I think the power of persuasion would be the greatest superpower of all time.
- Jenny Mollen

Psalms in the Night…
With so many wonderful Biblical promises and powerful examples of God's interaction with mankind, see Psalms of Delight, Psalms in the Night are a way of exploring and sharing some of the difficult and challenging thoughts, feelings and experiences God's people encounter while endeavoring to fully enjoy His presence and power, protection and provision. In ever more genuine and meaningful ways. For themselves and their children, family and friends.
Psalms in the Night are written in concert with Psalms of Delight. Both series contain Modern Psalms meant to comfort and inspire those seeking the Omni-God revealed in Scripture.
Messengers Summary
Prophetic Christians are in sort supply. Particularly since being faithful to God often means a life of conflict with others. Both outside and inside modern Christianity. Even with Heaven and Hell on the line, the cost of being labeled and ostracized as insensitive or worse is more than most are willing to pay. Those answering God's call soon find themselves challenged by everything from doubt and isolation, to confusion and lack of resource. The vigilant cry out to God "day and night," waiting on Him for insight into their message and how best to deliver it. Christ's messengers, moved by human frailty, are faithful to bare the heart of God to people and vice versa. Even when often feeling abandoned by one, if not both.
Modern Psalm in the Night 15
I have a few questions. What would You, our awe filled and awful Creator and Savior do if there where a time of temptation when deception was so prevalent and entrenched that truth itself was turned upside down and inside out? Wouldn't You'd deploy Your church as a standard to stem the rising tide of the Enemy's advance?
But what if, by and large, the people of God where AWOL? What if the Adversary, who seems to have deceived a third of even the glorious and wise angels in Heaven into rebellion and war against You, had successfully deceived many if not most the church and even Your anointed into behaving like foolish civilians rather that discipled soldiers?
Would You do as You've so often done and send Your people messengers with vital messages? If so, what would that look like? Would their communiqué immediately be recognized as authentic? Would they be welcomed, received with open arms or find themselves preaching to an audience of One? Would You allow their voice to be drowned out amidst a sea of static, white noise and worse? Might the prevailing world view, even among Your own people, make such envoys invisible? Might the world's siren's call make their voices inaudible? Might hardened hearts marginalize both message and messenger thereby neutralizing both?
Would You speak and direct, provide and protect such couriers who were faithful to recognize vital Biblical truth that millions or even billions ignored? Might one anticipate demonic attack against these men and women, even to the point that it appeared they lacked Your favor and anointing? Could such conditions create a Jobian scenario, or one along the lines of Peter being sifted like wheat? If so, what factors would come into play? Would it depend on the the level of departure of the messenger's message from that of the world and Your errant church? How much would the commitment of the courier to enduring the pressures involved influence the developing, refining and heralding of Your message?
How would the level of apathy, sin or rebellion among the people of God, particularly those with whom they dealt, impact the success of the mission? How significant of a role would the season during which the messenger lived play? For instance, would being nearer a time of well deserved judgment or tribulation complicate matters? What of Your pleasure or willingness to forestall judgment? Are You always willing to forgive and heal? Are there conditions to even Your free mercy and grace? Do you require intervention to circumvent judgment? If so, by whom and how much? Are there times when You've had enough and destruction is inevitable.
Your Message
How might such a messenger feel and fare in modern society? To what degree would Your Spirit fill and equip them for their task? Would You allow their prayers to go unanswered or grant them miraculous faith, encamping round about them to keep them from harm? If so, how do You define harm? Christ assured His disciples He was with them "always" and the "nothing shall in any way harm you." Yet we're told they were imprisoned, tortured and martyred. I can imagined given the magnitude of their revelation they might consider it an honor to be counted worthy to "know Him in the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering." Still, and I mean no disrespect, it sounds like a whole lot of harm from where we stand.
Must they go it alone? If not, will those who join them be faithful to Your message and messenger, or in betraying one harm both? Who will You send with them? Family, friends, colleagues? To what extent might others resist a message opposing their choices and lifestyles? Will You open the eyes, ears and hearts of those around them or will Scripture be fulfilled and they find themselves without honor at home or abroad? Is that part of the job description? Does Eternity's Wager specify that the eyes of Your envoys be open only to the degree that those of others stay closed? If so, how will Your abundant mercy flourish and Your will be done that none should perish?
What effect might such scenarios have on Your messengers? What percentage fail to accept such a gift of grief, faltering under the weight of sorrow? How many endure, growing in power, love and disciplined minds? Would the stressful development and progress of both message and messenger be more back or forth? Would You train them not to take "no" for an answer, not even from You? In what ways would You strengthen and encourage them to wrestle from You the power to overcome sin and self, Satan and the "spirit of the Antichrist already at work in the world?" Would their short lifespan resemble that of a lightening bolt on it's arduous journey to impact Earth? Blazing against the darkness of the night it seems to strike with instantaneous power and brilliance but to the faster eye the torturous path it must take is revealed. It painstakingly moves in increments, propelled by its Heavenly charge. Down and back up again, left and then right, it approaches Earth seeking receptivity, only able to strike if and when conditions allow.
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