Many mourn for their sins that do not truly repent of them, weep bitterly for them, and yet continue in love and league with them.
- Matthew Henry

Modern Proverbs
While encompassing the Jewish perspective, classical Christianity's handling of repentance expands the concept in much broader detail. In the New Testament, sin not only incorporates actions, but thoughts, words and attitudes.
The Greek word hamartia, translated "sin" 170 times literally means "missing the target." Applicable as an archery term, Christ and His apostles explain fallen human nature itself is in a constant state of sin, or missing the mark of God's holiness and design for man. In layman's terms we are not sinners simply because we sin but rather we sin because we are sinners by fallen nature.
Modern Proverbs
by Robert R. Pennington
Don't we Fear all the wrong things? Fearlessly we:
- Sin continually, claiming Grace
- Live prayerless, claiming Christ as our Personal Savior
- Divide Christ into a 100's of sects, for Doctrinal purity
- Are Biblically illiterate, spouting Scripture's promises
- Abort 1/3 our offspring, claiming family values
These six things the LORD hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
- A proud look: as when demanding a woman's right to choose -to murder her baby...
- A lying tongue: as when denying the sacredness of human life -calling a pre-born an enviable tissue mass...
- Hands that shed innocent blood: as in 50,000,000 US surgical abortions.
- A heart that devises wicked plans: as when a nation makes war on it's own posterity - killing one out of every three...
- Feet that are swift in running to evil: as when advances in technology are adapted to kill humans they were to help - medical industries use of RU486...
- A false witness who speaks lies: as when the Supreme Court rules that delivering nine tenths of a child and vacuuming out its brain is an act of justice and not calculated murder - partial birth abortion...
- And one who sows discord among brethren: as in all the above...
Be merciful and obtain mercy, loving and never stumble.
Biblically, our corporate responsibility is not to gather together as Christians but rather to be Christians who gather together.
Darkness best accentuates minimal light, like showers from flint sparking against a pitch black cave wall.
The nearer the pinnacle of truth the farther to fall.
Conversion into or out of anything has taken me these 3 steps, with due time, in this order:
- Persuasion of my mind
- A winning over of heart
- A yielded and often broken will.
Regarding the silence and distance of God, is it that the human race is “off-line?” Are we disconnected by divine transcendence or demonic influence or simply “out of line” by our stubborn, rude and ridiculous behavior? Regardless, is not the modern 1st World Christian a “castaway” as in the Tom Hanks movie of the same name, from He who can save and provide the perfect object of our affection?
If our body parts judged each other by comparing their strength to the weakness of the others could we function or even survive? Is the body of Christ any different?
Those who've learned to Walk in the Spirit may have done so by learning to walk on their knees.
In light of Western Christianity's order of service, one might conclude Jesus left out the most important Beatitudes:
- Blessed are those who gather in their Sunday best, for they are the kingdom of Heaven.
- Blessed are those who praise convincingly, for they shall be acquitted.
- Blessed are those who preach long and loud, for the kingdom of Heaven is mostly costless words.
- Blessed are you who build great churches with large programs in My name. For so did Israel of old build their temples, (for the sake of their sins I repeatedly destroyed).
One in ten thousand Christians may truly 'walk in the Spirit'. The rest of us walk in the flesh, content to 'step' in the Spirit now and again.
As to Paul's question, “who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” and his blessed lengthy answer I count three important omissions.
- I myself
- Sin
- A definition for who the “us” is
Worthy I AM! I am so unworthy!
Telling that the farther our culture departs from godliness the more time we spend, instruments we employ and the more intricate and intimate the words of our worship...or perhaps it's simply new generations worshiping in a new way...or even both at the same time.
Given the pervasive perversion in man, from greatest to the least, that the HOLY Spirit should invite us to "Come" ranks second in wonder only to the fact that we yet "refuse Him who speaks from Heaven."
Sin sells but Righteousness makes rich.
Evolution, particularly without Intelligent Design, is "making a monkey out of man" but isn't apathy making us the worst sort, those who will, "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil."
"If thy eye be single..." We who study and quote the scriptures speak and act as if we grasped their truth. Given our current conditions one wonders if we even have a finger hold.
80% of adolescents and adults are Lactose intolerant by design, milk being for babes. Conversely, 80% or more Western Christians today are Truth intolerant demanding milk and refusing meat.
"Perfect Love casteth out Fear." Yet how many have discarded the latter before possessing the former? A rocket jettisons its booster only after entering orbit."
I've found Fear twice the motivator of any other. Given the church's preoccupation with other emotions, this may explain why we so often do only half what we ought.
Seeing Western society and even Christianity is sinking in sin, one wonders if we've mistaken Jesus' warning, that our righteousness must exceed the Pharisees, for license? Knowing they fasted twice weekly etc. perhaps its a mistake throwing overboard the rigging and sails of discipline along with the anchor of legalism?
If we can't muster the faith or faithfulness of Revelation 11's Two witness couldn't we at least be as insightful as 2 Kings Chapter 7's two lepers?
In Micaiah's day, 400 lying prophets prophesied Ahab's success culminating in Zedekiah's goring horns. Might today's prophetic horns be named "touchy" and "feely?"
During Eve's Temptation more surprising than Adam's silence was God's. Was His in deference to Adam, it being his to speak? During Today's temptations many wait on God, yet might God be waiting on His church?
When Jesus proclaimed, "If I be lifted up I will draw all men to Me..." was He giving us a command to praise Him with swelling words and music or to obey Him by taking up Our cross Daily?
Lust of the flesh, eyes and mind must be battled on three fronts; above, about and within. 1 John 2:15-17 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.
Seeing man and not God, we covet man's praise. Yet, might we had seen more of God, had we coveted His?
From the Denouncement Christ levels on the church of Laodicea, one wonders if the faith movement's "name it - claim it" emphasis isn't 21st century Laodicea."
Seeing, "Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom" how many believers, assured they're journey for righteousness is over, have even begun?
If you've got a beating heart...act like it.
Election day falls within a week of Halloween. Given the apathetic voting record of the righteous and the evil elections of sinners, I wonder which day Christ finds more insulting?
Most question a Gospel of activism. Being troubled, James 5:13 brought me kneeling to Christ. He sent me to stand up for the least of His brothers.
By experience I've found God speaks more frequently to sinners who trembling are writing down His words, than saints who ain't.
A Solar Eclipse must be safely seen or we risk blindness. Through the Cross the intensity of God's attributes may be safely glimpsed.
Paul declares he'd learned the secret of contentment. Little wonder considering how often he was assailed by heaven and hell, Jew and Gentile. A quiet moment, accompanied by food and shelter, must have seemed quite welcomed.
Many, misreading Paul, purpose to preach nothing but the Cross, though few do so with either his "fear and trembling" or in "Spirit and power." Interestingly, Paul's next words are about further wisdom and his next chapter a harsh rebuke of the immaturity of Corinth.
As to examples of Christian lifestyle, we reject those too Holy as unattainable while crying foul over a sin or two in otherwise Christian men. We seem to neither want our cake nor will we eat it.
Don't we shun and embrace all the wrong fears?
Without daily carrying our cross we cannot be Christ's disciples. Yet who among us has one? For the vast majority of Western Christians our only persecution is self inflicted, coming from counting our blessings and privileges as trials!
Monorails excepted, trains require two tracks. So too Christianity, total love of God and self sacrificial love of man. Should a monorail be excepted, the latter track has encompassed the former. Romans 13:8-10 Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. For the commandments, "You shall not commit adultery," "You shall not murder," "You shall not steal," "You shall not bear false witness,"" ""You shall not covet,"" and if there is any other commandment, are all summed up in this saying, namely, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
How short lived Lazarus' resurrection had he remained wrapped in grave clothes...
The prudent overlook the passionate for the sake of lacking prudence, overlooking they are overlooked as to the Kingdom's sake, for lacking passion.
Jonah 1:1-2 Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, ""Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me."" Unlike Jonah we've been commissioned to cry for, not against, our wicked cities. Like Jonah, we fail and refuse, though for much lesser reasons."
If men are such fools what hope women (2 Cor. 11:3, 1 Tim. 2:13…)
Many note James' warning that the double minded are as unstable as the waves atop wisdom's sea. Few appreciate his more subtle point, that only whole hearted honesty can fathom its depths.
Much of Western Christianity's been taught that God's love (for them regardless of their neighbor) exceeds God's holiness (from them for the sake of their neighbor). Quoting, "God is Love" let us remember the Spirit's first name is "Holy"
Given James' unique qualification and position among epistle writers, perhaps his tenor, insights and instructions warrant more careful consideration. Interestingly, he's far and away the most practical, reducing religious rhetoric and even theology to either an impetus to love in action or a waste of time. James interweaves this theme with that of repentance within the church. With clear and loud instructions he encourages living faith's development and condemns anything less. Might his testimony be most compelling, providing the best glimpse of the nature of Jesus and exposing the precariousness of our own?
The height of a one's reach from Everest's summit compared to the Grand Canyon's floor is a matter of perspective and intent. If one's goal is to touch the Sun (Son) the difference is negligible.
How many prayer meetings are spent squinting for splinters through beam packed eyes?
Scripturally, what separates a convicting from condemning Word? Tone and tenor or timing and response? Consider the Bible's most notorious case: "Ahab son of Omri was king over Israel for twenty-two years. He ruled from Samaria. Ahab son of Omri did even more open evil before GOD than anyone yet-a new champion in evil! It wasn't enough for him to copy the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat; no, he went all out, first by marrying Jezebel daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians, and then by serving and worshiping the god Baal. He built a temple for Baal in Samaria, and then furnished it with an altar for Baal. Worse, he went on and built a shrine to the sacred whore Asherah. He made the GOD of Israel angrier than all the previous kings of Israel put together."" "
During Catholic and Protestant Easter services communion and veneration of the Cross are prevailing themes. Odd that we who eat Christ's flesh and drink His blood also consume by abortion a third to half our own children. Why? For pleasure and connivance, the ultimate refusal to bear anything resembling a cross...
Ever wonder if harsh Words are Condemning Judgment or the most Merciful Conviction? "When Ahab heard what Elijah had to say, he ripped his clothes to shreds, dressed in penitential rough burlap, and fasted. He even slept in coarse burlap pajamas. He tiptoed around, quiet as a mouse. Then GOD spoke to Elijah the Tishbite: "Do you see how penitently submissive Ahab has become to me? Because of his repentance I'll not bring the doom during his lifetime; Ahab's son, though, will get it." Wonder why a just God would treat this murdering blasphemous king so mercifully? Perhaps that He might justly to do the same for we who too are guilty, to a lesser or greater degree...
Such were his crimes. His sentence? Then GOD stepped in and spoke to Elijah the Tishbite, "On your feet; go down and confront Ahab of Samaria, king of Israel. You'll find him in the vineyard of Naboth; he's gone there to claim it as his own. Say this to him: 'GOD's word: What's going on here? First murder, then theft?' Then tell him, 'GOD's verdict: The very spot where the dogs lapped up Naboth's blood, they'll lap up your blood-that's right, your blood.' Ahab answered Elijah, "My enemy! So, you've run me down!" "Yes, I've found you out," said Elijah. ""And because you've bought into the business of evil, defying GOD. 'I will most certainly bring doom upon you, make mincemeat of your descendants, kill off every sorry male wretch who's even remotely connected with the name Ahab. And I'll bring down on you the same fate that fell on Jeroboam son of Nebat and Baasha son of Ahijah-you've made me that angry by making Israel sin.'"As for Jezebel, GOD said, "Dogs will fight over the flesh of Jezebel all over Jezreel. Anyone tainted by Ahab who dies in the city will be eaten by stray dogs; corpses in the country will be eaten by carrion crows." Ahab, pushed by his wife Jezebel and in open defiance of GOD, set an all-time record in making big business of evil. He indulged in outrageous obscenities in the world of idols, copying the Amorites whom GOD had earlier kicked out of Israelite territory."
The Jews having little, in the name of God's Law, killed the Messiah to get more. We Gentiles, having much, are in the name of Christ's Grace killing God's Law (not to mention our children) to get more. Yet, isn't "More" precisely what the judgments of God's Law and the grace of His Son were given to provide? Life over death. Life and more abundantly. Eternal life for all who believe..."What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?"
Without Christ, none shall be justified by the law. In Christ, none shall be justified by lawlessness.
Modern Western Christianity has replaced the angry, vengeful Jehovah with the meek, crucified Jesus. Interestingly, wasn't it Christ who raised Moses' bar of righteousness 10 fold, while increasing sins penalty exponentially by the revelation of eternal wrath in the torments of hell.
From Blessing to Cursing, first and foremost, object humility is our appropriate posture.
Conversion, like space travel, requires continued and varied thrusts. A shuttles engines blaze to attaining orbit. Boosters are jettisoned when spent. Navigation requires strategic burns over the duration of the mission. Re-entry, split second timing and trajectory. Little wonder success hinges on discipline training and a concerted cooperation between crew and Mission Control.
Currently 80% and historically 99% of humanity have far less than I. In fact half the world, 3,000,000,000 people live on less than $2 per day. Telling this knowledge creates neither lasting thankfulness for me nor sorrow for those less fortunate.
As for worship and repentance, the list is long that demands God be adored and we abhorred.
Am I the only one impressed with Job's "false friends"? Isn't their sitting in silence for 7 days at the ruinous sight of Job is an amazing act few have repeated? Who among us has approached this measure of empathy for even the global slaughter of the over a billion aborted before us? Yet they were moved so over the plight of a single man. If this is false friendship what of ours?
If such a gesture as that made by the mourning of Job's friends seems beyond us perhaps we might improvise. Could we be moved to sit quietly a single day 7 different times. Still way too much? What of a single hour 168 times..? I wonder if we can't move ourselves to accomplish such a simple act as stillness, how likely our prayers are to move God, devils, circumstances or men?
To the degree one chooses the road less traveled one walks alone.
Prophets have a fire in their bellies fueling their prophecies. I can't say the same, though I do have an oft reoccurring case of indigestion and heat burn.
Strange so few seek God in even a remotely acceptable way. Though the effort may be daunting , is He not a quarry worth pursuing?
A recent prayer meeting I hosted may underscore our current dilemma of powerlessness. Scheduling a 2 hour prayer meeting for late in morning the day after Thanksgiving, I invited a single wise and practical middle aged man with years of devoted service as a Christian activist. Though good friends who've talked and worked together on numerous occasions, it took the whole first hour to underscore the depth of the church's current dilemma.
We agreed together in prayer for the remainder of our time, after which he arose and was on his way to a prior engagement. He and his father in law, an Alzheimer suffer whom my friend and his wife care for, had haircut appointments. Hugging him, I thankfully sent him on his way. It wasn't until an hour latter it occurred to me how foolishly we had broken the flow of our intercession, the quality of which is far too rare these days, without a single answer from on High for our plight, all for the sake of a couple of haircuts... Little doubt the Book of Acts would have been the Book of Words had they a similar mindset
Save us from more of the same if more of the same cannot save us.
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