First World Nations we are phenomenally blessed. Yet the fact that Americans annually spend $100,000,000,000 on alcohol and use sixty percent of the world’s illegal drugs reveals the desire to “medicate” ourselves against disappointment even in the wealthiest nation to ever exist.
Elsewhere the poor suffer terribly. Even more so because the rich refuse to share enough of their vast wealth to end their plight. The money spent on perfume alone could end poverty world wide even in light of Christ’s denunciation against such me-ism in His teachings on the Good Samaritan and Sheep and Goats, Rich Man and Lazarus and Rich Young Ruler. Further, the Bible offers great incentives to love others as ourselves, as well as a promise to balance the books in eternity by declaring “Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”
7. Good and Evil
God is often blamed for suffering, while to a large degree we make a heaven or hell out of our own lives and those of others. Actually, God’s given our generation the resources needed to end most of human suffering. Additionally, the Bible promises unimaginable eternal rewards for those spending their Earthly life help the needy.
Then why does suffering continue or increase rather than end? Can mankind be smart enough to split the atom without realizing the benefits of helping rather than harming each other? Is our foolishness and evil coincidental or is their a Cause? The Bible reveals we're not alone. It warns that while we have the ability to do great good, there's an Evil One in the world tempting and deceiving us from the halls of heaven itself into harming ourselves and others. This explains our dual nature and capacity to act like angels or devils.
8. Christ and Church
Without question, the Bible is unique among all the books of the world. With five to six billion in print, it dwarfs all other published works. The Bible, particularly the New Testament, is the foundation upon which Christianity stands. Unlike various fallible denominational doctrine, honest Scriptural theology strongly attests to the supremacy of Christianity among it’s few religious peers for reason both obvious and subtle.
Take the Islamic paradox for example. Wikipedia explains that according to Islam: “Jesus is believed to be a prophet,[3] who neither married nor had any children, and is reflected as a significant figure,[5] being mentioned in the Quran in 93 ayaat (Arabic for verses) with various titles attached such as "Son of Mary",[6] "Spirit of God",[7] and the "Word of God"[7] among other relational terms, directly and indirectly, over 180 times.[8][9] In total, Jesus is mentioned 187 times in the Quran as such the most mentioned person with the name Isa.[note 1] He is mentioned 25 times,[10] in titles.[note 2] mentioned 79 times,[11][12][13] in 3rd person[note 3] mentioned 48 times, in 1st person[14] mentioned 35 times.”[15] Islam also attests to Jesus healing the sick and working miracles. Nonetheless, Islam rejects the Bible’s continual claim of the divinity of Jesus as well as Christ’s singular atonement. Furthermore Islam negates Jesus’ warning that He alone is the Good Shepard, and by comparison all others are thieves and robbers. Seen in this light, the New Testament leaves no room for another, much less greater Prophet than Christ and thus stands juxtaposed against the Quran which claims to honor Jesus as the forerunner of Mohammed while doing violence to much of the New Testament.
The Christian story and impact of the miraculous and costly atonement of Christ from His incarnation and birth, life and ministry, suffering and death, resurrection and ascension are unique in history. Just watch “The Passion” and you’ll find no other religion comes close to demonstrating God’s compassion for mankind so dramatically. His promise to the true Christian of holiness and forgiveness, guidance and grace, justice and mercy speak to the very core of human existence.
It’s true that the church, like all aspects of society, is full of hypocrites. While alarming, it’s hardly surprising. Rather than an argument against the God of the Bible, it proves His point that everyone at all times is in need of a Savior for forgiveness and a Lord for direction.
9. Heaven and Hell
For an ancient manuscript, the Bible’s handling of eternity is unparalleled. Heaven’s gift of every imaginable and unimaginable glory based on God having so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and our appropriate response to Him and one another, is truly “good news.”
As for those rejecting such a generous offer, it’s telling that millennia before science the existence of eternal damnation in a flaming hell should figure so heavily in Biblical doctrine. We’ve only recently discovered flaming hells surround us everywhere! Our very planet is like an egg where all but the shell is a flaming hell. During our current cosmological moment, life is only possible here because of our perfect placement in proximity to our Sun. A Sun that is a flaming hell one million times larger than Earth. Our Milky Way Galaxy is comprised of 200 billion stars or more, all flaming hells, It’s estimated that the Universe has up to 500 billion galaxies, each containing approximately as many stars or flaming hells... Modern science estimates our Universe contains 50 sextillion stars averaging one million time the size of Earth. That’s 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 flaming hells in outer space! Not to mention we’ve discovered that splitting certain atoms can also produce thermo-nuclear flaming hells.
10. Faith and Hope
So there’s proof that God exists and lots of evidence that the Bible’s true. But God seems silent and distant. How can I believe in, much less approach God if I can’t feel, hear or see Him? Why would I exchange what I want today for some hope of happiness tomorrow or in eternity? What if following the Bible doesn't work out? Isn't a little fun now better than nothing?
These are important questions and go a long way in explaining why few invest serious effort in prayer, Bible study or seeking God. The average church attender spends less than ten minutes a day reading the scriptures or praying. It seems even modern Christians need to reconsider the importance of knowing God.
It’s true that, like everything in life, faith means taking a risk. The question is which is riskier, searching for or ignoring God?
Remember the promise of the God of the Bible. Clarity for confusion. Comfort for grief. Restoration for loss. Strength for weakness. Joy for sorrow. Love for hate. Mercy for judgment. Eternal life for death. Heaven for Hell. He offers to turn fear into wisdom and perfect His followers in love. Imagine the glory of actually meeting and being accepted by the Creator of the Universe and enjoying His company together forever!
God and the Bible
As simply demonstrated, God does exist. Scientific proof of God is literally everywhere in everything. Perhaps more importantly, who God is can be discovered through exhaustive evidence demonstrating beyond a reasonable doubt that God is as the Bible describes.
When correctly interpreted the Bible stands alone as the pinnacle of literature for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which being the quality of it’s message. New Testament principals such as “love your neighbor as yourself” are the basis for all good. It’s handling of the human condition is uncomplicated while reflecting the complexities of human existence. It’s treatment of such topics as happiness and beauty, sin and repentance, hope and redemption are unmatched. All the more impressive considering the date and time period it was written.
So now what? Why not check God and the Bible out? There are thousands of resources available. With a little effort you can find the right one for you.
It's always wise to take the time to get the facts and weigh the evidence before making any important decision. To learn more about God and the User Guide He’s provided could be the most important decision you ever make. The Bible promises those doing so will be eternally thankful they did.
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