It is perilously easy to have amazing sympathy with God's truth and remain in sin.
- Oswald Chambers

Modern Christianity has raised presumption to an art form. From the sermons we preach to the kind of Scriptures we favor. From the songs we sing to the kind of fellowship we settle for. The Bible speaks of another road, far less taken. One that begins with radical repentance and brokenness in the pursuit of the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
For decades evangelics have used what they call The Four Spiritual Laws as a witnessing tool. Designed to simplify the message of Scripture, millions used them to understand and walk through the steps of salvation. Unfortunately, nearly an equal number have failed to grasp the true Biblical requirements for salvation. Particularly in regards to genuine repentance, which is often skimmed over if taught at all. This begs the question, what are God's Four Spiritual Laws?
Millions have and continue to quote 2 Chronicles 7:14, often incompletely, yet few appreciate the the solemn event much the less the full meaning of verse spoken by God Himself:
- "When Solomon finished praying, a bolt of lightning out of heaven struck the Whole-Burnt-Offering and sacrifices and the Glory of GOD filled The Temple. The Glory was so dense that the priests couldn't get in—GOD so filled The Temple that there was no room for the priests! When all Israel saw the fire fall from heaven and the Glory of GOD fill The Temple, they fell on their knees, bowed their heads, and worshiped, thanking GOD: Yes! God is good! His love never quits! Then the king and all Israel worshiped, offering sacrifices to GOD. King Solomon worshiped by sacrificing 22,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep at the dedication of The Temple. The priests were all on duty; the choir and orchestra of Levites that David had provided for singing and playing anthems to the praise and love of GOD were all there; across the courtyard the priests blew trumpets. All Israelites were on their feet." 2 Chronicles 7:1-6
- "For seven days there were people there all the way from the far northeast (the Entrance to Hamath) to the far southwest (the Brook of Egypt)—a huge congregation. They started out celebrating for seven days, and then did it for another seven days, a week for dedicating the Altar and another for the Feast itself—two solid weeks of celebration! On the twenty-third day of the seventh month Solomon dismissed his congregation. They left rejoicing, exuberant over all the good GOD had done for David and Solomon and his people Israel." 2 Chronicles 7:8-10
- "Solomon completed building The Temple of GOD and the royal palace—the projects he had set his heart on doing. Everything was done—success! Satisfaction! GOD appeared to Solomon that very night and said, "I accept your prayer; yes, I have chosen this place as a temple for sacrifice, a house of worship. If I ever shut off the supply of rain from the skies or order the locusts to eat the crops or send a plague on my people, and my people, my God-defined people, respond by humbling themselves, praying, seeking my presence, and turning their backs on their wicked lives, I'll be there ready for you: I'll listen from heaven, forgive their sins, and restore their land to health. From now on I'm alert day and night to the prayers offered at this place. Believe me, I've chosen and sanctified this Temple that you have built: My Name is stamped on it forever; my eyes are on it and my heart in it always." 2 Chronicles 7:11-18
Several points should be made concerning this verse before examining God's perfect formula for repentance.
1. Note the importance of the moment described. The first and most glorious temple ever dedicated to Yahweh, the Omni-God as revealed to the Hebrew people.
2. Next we see a great response from God, fire from heaven and His Glory so filling the temple that none could enter.
3. Notice then the extravagant offerings made by Solomon to mark this mighty occasion.
4. Next a Solemn Assembly is called to dedicate the alter for seven days.
5. The LORD appears to Solomon, speaking these words Himself.
6. The LORD warns that should His people transgress His conditions for blessing, He may send judgment. Should He do so, He will be looking for them to meet His conditions for repentance.
7. If the LORD's 4 conditions are met, His response will be 3 fold...
A+B+C+D = (EFG)
Regardless of the bad press algebra receives from comedians and students, it turns out this most simple of formulas may in fact be one of the two most important math equations ever presented to mankind.
The LORD states in the most emphatic of circumstances that IF His people will complete four requirements...
- and PRAY
- and SEEK His Face
- and TURN from their WICKED WAYS... THEN (and only then) the He will:
- HEAR from Heaven
- and FORGIVE their SINS
- and HEAL their Land
To begin with the terms used should be defined. The following should suffice:
A. HUMBLE THEMSELVES: Given the human condition mankind's need of God is extreme. Though from our point of view the Sun literally rises and sets around us, the reality is quite different. The fact is the entire human race could easily fit in the state of Texas which occupies a small portion of just the surface of the Earth. One million Earths will fit into our Sun. One hundred billion suns are estimated in the Milky Way Galaxy. One hundred billion Galaxies comprise the known Universe... These facts alone should produce deep humility in anyone cognizant of them.
B. PRAY: Given just the conditions above, the first and foremost duty of man should be to ask God's help with sincerity, passion and diligence. (This step is vital and will be addressed at length shortly)
C. SEEK HIS FACE: Given the incredible revelations of God given to us in Scripture we have both the responsibility and privilege of learning how to approach the LORD appropriately.
D. TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS: Having discovered the conditions God has clearly set forth in Scripture His people are now in the position to repent. Only after they have actually addressed God's grievances in word and deed, both their sins of omission and commission, can they claim His promises…
E. HEAR FROM HEAVEN: This phrase suggests that prior to His people's repentance He will not hear their prayers. While this is the clear meaning of this verse almost NO ONE accepts this as true. Our stubborn refusal to believe God's warning on the occasion of one of Scriptures top ten events in human history has been, is and will continue to be one of mankind's greatest mistakes. Modern Christianity chooses to ignore the fact that the silence and distance of God strongly suggests that prayer, if not Christianity, is broken" with the vast majority going unheard though like a "stopped clock" prayers seem occasionally answered.
F. FORGIVE THEIR SINS: Here, as with as in hundreds of additional verses, God is clear that His forgiveness is conditional. In fact, HE Himself has in this one verse given four conditions (connected with the conjunction and not or implying they must all be met.
G. HEAL THEIR LAND: This has a broad range of implications, from healing the woes of society and forestalling judgment to the restoration of miraculous healing and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
While the above steps and definitions may seem obvious, generation after generation largely ignore this simple formula. The tragic results, though not altogether obvious, are having temporal and eternal ramifications for billions. Given the success of our Adversary in enticing and accusing mankind along with God's people to sin (sometimes in unfathomable quantity and quality as with abortion) the Church is at risk of God's judgments.
Additionally, if prayer is failing, Christians will not have the power necessary to fulfill their Great Commission. Perhaps worst still, many may believe their sins are forgiven while this and many Scriptures say otherwise. Finally, should believers loose their place as salt and light in their communities, society at large will grow rotten as it stumbles about in the dark.
Interesting Order
A few comments on the order of the equation A+B+C+D=(EFG) may prove helpful:
Notice that step "B" is PRAY yet the LORD clearly states He will not "HEAR" until step "E".
Mathematically we have the four following options:
1. B (Pray) = E (Hear) ...or
2. A (Humble) + B (Pray) = E (Hear) ...or
3. A (Humble) + B (Pray) + C (Seek My Face) = E (Hear) ...or according to the Bible
4. A+B+C+D = E(Hear)FG
Authors Note: Notice while this Scripture tells us to PRAY at step 2 (B) it states God will not HEAR until after step 4 (D-TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS).
Why? Imagine yourself praying without much success (sadly for most of us this will take little imagination). We are then faced with the following options:
- Give up (turn away from prayer, the church and perhaps God)
- Give in (pray sparingly and settle for a distant relationship with God)
- Make excuses (individuals, churches and whole denominations do so)
- Continue praying and pressing in diligently (few choose to do so)
- Examine Scripture to discover why God is silent (fewer still take this
step) - Repent in word and deed (individually and corporately)
For an in-depth review of the New Testament's step by step guidelines for genuine corporate repentance see GB's article entitled, "Worldliness."
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