We've got to know the Word of God. That is our absolute stability. That is our offensive weapon against the kingdom of darkness.
- Beth Moore

Modern Proverbs
The Kingdom of God is a quantum enigma. Seen and not seen. Here and not yet. Wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove. Spiritual in nature yet social in outreach. Aggressive in expansion, both within and without, yet seeded with the blood and tears of the persecuted and martyrs.
For these reasons and more, the Kingdom is remains misunderstood and overlooked. Primarily for a lack of good representation. Given societies pleasures and distractions, temptations and deceptions, modern Christianity is long settled into the comfort of worldly routines. Against Scripture's repeated admonition we've become a "kingdom" of civilians rather than soldiers. Shoppers rather than farmers. Spectators rather than athletes. This must all change. Quickly, deeply and irrevocably or things will continue going from bad to worse, until ending badly for us all:
- "It’s judgment time for God’s own family. We’re first in line. If it starts with us, think what it’s going to be like for those who refuse God’s Message! If good people barely make it, What’s in store for the bad?" 1 Peter 4:17-18 MSG
The Kingdom
Modern Proverbs
by Robert R. Pennington
Prayer is not an end, but a a means to an end.
Many give and some are lauded but tis' the widow's mite Christ applauded.
Having little, it may be easier to give All. Parting with much seems to be much harder.
Grace is mercy maturing into love's slavery rather than degenerating into freedom's license.
Washing His disciples feet, Jesus emphasis the crossbeams of our vertical relationship and devotion to God and our horizontal responsibility and devotion to one another. To the extent we follow His example the void of Christ's absence is filled and God's goodness is testified to the world.
Meekness is Greatness + Calculated Weakness.
Isn't the Kingdom of Heaven like a target with concentric rings? One needs continual inspiration (in-spiriting) to perceive greater reduction levels and a willingness to decrease (Grk-Kenosis) to draw nearer the "bulls-eye."
Discipleship descends into maturity through decreasing filters of service... One example would be:
As we withdraw and reinvest misappropriated energies, God brings us more fully into the present moment. As we tune in and travail in spirit, God, transcendent beyond time and space, reveals worlds around us.
So much loss in life. Yet in the Kingdom their is hope through reciprocity that those things sacrificed before God are not lost in vain but rather invested.
In the Kingdom promotion often looks like demotion or even rejection.
Are the best joys immediately enjoyable?
The Kingdom may be less about what you know than Who you know and Who knows you.
All mankind seeks God, half unaware and half unsuccessfully. All the Church seeks God, half ignorant as to why and half as to how.
The spirit of the prophet may be subject to (profit) the prophet, but the Truth and its ramifications, is not.
Heaven's Kingdom never advances as might be imagined. Mighty Egypt shattered by the Exodus yet Israel doomed to walk and fall in Sinai. Canna's evil nations uprooted while God's own are quickly judged for learning their ways. Elijah's flight in fear and despair on the heals of Carmel's heavenly fire and rain. The cries of Jews for the Conquering King become "we have no king but Caesar" as the Church of their day martyrs the Suffering Servant. Disciples betraying and deserting Jesus set aflame at Pentecost as pillars of Holy Ghost power. Saul the chief of sinners transformed into the great Apostle. Jews rejecting and Gentiles embracing the resurrected Christ. The persecution and martyrdom of tens of thousands of Christians conquering and converting Rome. And finally the global rise of Christianity only to see that gained in quantity lost in quality and that now for the better part of two millenniums"
In both the Kingdom and the world even great genius may go unrewarded or even be punished. A fact offering little real time comfort seeing the opposite is often true of the foolish and heretical.
It may be the squeaky wheel that gets the grease but it's the quiet, resilient rubber that meets the road.
The lack of genuine progress with understanding God, experiencing the miraculous and forwarding the Kingdom should have been as unacceptable for the Church as ignorance was for science, medicine and technology.
If the cup is half empty then it's half full, but of what and to what end?
Christ, from incarnation to ascension, not only disarmed principalities and powers, making a public spectacle of them, but is the consummate Character Witness for the defense of God's nature, called into question by the Fall. In doing so, Jesus introduces a new luminescence, "Kingdom Light."
Kingdom Light, "does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you." Like modern "glow sticks" who's brilliance is the chemical reaction of breaking and shaking, so Kingdom Light is the spiritual reaction of the Holy Spirit breaking and shaking the penitent believer. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”
Knowing "All that is necessary for evil to flourish is that good men do nothing" Christ's commands to Revelation's seven churches, are replete with complaints, compliments, advice, warnings and rewards.
“To worship God and enjoy Him forever” is good as far as it goes, though I would replace “worship Him” with “know Him.” All who know Him worship Him but is the reverse true?
How many of us blind beggars, receiving mud eyes (the Scriptures), have yet to obey, washing in the Pool of Siloam or "Sent"" (Service)? Isn't this the Laodicean condition? "If the blind lead the blind both will fall into a ditch."
Discipleship: In the Body of Christ what is not digested is eliminated.
Is “Peace, Peace when their is no peace” the cry of altruistic humanitarians or summertime soldiers?
Medically, a positive attitude may somewhat aid recovery after cancer surgery but few doctors would prescribe "happy thoughts" alone. How wise a treatment of sin is the Gospel of Positivism.
Moses, more so than all of the OT and Paul, his equal in the NT had experienced God's GLORY! Interestingly, both were willing to forever separated from it to bring their lost brothers near. What are we willing to give?
Earthly Soldiers, even when they Win they can Loose. Spiritual Soldiers Win even when they Loose. Odd there should be so Many enlist of the Former and so few of the Latter. Hebrews 11:32-40
Civilians, when faced with overwhelming odds, find excuses. Soldiers train to find solutions, having adopted the lifestyle that their lives are not their own. “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.” 1 Corinthians 6:19
Given our propensity for Sin, being a Saint seems out of the question...but being a Soldier may answer the dilemma.
Paul was a walking mass of Scars for the Kingdoms sake. How few Western Christians, found of quoting him, have even a callous for Christ's sake?
If Paul were alive today, ministering within the U.S., would he have fewer or no scars or as many or more?
Biblically, from cover to cover the theme of war pervades. Indeed, since Lucifer's rebellion to Adam's fall until the Great White Throne Judgment, the Heavens and Earth are at War. Adam's children are hostile hostages while most of God's dodge the draft. Many object to this analogy citing others like the shepherd, farmer or athlete. One thing certain, threaten a shepherds sheep, farmers crops or an athletes team and you'll find them soldiers ready enough.
Good shepherds, wise farmers and wining athletes share a soldier's commitment, ALL.
In the West, has the bride of Christ, in particular the clergy, so insulted the nature of her Groom, as to become repugnant to Him? Having repeatedly refused His Word's place in our homes and churches we've become Biblically illiterate. Today most the laity are unable to quote even 5 verses in a row (outside the Lord's prayer and Ps 23) when only yesterday we learned to read from the Scriptures. And the clergy permit this for vocation sake. Few are the ministers who daily wrestle in prayer over this fact, or in fact, any other.
Often, after great effort, a certain fields may not yield to Our labor yet we find ourselves reaping from other fields we've not sown. Later, another will reap what we've sown and all will rejoice together.
Some claim laughter is the best medicine. Many Bible passages prescribe a different treatment. Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously? But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble. Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. James 4:4-10
How has seeing Creation more clearly blinded us to God's glory?
"Appropriate Response" is the foundation of our faith in, relationship with, and salvation by God.
Incredibly, our eyes shut fast against even the glory of God reflected in the Scriptures. As with riches, so too with righteousness, I fear a very small percentage of Christians tithe.
Telling that Western theology regards OT law as passé with the one exception of tithing, a concept never taught in the NT with the one exception of Jesus speaking to Jews under temple tax obligations.
How aught one to look and/or feel after an hour or two of prayer to the Most High God? Spent, Revived or both?
In the Cosmic battle for Earth, only one scenario is more disastrous than the Church as Blind Soldiers. Blind soldiers claiming to be visionaries.
What havoc Jefferson unleash supplanting three little words, "Pursuit of Happiness?"
Join the most powerful beings by being unseen.
Standing on one or two verses raises the question what all the other verses are for.
While man ever more rapidly tastes of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil is he consuming it or vice versa. "My sheep know my voice..." "See to it you don't resist him who speaks from heaven..."
The Entire New and Old Testament can be seen as instructions and examples of maturity. This is odd given the modern Church's preoccupation with conversion.
Within the Epistles, for every verse about evangelism there are a hundred about discipleship.
If we absorb everything the Lord tells us will He tell us everything? "I no longer call you servants but friends..."
Heavenly significance isn't weighed by the pound. Two examples: Abraham's seed as grains of sand and mustard seed faith.
When at sea by His command, with roaring waves on every hand; and Jesus left back on land, on still water may you may stand!
Abraham, "the Father of the Faith" works no great miracle, leads no great people and leaves us no great prophecies having not penned a single Biblical Book. Yet God honors him as highly or more so than any man. Why? His legacy was his family and a single son and of him God says, "shall I hide from my servant Abraham that which I'm about to do? ...No, for I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord."
In this flooded closed system, as vast, foreign and unforgiving as the sea, tossed to and fro in a tempest of wrong choices, man struggles for life against shark and fellow men drowning in the global deluge. Christ's kingdom, like Cousteau's aqua lung, transforms his flailing into underwater flying by supplying man with heavenly air, and by regulating the pressure so the deeper the dive the merrier. Thus life in the Spirit is superior in every way to the former copper helmets and lead soled boots of the law.
Being dualistic beings, might God deal with us dualistically?
Christ demands we give to all who ask, especially to those who can't repay. Who are these? Are they those who can forward our careers in even the smallest way or those whom, by our serving, make us a leader? Might these rather be those whom can not only never repay but even damage our 'reputation' while we serve them?
What power forces billions of gallons of irrigation water through thousands of miles of canal systems? A slight decreasing incline and usage... Might this be a Kingdom principle?
If you want God's best it's best to know what He wants.
God's oath to Abraham, the Father of Faith, was that his descendants should be as the stars of the heavens and the sand of the sea... Many, like myself, have longed to be Stars, but I have found being a grain of sand safer and a better fit. Lowly though sand is, it has recommendable traits. Not the least of which is its pursuit of every crack and crevice.
Many are called yet few are chosen... Why? Perhaps because too few Choose to Answer His Call.
How great the difference between God using us and our using God.
Some, possessing a genuine kind of holiness, fall to pride failing in omission and commission by neglecting some of the weightier aspects of God's Love (swallowing camels...). Others of us, possessing a genuine kind of compassion, fall to sloth, failing in commission and omission by neglecting obedience to the jot and tittle of God's Law thereby choking on swarms of gnats...
Shouldn't a church be like old forest timber, crowded above ground with stands of trees; tall and noble, ancient and gnarled, and saplings vulnerable and supple with a root system below ground equally exhaustive?
Edison, America's greatest inventor, proved the formula for genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Might this hold true for holiness?
Might our obedience to Jesus' challenge to his disciples to leave the 99 and seek out the lost 1, be a key to unlock the door of our souls, allowing the Savior entrance to "seek and save that which is lost" within us? Wouldn't this truly be a, "ministry of reconciliation" the scriptures speak of?
How do we obey Christ's mandate to wisely leave the 99 to bring back the 1 lost? Particularly since today the stats suggest that 99 of 100 may be lost exemplified in our losing 91% of churched kids by college graduation? As to youth, wouldn't we need to go where they are, or send trained and equipped youth to capture their attention powerfully? Should we return with 1 or 2 or demand quality and quantity?
"This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent." Sounds simple enough yet, "who has believed our report?" The Jews rejected a miracle working Suffering Messiah who's life and death were contrary to their understandable if misinterpreted hopes in a Conquering King. Western Christianity denies the judgment of the immanent Conquering King by misinterpreting the life and death of the Suffering Messiah we claim as savior.
Who truly understands a persons thoughts but those he reveals them to deeply and constantly. We presume familiarity with a face, recognizing a voice, shaking hands, enjoying conversations and even cooperation in joint endeavors proves more than it does. Might such presuming strain relationships, even past the breaking point? ""For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God."
How do eagles fly? By nature, by stature, by wisdom. To Soar they must work to attain elevation. Having gained altitude in the heavens they simply navigate it's thermals. Might Christians be so wise.
How effortless and beautiful prayer in general and devotional tongues in particular. At work, rest or play the Spirit seems anxious to join us in unintelligible words of praise and requests. Little wonder Paul, in a rare disclosure of his private life declares he prayed so more than others. Yet how few, even among charismatic follow Paul's example. Why? Because our carnal minds can hardly believe something so simple might profoundly shape destiny, both temporal and eternal.
When Asians pray in tongues does it sound like English?
Who specializes in understanding the origin, condition and destination of man? The corporate world's advances are miraculous. Technology is reshaping life's landscape while the church flails to maintain even status quo. Notwithstanding the inherent difficulties eternal subjects present, their challenges are hardly insurmountable by those who split atoms. Uncanny that scientific reason has quarantined exploring human existence's' cause and purpose just when technology's provided a worthy looking glass.
What's it mean that the occasion of John the Baptist's imprisonment and martyrdom was Not his proclaiming the coming Kingdom or even his anointing Christ as its King. Rather, it was his preaching holiness by condemning Herod's immorality that brought his persecution.
Central to Catholicism, the Mass has at it's heart communion, exalted by an expectation of experiencing the person of Christ in eating His flesh and drinking His blood. For Protestants, the heart of a Sunday Worship Service is Worship, exalted by an expectation of experiencing the person of Christ as He inhabits the praises of His people.
If the Kingdom's law of reciprocity is namely, "to the measure you give you get," does this bode well for the Church of the West? 1st Century believers gave much and dearly, from bucking millennia of religious, social and political norms to alienation, persecution and worse. 21st Century easy believeism on the other hand...?
Give up physical food and receive heavenly; meal for meal, day for day. Relinquish man's thoughts and ideals, the same. How about a word and/or deed fast? What of two or three of the above, and for an extended period? A day, week, season or lifetime?
Too busy serving to do more? Care too much to do anything less? Anxious over personal and corporate sin? Laboring to enter God's Rest? The doorway's right before you! Praying and studying but can't shift gears? Sure you can! The gear shift's in your hand. Simply fast. When it comes to fasting (or better, ""slowing"") interior time decelerates while your productivity will increase. Working through lunch an extra hour a day on a 40 day fast yields an extra 40 hours of production (that's a whole work week!) Seven days is a good start. Seem undoable? Perfect, that's the point! Attempting less will yield far less measurable results, spiritually as physically). Two weeks is twice as good, etc... Liquid fasts are great! Enough nutrients and energy to create an even healthier body while enough denial (remember at least a week) to impress yourself, others and God. Why yourself? To loose sins and encourage you to the next level. Why others? Same reasons. Why God? Given the state of the World and the Western Church (hardly different) today, even God could use some cheering up!
Wrestling with sin; within, around and above, Isaiah 58 is a fasting triple-threat! Equal parts prayer, self denial and giving. In fact, doesn't Christ command this very? ""When you pray..." "When you fast..." "When you serve the poor..." Why not do all 3 at once, as a lifestyle! This fasting too few Christians understand. Mother Theresa had it. Throw yourself into the greatest need you can find (how about the abortion issue) by prayer, fasting and ALL out Service. Make an impressive commitment, to go (2/3rds of God is go!) ALL out for Life. Impressive faith impresses even God. Rom 14:17-18 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men."
Two weeks into a triple 40 day fast, a few minutes of silence yielded so many kind and unusual considerations I marveled at neglecting such valuable gifts as Self-denial and Quiet listening.
Biblical typology is too great a brain-drain for most. Yet consider this. A fool can slowly die of thirst, while eating snow, rather than going to the trouble to melt it and drink it's life giving water.
Second only to the Gospels, and perhaps Revelation's prophecies, for the Protestant, the epistle of James should hold an elevated place above all the cannon of scripture. Believed penned by Christ's half brother, James' familial and decades long relationship with Jesus adds clarity and certainty to his insights. The Apostles appreciating this qualification recognized him head of the burgeoning church in Jerusalem and perhaps worldwide. Such preference is evidenced by the council decision in Acts 15. With all the New Testament authors assembled, after Paul's complaint, Peter opens deliberations while James renders the verdict: And after they had become silent, James answered, saying, "Men and brethren, listen to me: Simon has declared how God at the first visited the Gentiles to take out of them a people for His name. And with this the words of the prophets agree...Therefore I judge that we should not trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God, but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood.
Is God's loving response for us conditional, based on ours for others? Many Scriptures say as much. From unforgiveness, to the Good Samaritan to the Judgment of the Sheep and Goats, the warning is constant. So what will be our end when trouble, distress and/or destruction comes? Shall we not reap what we have sown? Have we not spoken loudly for the forsaken? Who will speak for us... Have we merely spoken words? Mere words we shall have... Have we sang songs? Songs we be ours... Given a little? Little we shall receive... Have we ignored the silent screams of a billion aborted babies, often even our own? May HE not ignore our tortured cries, both in this life and the next?
Hebrews 5 ends by admonishing believers toward maturity by exercising spiritual judgment. Just as the state licenses a physician to practice medicine, so God requires a Christian to leave off milk and learn to chew meat, no longer being babes, having joined those who, "by practice learn to discern good and evil." This occasions a few question. First, what is meat? By context and implication the Author clearly means typology. Sandwiching His discourse on maturity before and after with insights from the typology of Melchezidek. Further, chapter 6 opens delineating a surprising list of cherished meat dishes, main courses in the best denominations, relegated as milky ""elementary principles"". Might a lack of ""chewing the meat"" of typology and discovering it's modern implications account for today's Christian immaturity? 1 Cor. 10:11-12 seems to agree, "Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall."
Might Christians be sued for Malpractice? If so, when, why and by whom?
How many 21st century Christians are dying from, paralyzed by, or largely incapacitated having gone into, "Spiritual Shock?" Driven so by immersion in our modern world gone, "Morally Mad," their condition often worsened by malpractice as in apathy, churchianity dispenses Band-Aids and aspirin for Cancers, STD's and Germ Warfare.
How often I've been, "Radiated" by the Holy Spirit and received the "Chemotherapy" of prayer. Varying with circumstances and participants, perhaps a tenth of the prayer meetings I've attended have effected me so. Owing to the Light waves of God's holiness and our spiritual condition, an uneasy warmth has often flushed my spirit. Over the years I've, with some practice I've come to appreciate these moments without needing to completely understand them.
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights.."" Why does James use the qualifiers, ""good And perfect""? Does the Devil bless?
Did Jesus denounce the Pharisees' doctrine or deeds? "Now Jesus turned to address his disciples, along with the crowd that had gathered with them. 'The religion scholars and Pharisees are competent teachers in God's Law. You won't go wrong in following their teachings on Moses. But be careful about following them. They talk a good line, but they don't live it. They don't take it into their hearts and live it out in their behavior. It's all spit-and- polish veneer.'"" Matthew 23 seems pretty clear their condemnation stemmed from their practices. What then of "modern Christians?" Are our deeds more righteous than theirs? Did they abort half their offspring, divorce half their spouses. Where they, through technology, surrounded with the equivalent of thousands of personal servants that they might squander their free time and money watching ten's of thousands of hours of TV, video's and movies. Did they devote themselves to pray and fasting, or did they as we, pray a minute or two a day? Ironically we, above all other generations, boldly claim the righteousness of Christ having less than even that of the Pharisees who condemned Him...
With the exception of Christ, who demonstrated more passionate patience than Paul the Apostle?
From Acts' Jerusalem council the Gentile believers are handed only 4 commands from the entire law and the prophets. Why? To use their freedom as an occasion of the flesh or to have both hands free to take up their cross and follow Christ?
If Christianity is primarily a civilian affair, a family stroll, a pleasure cruise or even an art form one must wonder at it's bloody beginnings, history and future.
Prudently dispassionate or Passionately imprudent... Are more than 1 in 10,000 prudent and passionate?
Moses, on dry ground, led Israel through the Red Sea into the heart of Sinai... but Christ the Church, through the Sea of Sin, into the heart of Divinity.
Love's liberty enslaves, hence, "Paul, a bond slave..." John, Patmos' prisoner and Peter crucified upside down. How will our epitaph read?
Paul, in light of his hundreds of scars and impending martyrdom, revels in Roman's first chapter a miraculous joy for the welfare of others.
A modern denomination has reshaped Western culture by rebuilding the family alter. Their ideology permeates and indoctrinates every facet of 21st century life. By cunning, commitment and craft they've torn down the dividing wall between rich and poor, influential and unknown, and young and old as well. No subject is taboo, and their ethics are embraced in every arena from politics to the bedroom. Crossing every national and ethnic boarder, their modern evangelists have made one congregation of atheists and agnostics, religious and pagan... Who has captured such unprecedented market share? Their names are ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Cable, etc...
How true Worldly sorrow KILLS. A billion aborted, hundreds of millions destroyed by war, tens of millions purposely starved, not to mention drugs, suicide, self inflicted aids, cancers and the like. For all of these, Godly sorrow could have meant LIFE.
What nation ever had so many giant poles criss-crossing its landscape yet so continually neglected their reminder of the opportunity for communication and power brought us by a Cross.
Western Christianity claims we worship to bless the Lord. What blesses Him, songs of sinners singing like saints or groans from us who know we ain't? "I hate, I despise your feast days, And I do not savor your sacred assemblies. Though you offer Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings, I will not accept them, Nor will I regard your fattened peace offerings. Take away from Me the noise of your songs, For I will not hear the melody of your stringed instruments. But let justice run down like water, And righteousness like a mighty stream. Amos 5:21-24 "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double- minded. Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up." James 4:7-10
"Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so" may be implicitly true but is explicitly incorrect except in as much as "I" am reflected in "the world" God so loved or the Scriptures various use of "we" and/or "us."
The statement, "Jesus would have died for you (or me) if you were the only person on earth is not scriptural. Wether He would have or not is a moot point since their are billions of us, but as an exercise in logic and theology it's intriguing. Though I may drive on a freeway in traffic or alone, this hardly proves Cal-Trans would have built it just for me.
Yesterday's "Home Entertainment System" was a crackling fire... Considering our generation's sexual revolution, staggering divorce rate, skyrocketing materialism, not to mention the holocaust of abortion, perhaps our upgrade's proven too expensive.
"The promises of God are yes and amen in Christ...yet: "Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong". 2 Cor. 12:9-10 In this glimpse into Paul's life, we notice the Lord never denies his petition rather reminding His supply far exceeded the Apostle's repeated demand. This is not a "no" or "wait.” God's Grace, like a nuclear energy, was already at work mutating the chief of sinners into the greatest Apostle.
If prayer is walking towards God fasting is running.
Jesus' comment, "I have food you know not of" suggests fasting may be the better feasting.
Man Must wait for God's weight (of Glory)!
In feeding the 5,000 Jesus blesses, breaks, serves, multiplies and gathers the fish and loaves. Is it the same today?
Meekness is an atmosphere of Forgiving rather than "Forfending."
Paul foretells the Age of the Gentiles, and Jesus declared, "new wine requires new wineskins." Yet both as Jews so yearned for the salvation of Israel they laid down their very souls as offerings. Did Constantine, in his zeal for Rome's conversion, receive a mandate from God to mingle Christian and pagan holidays, ignore the Sabbath (a continual commandment), etc.? Did this Heathenism of the faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as declared by Jesus, Peter and Paul, make Christianity "Anathema" to the very culture that birthed and nursed it? Indisputably God has used the Gentile church but so too He repeatedly used sinful empires to judge Israel. Being wild branches grafted in, should we have presumptuously changed times and laws or humbly passed our sojourn, the Gentile Age, working out our salvation in, "fear and trembling?"
How many live in emotionally dangerous surroundings, masking dozens of fears a hundred ways. Are our spirits, souls and hearts open or closed? Can we have holiness without wholeness? Jesus foremost, Peter and Paul as well, endured being fillet body and soul without recanting. How could they do otherwise being as integrated as they were?
Of the twelve, Jesus lost only one, Judas the son of perdition as the scriptures foretold. Given the level of betrayal by his modern day disciples, also forewarned by Him, one wonders if the percentage might not be reversed. "When the son of man returns will He find faith on the earth?" Parable of the 10 Virgins
2 Peter 1:1-13 seems a great prescription for integration. Curiously is also the only scripture I remember exactly where I was the first time I read it.
The Lord sends Paul to be a Witness in the Capitol cities of "the Church" and of "the World." Acts 23:11 “Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome." Odd that Paul need such a Worldly bodyguard to protect him from the Church of his Day. Acts 23:23 “And he called for two centurions, saying, Prepare two hundred soldiers, seventy horsemen, and two hundred spearmen to go to Caesarea at the third hour of the night; and provide mounts to set Paul on, and bring him safely to Felix the governor."
Though "anointed with the oil of gladness above his brothers" the only NT reference to Christ laughing was in his commending the Father's entrusting his kingdom's fate into the hands of babes rather than “wise and prudent." I often wonder if He’s still laughing?
Look for a reason to discredit either the person or work of God and plenty shall appear, with One exception and Him crucified.
In our current condition, how Subtly discerned even the most Brilliant Truth. We live beneath a canopy of a Trillion Trillion twinkling Stars, the least a Trillion Trillion times more enormous, brilliant, powerful and ancient than man! Does He place such Awesome Glory as testimony of our insignificance or is such a Glorious backdrop merely a subtle witness of His Lavish Love longing to be Revealed? Either, neither or Both?
If Wisdom is astute knowledge appropriately applied I have personally known only One remotely Wise man...and he, by his own admission, became so largely against his own will. Only to succumb to ruinous foolishness a few years latter.
Adam's curse denies us the Fruit of the Tree of Life, now guarded by an angel's flaming sword. Christ offers us the Fruit of a cursed tree, His Cross of Life, now heralded by the Spirit's flaming Tongues.
If those having to their credit speaking in the tongues of angels, the moving of mountains, the bestowing to the poor their possessions, martyrdom... have nothing without love, what of we who lack all the above.
Might the Lord, like many husbands, look for beauty (of holiness) as well as virtue (good deeds) before fully embracing his beloved?
An answer to higher criticism is the unfolding of the Book of Revelation. Today, "all God's people" can be prophets or at least prophetic Christians using Prophetic Witnessing.
The #1 read devotional, "My Utmost for His Highest" may have been well title for Oswald Chambers. Given today's average of 5-10 minutes of devotion and even worse record of obedience the title, "The least I can do" might be more honest. In fact, were the Western Church to actually Do the the least it should, on behalf of the least of His Brethren, it wouldn't that be a vast improvement!
Three Days of Observance for able body Jews in Christ's Day were Passover, Pentecost & Yom Kippur. Three Days of Celebration for the Church are Christmas, (when the Father So Loved the World...) Easter (when the Son became Sin that we may become the Righteousness of Christ...) and Pentecost (when the Spirit came to Tabernacle in Us, through the Church, to Save the World that God so Loved...)
Hebrew, the language meant to fill the Earth with Truth, was nearly lost, as Israel squandered its Blessings, continually loosing sight of God's command to be a Light to the Whole Earth! Shall English, the language presently filling the Earth, fare better or worse?
As with Children to good parents so with Christians to God; not in demanding our rights do we find them but rather in strengthening our relationship.
A Mormon high schooler attends 1 hour of Religious Institute before every school day. Add to this another 3-5 hours of church, youth meetings and Family Home Evening weekly. Neither drinking Caffeine or Coke, they abound in community service. Additionally, 40% of LDS young men also serve 2 years as missionaries! Compare that to the average Catholic or Protestant youths Christian education and commitment...
Perhaps you've appreciated the manifold wisdom of the Bible's authors. Second to this marvel is their extreme succinctness. So few their words, wether writers or orators.
Compare the sliver of work left by the minor or major prophet, Moses, David, Solomon or even Paul with the Volumes of thousands of even their moderately prolific colleagues.
We are the light of the World unfortunately explains much.
Developing Pascal's thought there are only two sorts of people; the free who make slaves of themselves and the converse.
Should the Church be led by novices (in the whole Gospel record) who may mature? Hebrews 5 meat
Perhaps understandably, the Jews, enslaved by Roman oppression, rejected Jesus fearing His intent to leave their social situation unchanged. Ironically, Western Christianity, enslaved by sins oppression rejects Jesus' Lordship fearing His demands on our lifestyle.
If sorrow makes a heavy heart, Oh the weight of God's.
Some suggest Christ's true disciples will refuse to fellowship with many for reasons of doctrinal purity. Sympathetic, I understand the need to rightly divide the word of truth and contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints. Yet, considering today's deception level and it's metastasizing, more radical and inclusive measures may be warranted.
Paul, who penned the doctrines we would protect, built bridges to the gentiles even using their abhorrent polytheism to persuade ever so gently (Mars Hill). Observant Jews, those stumbling in the Light while hiding it from others, were continually berated by Jesus and Paul.
We ought to be not only salt but sugar. "You catch more flies…" "All things to all men…" Perhaps "Sweet & Low."
Balance was the hearsay of the 90's, says Dr. Gordon Mc Fee. What is Biblical balance? If our purpose here is to Plant, Water and Reap for His Kingdom, then the sickle must swing. Balance lay in the skill of the reapers hands.
For those accustomed to being theologically challenged and doctrinally stretched by the Holy Ghost there is awful delight when He brings such opportunity. The phrase, ""Here we Grow again"" might more aptly be rendered, "Here we Groan again."
The mantra of tolerance indeed is the gatekeeper on the path of enlightenment, but of Koinonia, not ethics or morality.
In C. S. Lewis' "That Hideous Strength" he suggests that certain levels of Submission though elective, as in the case of a woman who chooses not to marry, are not license but the Freedom to re-invest ones will to a higher authority in a more radical way. "Let not many be masters..."
Most "deliverances" by American Christians are attempts to circumvent the pain of deep repentance, ie chewing carpet 100's of hours, carrying our cross and therefore excuses for disobedience. The same may be said for many excesses in other pursuits: psychology, charismania, traditions etc...
While developing humility the practice of condescension seems wise. In the same way, transparency, to at least oneself, is important while striving towards holiness.
It may be that, "a man's gift makes room for him" but more often it's a lack of room that make a man a gift.
Given his past, well could Paul extol Love above all the virtues of Godliness. '...if I have not love it profit me nothing'.
During the Exodus (and only at this time) the Israelites enjoyed "Divine Health" with "not a feeble man among them" yet God judged them for their sins (far less than our own) by destroying them by the millions. "These things happened as examples to us upon whom the end of the world has come."
From Eve's deception to evolution without intelligent design, Satan's most cunning temptations have targeted intellectual rather than moral sin. As if illustrating the fact, Jesus promises the Spirit will, 'lead into all truth', 'bring all things to our remembrance and speak the words of our Father through us.
Do rhyming 'key' words a sermon make?
What if God called American Christians to the mission field and because of all the blessings he had heaped on them, (equivalent of 1,000 personal slaves) we refused to go. So, to reach the world anyway, what if God brought millions of immigrants to America, to the very doorstep of the church and all the best ones raised money, even hired professional fundraisers, so they could moved to higher class neighborhoods and get away from all the foreigners and the poor?
If one needs a friend children are always around and ready.
In the heat of battle, physical, spiritual or both, aren't we all either soldiers, prisoners or casualties of war?
A significant sign we languish under a spirit of confusion is the church's "pride" over ignorance of that which we're commanded to be knowledgeable of (eschatology) while knowing all about that which we aught be ignorant of (evil).
Attending church doesn’t make you a part of the Church. We don’t stuff steaks into salt shakers.
Jesus, as the Suffering Servant, surprised Jews and Devils alike by exchanging the Glory of Divinity for the Humility of Humanity while delivering the secret of the keys of the Kingdom (carrying a cross) to those willing to be discipled by Him. Yet how few grasp this priceless gift of "inside information." So few endure and learn to obey. So few pay the price to follow the Lord's example of reduction, His lifestyle of Martyrdom and His commands to serve others.
If the assemblies we're not to forsake, all the more as we see the Day approaching, are the Spring and Fall Feasts of the Lord how will we explain ignoring and usurping them with the birth dates of Zeus on Dec. 25th, Ishtar's egg laying rabbit on Easter and the weekly Sabbath with SUNday worship?
George Muller, "The Apostle of Faith" noted the Lord may not answer our prayers in a single day because He so enjoys hearing our voice..."
Don't we rush to proclaim God's word among believers rather than the marketplace were we might inure cost? Don't we often prefer public prayer among believers over our private prayer closets?
“In Him we move and have our being.” Prayer is the rarified air Christian's breath yet how often we spend days, weeks, months, years, decades and even lifetimes turning blue with holding our breath?
Imagine Mary's heart's progression from enunciation to the Cross, from Christ's ascension to Pentecost.
Are we, like Mary, willing to quake with weakness to be clothed with strength?
At Passover, 3 million Hebrews renounced Egypt, walking away alive, healthy and wealthy, only to wander the wilderness the rest of their lives and die condemned by God, in wilderness of Sin, . At Communion, 6 billion are invited to renounce this World, walking away dead to self and temptation, to be led by the Spirit into a life of Sabbath rest, justified by God, dead to sin.
With so many who come and go in the Western Church, do we need to add a 6th gift of the Spirit, "Tracker" to the "5 fold ministry" or is this a primary duty of the Pastors or Shepard's? Doesn't Jesus require this when He asks, "Which of you have 100 sheep and having lost 1, would not leave the 99 and go seek the 1?"
"Equipping the saints for the work of the ministry" is NOT Biblically the job description of Pastors. It's the work of Christ's Spirit through the 5 gifts of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers. So what might a Pastor's job description be?
First the Patriarchs, then the Prophets, then Apostles... What might He give next?
The 1st century Eastern church met frequently, giving heed to the Apostle's doctrine. The 21st century Western church meets infrequently to hear a pastor's message. Is there any similarity?
Why aren't churches like Gyms? Where's the circuit and "Cross" training? Where's the cardio rooms, the free weights, the lap pools, steam and dry saunas? Where are those addicted to dripping sweat, benching with spotters who live to "pump iron?"
Which is better; doing the right thing for the wrong reason or doing the wrong thing for the right reason? Are either acceptable or actually possible? Who would care enough to investigate.
Moses led God's people from Egypt through the wilderness of Sin to Sinai up to the very banks of the Jordan yet Cross(ing) into the promised land was left for Joshua (Yeshua).
When we allow our gift's brightness to bedazzle us or others, who's footsteps are we walking in?
Holiness may have more to do with being separated to: (His Kingdom) than separated from: (the world)! "Whom the Son sets free shall be free indeed!"
Someone has said, "If you would know Humility embrace Humiliation..." It's a hard saying, who can hear it?
The Ten Commandments are gloriously general yet spectacularly specific! Even children easily memorize them yet aren't all the commandments from Moses and the Prophets, to Jesus and the Apostles contained therein?
God paid dearly to invest in us. Do we have His "interest" at heart?
Three great words of advice: ""Don't worry, pray!"" Three great words of recommendation: "Behold he prayeth."
If Moses, Paul and Jesus were willing to suffer Eternal Damnation to save their people. What, 'light and momentary afflictions' are we enduring to that end?
The "problem with pain" is we've so few tasted of the His coming glory, glory to be revealed in us, glory making "these present light afflictions" unworthy to be considered in comparison.
Massive prayer should, like a pyramid's base, support what we build of our lives. Isn't the foolishness of reversing the ratio obvious?
The only hearts and knees that will refuse to bend to Sin, Self, Satan and the spirit of Antichrist are those calloused from bending through the Spirit to Jesus Christ.
Isn't the best place to hide the Truth in plain view, while discrediting it? What if hid within each sect of the church (1,000 as of today) were 'a truth' missing in the others? What if each stalk of precious wheat were hedged about with tares? How few there would be indeed who would 'find' the narrow Way to Life!
As for Righteousness, I'm hoping God rather qualifies the called than calls the qualified.
Adam and Eve, as patriarchs of humanity, was not replaced by God because in dominion he'd been given the right to make wrong choices.
How is it the counterfeit is often more real than the genuine? Example: Masonic friendships and business dealings.
It's to God's glory not many noble, beautiful or wise are called. To His justice that He has chosen the poor to be rich in faith.
Between heaven and earth is an often frustrating "time delay." Almost all regard this as the principal evidence there is no God, or at least none with whom we currently have to do. Jews and Christians may suspect a fortunate few from the annuls of Biblical history moved and/or were moved by Him. Yet, from the lack of substantial effort invested and effect of our faith, it seems clear even "believers" hardly believe."
That heaven's time delay can be accounted for by both scripture, "a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day" as well as reason "His thoughts are not our thoughts" hardly suffices when waiting imposes discomfort, pain and even death. Well said Shirley Temple, "an hour is as a thousand years to a hopeful heart.
In God's defense, were He as quick to act as we, certainly the Fall would have been recovered completely in a generation or two. Judgment and/or redemption would not have tarried for millennia any more so than parents on as long a road trip would suffer incessant choruses of ""are we there yet"" every second from rebellious and violent children.
God's long suffering is seen not only in quantity as metered to billions of individuals and measured in lifetimes, generations, epochs... but also it's quality. Should I have been as wronged by a rebellious creation, I may well have wrought a redemption at far less cost to myself. That is, unless I had additional objectives in mind. Though rarely spoken of, Jesus seems to indicate there may have been a less costlier way... Then they came to a place which was named Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples, “Sit here while I pray."" And He took Peter, James, and John with Him, and He began to be troubled and deeply distressed. Then He said to them, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch.” He went a little farther, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass from Him. And He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will. Mark 14:32-36
What then is a Christian? One who loves mercy (which triumphs over judgment) enough to serve Christ when and where the need is greatest (Sheep and Goats/Luther on battlefield). New Testament: Two great commandments. Old Testament: Do justly, love mercy and walk humbly.
Serving Christ can be like military service. The test comes when your tour of duty is up. Do you re-enlist? A greater question still is what's to be done when most of the army is either incompetent or AWOL?
God's words acts like a sharp two edged sword in a variety of aspects. One way it discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart is the manner in which it is or isn't employed. This includes which scriptures are prayed and/or obeyed, by whom, how, when and why. Seen in this light our very prayers or lack thereof, may serve to accuse and/or excuse us both now and for eternity.
The appearance of progress can be both deceiving and appealing. Thus there is a great deal of difference between that which will work and that which is worthy of trying. Truly the former is the road less traveled.
Wisdom quickly and lovingly discerns between good, better and best. With all too rare exceptions, good is acceptable even when clearly far from good enough. The effects of such lapses in judgment are often devastating and eternal. How crucial and insightful Christ's warning, "Judge with righteous judgment."
Words literally mean things. This is doubly true when describing intangibles and the subjective. Caring enough to be "quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger" and diligently "thinking about our thinking" often proves the difference between advancing or retarding the very Kingdom of God, at least within ourselves and our sphere of influence.
How few captains of industry, science, government or education can be found among the remnant, even when the remnant is worldly. And precious few Christians can be numbered among the more sanctified and fervent remnant of the remnant. Certainly not many noble, mighty or wise... 1 Corinthians explains God's plan to confound the strong by means of the weak. But to what end? Judgment or salvation? Pillars no less than Paul, who pens these words, and Peter agree that Jesus came to save sinners. Would not such a great work profit by the faithful assistance of wise, prudent and resourceful men. Both further declare that God is not willing that ANY should perish but that ALL should come to the knowledge of repentance, salvation and truth. So two questions beg asking. Who has so thwarted His will as to nearly reverse it and how can this damnable trend be reversed?
The instruction to "taste and see that the Lord is good" is both wise and risky. While tackling difficult issues that may call into question God's goodness, experiencing what accompanies or exceeds knowledge is desirable. On the other hand, it may take years and even decades ripe with difficult seasons of disappointment to "eat our full."
In the parable of the sower the word of the Kingdom is likened to seed. But seed hardly resembles the plant, fruit or tree it will become, as pointed out by Christ in the parable of the mustard seed and by Paul in expounding on the glories of resurrected bodies. The good soil, to produce 30, 60 and 100 fold, must yield to a process of growth, allowing roots to spread and its essence to be utilized. Space must be given, much for a large tree. Vast quantities of nutrients must be consumed. Rain water is diverted by limbs and leaves and ground water absorbed by vast root systems.
The dynamic process of "yielding" to the seed of the word of the Kingdom changes everything both below and above ground, implying far more upheaval and obedience that simply saying a sinner's prayer and remembering it once or twice a week.
Christianity's living faith is as far from merely holding fast to a preliminary confession, as a mustard tree is from the tiny seed from which it came.
Imagination can be a beautiful torment. For example, ponder having been one of the 12 Apostles, perhaps even among the 3! What adventure to personally know Christ?
What wonder to watch a perfect, trustworthy God-Man? What an education to hear His words formed by His heart and mind, pronounced by His mouth and breath? To see and hear the nuance in the tone of every syllable amplified by the look in His eye, His hand gestures and body language. To witness Him lead, teaching and interacting with all strata of men., To marvel as He for the 1st, 10th, 100th, or 1,000th time performed miraculous signs and wonders. Healing all the sick, casting out shrieking devils, feeding thousands from an individual meal. Witnessing Him educate illiterate peasants and combating religious rulers one moment while stilling and walking on stormy seas the next. Seeing His face aglow in firelight while being debriefed on a starry night along the sea of Galilee. Truly blessed were those eyes and ears... By comparison who among us is not as Helen Keller.
Divine waist is an interesting concept. While it's largely the responsibility of Christians to be obedient, thankful and productive, God chooses whom to use, how and when. An example may be the Apostle James, the brother of John, one of the son's of thunder. While arguably one of the three best trained Christian to walk the earth, we have no direct contribution from him. The Book of James was not written by him but Jesus' brother. Even about in his martyrdom, we have but a single sentence, unlike Stephen's glorious account.
God's glory often rests upon that which is seems "wasted." The unseen, the unheard, the unknown. From galaxies undiscovered to lonely flowers which blossom to decay on mountain tops, by and for God's glory they are created. The same is even truer for those hidden in prayer closets and ministries faithful to God yet worth'less' to men. Many who are first will be last and vice versa.
The miracles of Jesus and His apostles fill the Gospels and the Book of Acts. These preached the Word with demonstration of God's power. We merely use word, and those more descriptive of doctrine or tradition than Biblical truth. Justifications aside, when there's no show and tell one best think and tell extremely well.
Fear of the future challenges the present and clouds the past.
James commands that in times of trouble the elders of the church should be called. Yet given the deplorable condition of 1st World Christianity one might well wonder what elders of what church? Sadly, this remains largely true even among the eldership what passes for the elect of the elect in modern Churchianity. Take genuine and even life long pro-life activists for example. The vast majority reluctant to the point of refusing to acknowledge the apostasy of the church. While these are likely an island of wise virgins surrounded by a sea of foolish ones, such denial disqualifies the only ones qualified to act as elders in this matter with remarkably few exceptions.
Exactly how, when and to whom is it more blessed to give than to receive?
If Christ is Divine and “the least” are as Christ, then is kissing a baby kissing the face of God? What then of the less attractive things we do to one another?
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