In fitness, there are no short cuts. It involves immense discipline and hard work.
- Mahesh Babu

What if modern Christianity were as committed and serious about spiritual exercise as are hundreds of thousands of gyms open 16, if not 24 hours a day seven days a week? What if individual and/or groups of believers were offered enticing and customized workout options? What if competent personal trainers were available to assist in spiritual fitness and body sculpting? Sound amazing? What if Christians used the Gym model to address the entire lifestyle of believers so often succumbing to the challenges of modern life?
Churchianity is producing hundreds of millions of spiritual anemic and obese members. Unable to quote 10 Scriptures in row, or in most cases 5, much less interpret and implement them correctly, the average church attender is functionally Biblically illiterate. Adding to our sloth is prayerlessness, easily demonstrated by the fact that most refuse to stop and pray even 10 minutes a day. Such a one-two punch has created a generation of believers largely practical agnostics.
Adding to our deteriorating spiritual, and often physical condition, are unprecedented levels of overindulgence in worldly temptations and deceptions, doubtful habits and sins. Major contributors to individuals and marriages, families and society at large literally and figuratively coming apart at the seams.
While the Bible offers a cure for such a glaring lack of discipline, any honest assessment clearly indicates we’re unfit for the rigors of radical Christian discipleship. Which according to the Scripture may be the only kind Christ accepts.
One possible solution might be to adopt or at least integrate part or all of a kind of Gym Church model.
Synergistic Exercise
For decades I've made it a daily habit of combining physical and spiritual exercise, usually at the beginning of every day. Generally this means causal yet purposeful biking 45-60 minutes while spend most if not all that time in daily prayer. A habit that long ago lead to a lengthy prayer list, which eventually morphed into a memorized 45 minute strategic prayer. While only one form of daily prayer, it serves to get things rolling, providing confidence that I've thoroughly covered major area's of importance in regards to my family and career, ministry and Christ's Kingdom at large.
Often I continue this synergy by a light 30-60 minute work out at a local gym, listening to informative audio books and podcasts. Seeing the dedication of many members, far beyond my own, has made me jealous for that same kind of zeal in the spiritual realm. Few and far between are the churches where daily, hour by hour, members drop by, spiritually practicing weight lifting and aerobics until glistening. Soaked in heavenly sweat.
I'd also love a gym that wasn't basically a spandex ladened den of iniquity, my pet name for today's gyms. Places in which men needn't risk their morality just to regularly exercise. As has been noted, "You can't keep the birds from flying overhead, but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair." In a similar fashion, clearly we are each responsible for our own thought life. However, Christ's harsh words, in this case regarding what and or how men see women, are clearly serious in nature, yet somewhat vague. What constitutes looking to lust is left undefined, though the sin is crystal clear:
- "But I can guarantee that whoever looks with lust at a woman has already committed adultery in his heart." Matthew 5:28 GW
Women, as the other half of the equation, are also far more culpable than generally taught. Truth be told, even prostitutes in Biblical days were not permitted to wear the kind of form fitting and even revealing clothing Christian women routinely wear to church. A somber thought given another one of Christ's warnings:
- "Jesus said to his followers, “Things that cause people to sin will happen, but how terrible for the person who causes them to happen!" Luke 17:1 NCV
While probably a silly notion, it might be interesting if Christians had a safe and spiritual place to synergistically exercise body and soul.
Maybe something along the following would provide a blessing. Not to mention an alternative to too many routinely accepted spiritually and socially destructive forms of entertainment and diversion.
1. Philosophy
2. Guidelines
3. Facility
4. Total Life Workout
5. Total Life Discipleship
6. True Koinonia
7. Shedding Pounds, Sins and Doubtful Habits
8. Making the Invisible Visible
9. Preparation
1. Philosophy:
- Provide services and useful concepts to challenge modern Churchianity regarding complacency and worse both spiritually and physically, mentally and emotionally.
- Name: “Gym Church" (GC) With the tagline “Making the Invisible Visible."
- MIV: Could have a variety of meanings. From spiritual applications to otherwise painful and hidden aspects of life.
- GC: Could become a non threatening way to encourage believers and unbelievers alike to open their eyes to the obvious yet sometimes subtle past, present and future challenges and opportunities about them.
- Concept could be integrated in other churches to whatever level they might choose.
- Spiritual integration of the foundational Biblical principal of diligently (rather than casually) seeking God. Scripture references: Living faith as well as soldier, farmer and athlete (amateur).
- Social integration of this same principle in all problematic areas of life including personal and relationship health, marriage and family, friendship and workplace environments, etc…
- Offer lovingly gently yet insightful honesty combined with a myriad of wise options and commitment levels.
- Model: based on the gym concept including long hours of daily access, a great variety of work out options including machines (programs/education), camaraderie and fellowship.
2. Guidelines:
- Preference for gender specific interaction. Men with men. Women with women.
- Modest dress code.
- Offer both gender specific and combined time slots to accommodate a variety of needs from extreme modesty to couples ministry.
- Considerate conversation, particularly in regards to Spiritually and socially sensitive issues.
- Multiple disciplines and tracks offered daily and during evenings to overcome poor lifestyle choices, besetting sins and doubtful habits.
- Weekly strategic church services emphasizing doing rather than hearing.
3. Facility:
- Gym equipment around perimeter for ease of use and continual reminder of spiritual and social, mental and physical realities.
- Aerobic equipment moved to center when using the facility as a gym.
- Special area flooring for calisthenics and Christian yoga, prayer etc.
4. Whole Life Workout:
- Entry-level programs on a variety of crucial topics including ineffectiveness of Churchianity and prayer, marriage and families.
5. Whole Life Discipleship:
- Increasing levels of righteousness, sanctification and radical discipleship encompassing every aspect of lifestyle.
6. Whole Life Koinonia:
- Loving concern through Christian community and accountability in regards to overlooked yet obviously important aspects of life.
- Synergistic spiritual and physical well-being.
- Daily encouragement and assistance in becoming addicted to diligence and doing good.
7. Weight Loss and Fitness:
- Shed pounds, doubtful habits and besetting sins.
8. Preparation:
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