I love you so much that I’m going to hide my existence to the point that I will be indistinguishable from other gods, and if you follow the wrong god, you are going to suffer for eternity.
- Atheism Saying

by Robert R. Pennington
Issues with God can be touchy subjects. Consciously or not we all have them. Whether our unanswered questions, laments and complaints are on our minds and evident in our behavior, or hidden buried in the recesses our soul, they shape our world view and affect the course of our lives. Few have the courage to open such an emotional "can of worms" and honestly examine the deep and universal challenges to faith.
Billions feel trying to understand or relate to Omnity's an impossible assignment and any effort to do is waisted or worse, adding further insult to injury. Others protest God transcends human judgement, placing the subject of disappointment with God out of bounds. Thankfully God continues to extend His gracious offer to all of mankind, "Come let us reason together..."
Issues With God
Interestingly, millions if not billions of the very generation given the greatest reasons to believe in God have relegated their Creator and Savior to mythological status. Even in the face of absolute scientific certainty of God's existence and overwhelming evidence for both intelligent design and the authority of scripture, the reasonableness of faith's fallen into disfavor.
There are several explanations for the mass exodus of belief and obedience to God as revealed in the Bible. The single greatest underlying cause is dissatisfaction and intolerance with Omnity's apparent silence and distance. Further complicating matters is a resurgence of the original sin of entitlement. Ironically, that fact that modern life's filled with unprecedented blessings, the likes of which our ancestors could hardly have dreamt of, seems to actually be hurting rather than helping God's cause.
Taken together, the one-two knock out punch of disillusionment and entitlement has faith reeling if not on the ropes. Modern Christianity has seen holiness and spiritual disciplines plummet. Biblical ignorance to the point of illiteracy is at epidemic proportions even among regular church attenders. The average believer dedicates less than ten minutes a day to serious prayer. Unbelief, immorality and disobedience within the church is quickly becoming the rule rather than the exception.
Truth be told, humanity as a whole has serious and unreconciled issues with God. Believers and unbelievers alike struggle with understanding how Omnity could allow such global poverty and suffering. While the Bible clearly attributes much of earthly woes and the presence of evil to an Evil One, few find such an explanation palatable. Even among Christians, belief in the demonic, Satan and the Holy Spirit is in sharp decline. Fewer still grasp mankind's place in the history of eternity as revealed in scripture. Most today imagine themselves too advanced to accept archaic religious traditions yet in reality only a fraction of a percentage have taken the time to study what it is they're rejecting.
The word amusement literally means not to think (a-not and muse-think). A generation raised on and continually distracted by sophisticated 24/7 amusements is ill prepared to ask and answer life's ultimate questions. Most are content not to try. Yet failing to do so leaves billions shooting from the hip in regards to such issues as the existence and nature of the Creator and creation. The meaning of life and relationship. The role of faith in realizing the kingdom of God on earth. Eternal realities such as Heaven and Hell... Sadly, scripture warns that those failing to address such vital concerns are ill prepared to face the difficulties and trials of life, much less the judgement of eternity.
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