Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe.
- Erwin Schrodinger

Science clearly reveals there's more to the physical universe than what meets the eye. While Newtonian physics does a fine job explaining much of the composition and behavior of large bodies, it falls short when it comes to many of the most powerful forces governing our Universe. Quantum mechanics in needed.
For our purpose the term Quantum describes a mental tool used to reconcile seemingly opposite and irreconcilable concepts (particularly as pertaining to God, man and creation) without diminishing any.
Children are eager to know God. Their innocence and inquisitiveness is delightful to watch. Sadly, somewhere along the way these wonderful traits are often marred, if not lost. Yet Jesus warns that without them, so are we:
- “At about the same time, the disciples came to Jesus asking, “Who gets the highest rank in God’s kingdom?” For an answer Jesus called over a child, whom he stood in the middle of the room, and said, “I’m telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you’re not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone get in. Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God’s kingdom. What’s more, when you receive the childlike on my account, it’s the same as receiving me.” Matthew 18:1-5 The Message
Such is not Scripture’s intent. Given both his credentials and resume, if anyone deserved a pass it was Paul. Yet on the contrary, the apostle of grace held himself to the highest of exacting standards:
- “You’ve all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You’re after one that’s gold eternally. I don’t know about you, but I’m running hard for the finish line. I’m giving it everything I’ve got. No sloppy living for me! I’m staying alert and in top condition. I’m not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself.” 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 The Message
could be “disqualified [unfit for service]” as rendered by the Amplified Bible? Perhaps he was simply taking a page from Christ’s playbook, “But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”
Such radical honesty and spiritual discernment are acutely necessary among the people of God for several crucial reasons:
- Resistance: Faith is not lived in a vacuum. As previously explained, sin above, about and within synergistically conspire against those seeking and serving God.
- Deception: Ubiquitous in nature, deception is sown, even as tares among the wheat of Scripture, with devilish cunning. It’s as if our Enemy has broken the Truth into pieces, distributing a truth here and there among varies denominations and even social groups. A brilliant plan ensuring the Truth remains hidden in plain site. In a way few seem willing and able to piece together.
Historically, such challenges have not only frequently derailed God’s people, but served to harden their hearts against repentance and change. As Ezekiel was warned:
- “Then he told me, “Son of man, go to the family of Israel and speak my Message. Look, I’m not sending you to a people who speak a hard-to-learn language with words you can hardly pronounce. If I had sent you to such people, their ears would have perked up and they would have listened immediately. “But it won’t work that way with the family of Israel. They won’t listen to you because they won’t listen to me. They are, as I said, a hard case, hardened in their sin. But I’ll make you as hard in your way as they are in theirs. I’ll make your face as hard as rock, harder than granite. Don’t let them intimidate you. Don’t be afraid of them, even though they’re a bunch of rebels.” Ezekiel 3:4-9 The Message
- “I’ve told you these things to prepare you for rough times ahead. They are going to throw you out of the meeting places. There will even come a time when anyone who kills you will think he’s doing God a favor. They will do these things because they never really understood the Father. I’ve told you these things so that when the time comes and they start in on you, you’ll be well-warned and ready for them.” John 16:1-4 The Message
1. Creation Is At War: Careful Scriptural archeology and Biblical forensics reveals much. By stitching scores of passages together, a theological theme emerges revealing Who created the multiverse and why. The truth about Lucifer's Rebellion and how it effects Heaven and Earth. How the trial in Eternity's Supreme Court overflows into the affairs of men.
It can’t be overstated that according to the context of Scripture, spiritual conflict is not a mythical analogy, but rather eternity’s reality. In fact, in a variety of ways, a myriad of Biblical passages attest to the unpleasant fact that all creation is at war with (alongside or against) God. There is no neutral territory.
Yet, for a variety of reasons, the overwhelming vast majority of modern Christians refuse to accept Biblical insight and warning. Nevertheless, comprehension of the context of Scripture is vital to understanding its content. While no longer in vogue, Scripture's context is most certainly one of warfare theology. Like the whodunnit story of Job, considered by many to be the oldest Book of the Bible and perhaps its key codex, conflict between God the "Lord of Hosts" (angel armies) and Satan the "prince of the power of the air" (god of this world), provides the backdrop to Job's story. And much, if not all, the entire Old and New Testaments. As exemplified in a couple of familiar passages referencing conflict with the fallen angelic:
- "When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities [those supernatural forces of evil operating against us], He made a public example of them [exhibiting them as captives in His triumphal procession], having triumphed over them through the cross." Colossians 2:15 AMP
- " Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil." 1 John 3:7-8 NKJV
2. Life Is A Test: For some, the ancient adage, "Life's a test" is more obvious than for others. Nevertheless, this universal truth is Scriptural in nature. Even for those fortunate enough to live in the modern world, were life’s battlefield may seem far removed. With technological advances all but conquering basic challenges, we savor the ease of victory. We not only enjoy, but daily take for granted, an incredible array of blessings.
On the flip side, Jesus warned, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." An even more crucial concern with spiritual conflict at an all time high. Subtle as it is certain, challenges to Christianity abound. While woefully one-sided, the Church is at war. From ubiquitous levels of demonic temptation and deception, to devilish apathy and inverted morality. Both inside and outside the camp. An ever increasing number of serious threats are creating a culture of billions of spiritual refugees. With far more on the way.
The New Testament succinctly warns we will each give account of all we've done or failed to do, every idle word and perhaps our every thought. Such exacting standards, with no less than Heaven and Hell at stake, provide compelling evidence of an examination with everlasting consequence.
Like many final exams, Scripture explains eternity's test has several components. When it comes to salvation, Christ and His apostles placed their greatest emphasis on living faith. The only two times Jesus is directly asked how to get to Heaven, the Good Samaritan and the Rich Young Ruler, He explains the best way to love God is by caring for the poor and needy. The same holds true in regards to the Sheep and Goats, as well as the Rich Man and Lazarus which provides the only Biblically recorded conversation between humans in the afterlife!
Conflict theology is a primary explanation for God's gracious compassion in emphasizing loving our neighbor, particularly the deprived, above all else. More than any, Omnity is aware Earth's not only a spiritually cosmic war zone, but an occupied planet with most of its citizenry held captive by the god of this age to do his will.
Biblical revelation is intended to not only describe the past and future, but establish a precedent and principle. Namely that in war, particularly one that is primarily spiritual, great caution is advised. Losing our way, or even our faith, is easier than you think.
Quantum Christianity is offered to revitalize much needed honesty and interest in the continuum of faith. The following graphic emphasizes that knowingly or not, all who have heard the gospel and claims of Christ are somewhere to found on the continuum from inappropriate to appropriate response:

QC is designed to offer compelling reason to believe to move the skeptical into the community of faith. Issues with God are examined to encourage the doubtful within and without modern Christianity. Scriptural alarms are sounded to awaken the distracted. Discernment skills are provided to prod average believers into becoming Prophetic Christians. Eclipsing spiritual darkness is revealed to lift up a cry for revival and reformation.
Even the longest, most arduous of journeys, is comprised of a serious of small steps. So too, recognizing and navigating Scripture’s road less taken. Many, particularly among those persecuted for Christ, brave paths of radical discipleship. Yet as shown, within modern Christianity, only a tiny percentage have been willing to invest the time and energy to discover, much less devote, themselves to genuine Biblical Christianity.
As with any field, the depth of study depends on the interest of the student. Those beginning to understand the vital role developing Christian maturity plays in pleasing God may be interested in an overview of the journey before them. While not everyone's path is the same, certain waypoints may be helpful.
1. Level of concern: Not surprisingly, human interest tends towards issues associated with the most immediate and/or greatest levels of pleasure or pain. First in regards to ourselves and then others. Levels of Christian concern largely depend on our willingness to read and recall Scripture as it is written, rather than choosing to omit hundreds, if not thousands of verses, challenging Churchianity's status quo. Again, equally important is the development and continual exercise of imaginative empathy. For example to practice Biblical rendering; i.e. to imagine experiencing Scriptures stories first hand. To take a moment to contemplate a 360° immersion into the past, present and/or future suffering or exaltation described in the Bible. To mentally and emotionally envision the risk vs. benefit associated with various levels of rebellion vs. obedience.
2. Appropriate response: As noted, we filter through thousands of thoughts a day, selecting those upon which to dwell. A percentage of these will be discussed. Some of these will merit research and further evaluation. A fraction of thoughts will translate into actions. Depending on a variety of factors, our actions or lack thereof, either pass or fail the test of appropriateness. To this end the Bible provides an incredible wealth of wisdom. Yet, doing justice to Scripture requires the kind of tools QC was designed to provide. These include:
• Reverence enough to let Scripture say what it means and mean what it says.
• Faith enough to energize one's imagination without going off the deep end.
• Curiosity enough to examine epic verses and poke around original languages.
• Humility enough to remember your betters.
• Honesty enough to recognize and respond to our extreme need for God.
• Desperation enough to ask, seek and knock until insight is given.
• Love enough to find ways to reveal, rather than conceal, even difficult truths.
Modern life is already so filled with opinions and ideas QC apologizes for offering more. Nevertheless, our dire situation warrants doing so in as simple and straight forward a manner as possible. This section is meant to serve as a quick start guide to what may be a more accurate and insightful Biblical worldview. QC and it’s companion site GodBlog.net, provides books and articles, modern psalms and proverbs on a variety of important topics. Here’s a quick summary of many points already noted:
• God's existence can be proven unequivocally in a matter of seconds.
• Actual intelligent design has been proven within the perimeters of scientific certainty.
• Faith is not only reasonable but absolutely necessary to answer life's ultimate questions.
• Being "fearfully and wonderfully made" we are in dire need of the presence and power, provision and protection of our Creator and Savior.
• There is overwhelming evidence that the Bible stands alone as the authoritative written Word of God.
• The Bible is worth studying and being studied by.
• Scripture's theology and doctrines cannot be understood or applied correctly outside of the established rules of Biblical Interpretation and QC's Rule of Emphasis.
• In the greatest spiritual battle to have taken place on Earth, Jesus attests to the importance of the verse, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”
• Things are never as simple as they appear.
• Scripture reveals Earth's immersed in a cosmic legal battle and spiritual war raging across three Heavens.
• Scripture is to be taken extremely seriously when it warns of the diabolical cunning and deceptive power of Satan. Particularly in regards to a disobedient and/or unbelieving world, “Whose minds the god of this age has blinded” and thereby "taken them captive to do his will.”
• Diligently seeking and serving God is essential to get ourselves, and those we love, out of this cosmic battle alive.
• Fighting for humanity, we wrestle not with flesh and blood.
• Through the unimaginably costly gift of Christ's atonement, mankind is offered only one hope for lasting happiness. In time and eternity.
• Christians, as Earth's freed POW's, are to seek only a soldier's joy.
• In the Kingdom giving is receiving. Loss is gain. Death is life.
• He is no fool who trades a fleeting worldly pittance for a eternal glorious reward.
• The original sin of entitlement is to be avoided at all costs.
• Heaven and Hell are eternal realities eclipsing all other earthly concerns.
• As the originator and "Author of salvation," Christ's most exhaustive teachings on eternal life, such as the Good Samaritan and Sheep and Goats, as well as Ten Virgins and Rich Man and Lazarus, are the supreme authority on the matter. While in keeping with the teachings of all other Old and New Testament authors, they are rarely accurately taught.
• Through science and technology, education and industry, God has bestowed unprecedented blessings on the citizenry of the developed world.
• It's of paramount importance to grasp the significance of Christ's warning, "To whom much is given, from him much will be required.”
• First World citizens may be the modern equivalent of the Rich Man in the story of Lazarus. Modern Christianity’s best and brightest would be hard pressed to measure up to the Rich Young Ruler.
• The difference in Heaven and Hell lies in thinking well. Failing to "judge with righteous judgment" imperils our souls and those of whom we love.
• It’s impossible to please God outside of understanding “that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
• Living faith is the only kind that can save.
• Salvation is God's free gift to those willing to obey Christ as Lord.
• The order of the armor of God explains the process of salvation.
• “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.”
• As taught today, eternal security is a misnomer. As Jesus warned, “but he who endures to the end shall be saved.”
• There are grave differences between 1st century Biblical Christianity and 21st century modern Churchianity.
• Peter's 2nd great confession is as crucial as his first.
• All believers are commanded to be the Church, rather than merely attend.
• All the gifts of the Spirit are necessary to carry out the Great Commission. While they have never ceased, our willingness to be sanctified enough to seek and find them may have.
• Inability to consistently heal the sick within the Church strongly suggests that modern Christianity either has few genuine elders or few able to pray the genuine prayer of faith.
• Without overcoming prayer we haven't got one.
• Recovering the power of God is essential. However wisely and gently spoken, words alone are next to meaningless to those who are distracted, disinterested or deceived.
• Stilling body, mind and soul before Omnity is an integral ingredient to prevailing prayer.
• The art of intercession must be mastered by those who would learn to wait on and wrestle with God.
• Abortion, currently the pinnacle sin of mankind, is speeding God's judgment and diabolically designed to primarily target the prayers and sacraments of the Church.
• The prayer of Ezra is far more relevant today than that of Jabez. Hence Ezra’s two chapters vs. Jabez’s two verses.
• Prophetic Christians understand the need of unprecedented repentance and prayer in hopes of globally experiencing a New Pentecost.
• There at least seven reasons revival tarries.
• Those who live by the Spirit are above the law, by fulfilling the law, through lifestyles genuinely filled with the fruit of the Spirit. Such consistently deny the sinful desires and "works of the flesh."
• Typology is the meat of Scripture. While sometimes difficult or even dangerous to swallow, it remains a necessary dietary component for the mature believer.
• The stage is being set for the appearance of the Antichrist and Mark of the Beast, Armageddon and the Great Tribulation Period.
• Jesus, Paul and John all place the timing of the Rapture after the Antichrist is revealed during the Great Tribulation Period.
• Satan will continue prosecuting the Church "day and night" in Creation's Supreme Court until heavenly war breaks out and the Devil and and his angelic army are cast down to Earth.
• “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”
• God, and all those who are truly His, win in the end.
Why Quantum? Even to the interested layman, the emerging importance of quantum mechanics is clear. If science is thinking God's thoughts after Him, tomorrow's scientists may discover Omnity peering back through the looking glass of quantum physics. It’s also more trendy than say, “Divine Physics.”
Why Christianity? The reasons are many and varied. For our purposes, Christianity’s historical and global prominence elevates it as a worthy study. Further recommendation is the vast number of researchers who for thousands of years have found Biblical wisdom conducive to scientific pursuits. Including many of the forerunners of modern discovery.
Today, while many honest thinking intellectuals are looking for synergy in merging physics with metaphysics, Biblical Christianity ought not to be overlooked. Creation exists through quantum mechanics, which billions believe in turn exists through the wisdom and power of God's Word. Which Scripture attests is Christ. By design, both the disciplines of science and theology not only depend on debate but thrive best with cross pollination. QC is offered to promote stimulating questions leading to unconventional conversation. Quantum evidence suggests that extreme opposites, far from preventing or cancelling each other out, exist and abound simultaneously. For example, Niels Bohr, the famous Danish physicist, won the 1922 Nobel Prize for Physics for research of atomic structure and quantum mechanics. When granted the Danish Order of the Elephant in 1947, the motto he chose for his coat of arms was, “Contraria Sunt Complementa” meaning “Opposites are complementary.”
While often appearing at odds, genuine science and religion are two sides of the same coin. Rather than unnecessarily alienating the scientific community, particularly in regards to nonsensical Young vs Old Earth creationism, we ought to gratefully acknowledge the advances and tools each discipline provides. This in not to suggest that all advances and social changes are harmless. Far from it. As the Law of Accelerating Change exponentially quickens, in many ways science and society at large are already outpacing morality and virtue. Humanity itself may even now be hurdling headlong towards a spiritually perilous social and technological singularity.
From ethics to economics, from physics to metaphysics, mankind teeters on multiple event horizons. Ancient Biblical prophets and futurists agree monumental change looms ahead. In the face of relentless challenges, we do well to harness the testimony of general revelation (nature) and special revelation (Scripture). Accepting with thankfulness and humility all God has provided. Not the least of which is the wisdom of His directives. And after they have been carried out, His promise of hope.
Why Quantum Christianity?
The following bullet points and hyperlinks are a summary overview of the authors intent of creating Quantum Christianity's topical Biblical commentary:
1. God speaks twice as much to those writing it down.
2. Build bridges not walls.
- Quantum nature of spiritual truth.
- Sacred and secular.
- Which Story?
- Issues with God.
- Biblical church.
- Worldliness.
- Prayerlessness.
- Answered prayer.
- Unanswered prayer.
- Biblical illiteracy.
- Biblical Authenticity.
- Acceptable Worship.
- Discernment.
- Times and Seasons.
- Simplify Biblical density.
- Amplify Biblical emphasis.
5. Identify temptations and deceptions.
6. Identify Christ of Scripture.
7. Identify whole vs. partial Gospel.
- Holy Spirit.
- Repentance.
- Sanctification.
- Fruit of Spirit.
- Gifts of Spirit.
- Times and Seasons.
- Power Evangelism and Discipleship.
- New Creation.
9. ProLife/AntiJudgment explanations and apologetics.
10. Research and experimentation.
11. Make the vision plain.
12. Ezekiel’s watchman.
13. Online access and hyperlinks.
14. Lay deep foundation.
15. Increase Obedience, Thankfulness and Productivity. Body of work.
16. Leave trail.
17. Ask, seek and knock.
- “All the fullness of God.”
- Daily Strategic Prayer.
- Genuine Fruit of the Spirit.
- Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit
- Heal the Sick (Children's Bread).
- Answered prayer in real time and light of day.
- Humble, Pray, Seek and Turn.
- Extreme humility and petition, worship and prayer of complaint.
- Modern Psalms and Proverbs.
- POA/James 4-5.
20. Eternity… the Wager: Greatest Story Never Told.
- Brief History of Eternity (excerpt).
- Satan’s Accusations (excerpt).
- eWager Testimony before the Throne of Grace.
Series Articles
For an in-depth introduction to Quantum Christianity please see our eBook Series including Quantum Christianity Introduction Volumes 1 & 2 on sale now!
Other Quantum Christianity eBooks include: Conflict Theology and Times and Seasons both on sale now!
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