Some people read their Bibles in Hebrew, some in Greek; I like to read mine in the Holy Ghost.
- Smith Wigglesworth
While exhibiting less than a 10th of the spiritual power, theological prowess and social outreach of Charles Finney, Smith Wigglesworth walked in 100 times the spiritual sensitivity, anointing and sanctification of today's best Christian leaders.
Furthering the greatness of his ministry was it's profound simplicity and generosity in regards to the goodness of God and ardent love of Christ. All based on the single requirement. Faith without doubt. As he put it:
- God wants us so badly that he has made the condition as simple as he possibly could: Only believe.
- There is something about believing God that will cause Him to pass over a million people to get to you
Born in 1859 in Yorkshire England, Smith Wigglesworth was raised in an impoverished family. Working from childhood he remained illiterate until well into adulthood. Becoming a plumber, he married a preacher for the Salvation Army, Polly Featherstone, who employed the Bible to teach him to read and write.
Later in life He enjoyed a phenomenal ministry, as reported by the briefest of highlights in Wikipedia:
- Wigglesworth worked as a plumber, but he abandoned this trade because he was too busy for it after he started preaching. In 1907, Wigglesworth visited Alexander Boddy during the Sunderland Revival, and following a laying-on of hands from Alexander's wife, Mary Boddy, he experienced speaking in tongues. He spoke at some of the Assemblies of God events in Great Britain. He also received ministerial credentials with the Assemblies of God in the United States, where he evangelized during the 1920s and later.
- Wigglesworth believed that healing came through faith, and he was flexible in his approach. When he was forbidden to lay hands on audience members by the authorities in Sweden, he preached for a "corporate healing", by which people laid hands on themselves. He also practiced anointing with oil, and the distribution of "prayer handkerchiefs" (one of which was sent to King George V). Wigglesworth sometimes attributed ill-health to demons.
- Smith largely believed his ministerial success was due to his speaking in tongues. He said: “I want you to see that he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself or builds himself up. We must be edified before we can edify the church. I cannot estimate what I, personally, owe to the Holy Ghost method of spiritual edification. I am here before you as one of the biggest conundrums in the world. There never was a weaker man on the platform. Language? None. Inability–full of it. All natural things in my life point exactly opposite to my being able to stand on the platform and preach the gospel. The secret is that the Holy Ghost came and brought this wonderful edification of the Spirit. I had been reading this Word continually as well as I could, but the Holy Ghost came and took hold of it, for the Holy Ghost is the breath of it, and He illuminated it to me.”
- Ministering at many churches throughout Yorkshire, often at Bethesda Church at Swallownest (on the outskirts of Sheffield), Wigglesworth claimed to have had many prophecies. He also had an international ministry. He ministered in the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, the Pacific Islands, India, Ceylon, and several countries in Europe. Some of his sermons were transcribed for Pentecostal magazines, and these were collected into two books: Ever Increasing Faith and Faith that Prevails.
In regards to healing the article continues:
- There were numerous claims of divine healing during Wigglesworth's ministry. Many of the miracles he performed include a woman healed of a tumor, a woman healed of tuberculosis, a wheelchair-confined woman walking, and many more. There were reports that people were raised from the dead, including his wife Polly.
- Many people said they were cured of cancer by him. Wigglesworth, whose only training was as a plumber, described cancer as "a living evil spirit", and insisted that many diseases were "satanic in origin." His methods often involved hitting, slapping or punching the afflicted part of the body. On a number of occasions his approach to persons suffering from stomach complaints was to punch them in the stomach, sometimes with such force that it propelled them across the room. When challenged on this, his response was "I don't hit them, I hit the devil." Responding to criticism over his method of praying for the sick, Wigglesworth stated: "You might think by the way I went about praying for the sick that I was sometimes unloving and rough, but oh, friends, you have no idea what I see behind the sickness and the one who is afflicted. I am not dealing with the person; I am dealing with the satanic forces that are binding the afflicted." On one occasion Wigglesworth declared to the sick "I'll only pray for you once, to pray twice is unbelief."
For a complete account of Smith Wigglesworth's miraculous ministry, we highly recommend an excellent biography written by his long time friend and confidant Albert Hibbert entitled, The Secret of His Power. After which Prophetic Christians would do well to read and or listen to Wigglesworth's teaching and testimony in his own words through several books written by him. For example: Manifesting The Power Of God.
Wigglesworth's Message:
There appear to be endless examples of Smith Wigglesworth powerfully demonstrating the validity of his message. As reflected in the few passages from the above mentioned The Secret Of His Power and Manifesting The Power Of God:
The Secret Of His Power: by Albert Hibbert
Smith Wigglesworth - The Man (A Man Of Prayer)
Wigglesworth was moved with compassion toward the sinner, the sick, the oppressed, the demon-possessed, because he spent so much time in the presence of his Lord that he was like Him.
Someone once asked Wigglesworth if he regularly spent long seasons in prayer. He answered, “I don’t very often spend more than a half hour in prayer at one time, but I never go more than a half hour without praying.” Prayer was his life. It was what he liked best of all. It was one of the secrets of his power.
He once told me a wonderful experience he had while staying in the home of a curate of the Church of England. He and the curate were sitting together talking after supper. No doubt the subject of their conversation was that the poor fellow had no legs. Artificial limbs in those days were unlike the sophisticated limbs of today.
Wigglesworth said to the man quite suddenly (which he often did when ministering in cases like this), “Go and get a pair of new shoes in the morning.”
The poor fellow thought it was some kind of joke. However, after Wigglesworth and the curate had retired to their respective rooms for the night, God said to the curate, “Do as My servant hath said.” What a designation for any person—My servant! God was identifying Himself with Wigglesworth.
There was no more sleep for the man that night. He rose up early, went downtown, and stood waiting for the shoe shop to open. The manager eventually arrived and opened the shop for business. The curate went in and sat down.
Presently an assistant came and said, “Good morning, sir. Can I help you?”
The man said, “Yes, would you get me a pair of shoes, please?”
“Yes, sir. Size and color?” The man hesitated. The assistant then saw his condition and said, “Sorry, sir. We can’t help you.”
“It is all right, young man. But I do want a pair of shoes. Size 8, color black.”
The assistant went to get the requested shoes. A few minutes later he returned and handed them to the man. The man put one stump into a shoe, and instantly a foot and leg formed! Then the same thing happened with the other leg! He walked out of that shop, not only with a new pair of shoes, but also with a new pair of legs!”
Wigglesworth was not surprised. He had expected this result. He often made remarks like this: “As far as God is concerned, there is no difference between forming a limb and healing a broken bone.
The point is this: Wigglesworth did not pray for the man; he told him what to do and the man did it.
One might think that the raising of the dead would be the greatest of all miracles. However, the Apostle Paul addressing King Agrippa said, “Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?” (Acts 26:8). I know of fourteen occasions when the dead were raised during Wigglesworth’s ministry. Sometimes he would pray, but other times he would just speak the Word.
Smith Wigglesworth - The Man (A Man Of Love)
Often in his meetings Wigglesworth would say, “I want the person with the worst case of sickness in this place to stand up.”
At one particular meeting Wigglesworth gave the usual invitation as soon as he came to the platform. Sitting between two other ladies on the front row was a woman who was desperately ill. The two ladies had almost carried her into the place and were supporting her as they sat there. At the invitation, these two friends struggled to get the woman on her feet.
He knew his God well enough to know that beyond all doubt, God would not fail him in a situation like that. Wigglesworth said, “Bring her here.”
With difficulty they managed to get her to the platform.
Instead of praying for her as everyone expected him to do, Wigglesworth, in his broad Yorkshire dialect, told them, “Let go of her. Let her stand by herself. When the ladies did as he said, the woman crashed to the floor.
Wigglesworth was unmoved. “Pick her up,” he told them.
“They did as he said, and again he ordered them to let her stand alone. Reluctantly they complied and once more the poor woman fell down with a thud.
“Pick her up,” Wigglesworth said. Again, they did as he told them.
By this time some people in the congregation were becoming hostile, but Wigglesworth paid no attention.
“Let go of her,” he said to the two ladies, but this time they would not.
“You callous brute!” a man in the congregation cried out. Wigglesworth looked right at the man and said, “You mind your own business. I know my business!”
Turning to the two women, he repeated his command: “Let go of her and let her stand by herself. Do as I say!”
With trepidation they did so, but this time the woman did not fall. There on the platform beside her lay a big cancer which had come away from her.”
Smith Wigglesworth - The Spirit (A Spirit Of Humility)
Wigglesworth partook of the emblems with the utmost sincerity, fully alive to his responsibility. As a result, he lived in unbroken communion with his Lord. He was always ready for service, never taken by surprise. He often said, “If you have to stop to get ready when an opportunity arises, you are too late. The opportunity is gone and the chances are that it will not be presented again.”
With this attitude, Wigglesworth was never at a loss for what to do in any situation, as illustrated by the following account.
The pastor of a particular church where Wigglesworth was ministering asked Wigglesworth to go with him to visit a member of his church, a lady who was sick. Wigglesworth agreed. When they reached the house, it was evident to Wigglesworth that the woman was a person of considerable means.
The two ministers were taken to a room where the woman was lying in bed. Several bottles containing various kinds of pills were on the nightstand near her.
The pastor said, “We have come to pray for you.” But Wigglesworth, looking at the woman, said, “I haven’t. You are enjoying that sickness. You don’t want prayer.” With those words, he walked from the room and back to the car to wait for the pastor.
After consoling the woman, the pastor, with a very distressed look on his face, joined Wigglesworth in the car. He said, “You have done the church a great disservice. That dear sister contributes a lot of money to us.”
Wigglesworth retorted, “Aye, that’s the trouble.”
“Well,” said the pastor, “I don’t suppose we shall see her again.”
“Oh, she’ll be back, and very soon.” Wigglesworth’s reply was very calm.
They went to the pastor’s home for tea, then to church for the evening service. The lady who had been sick in bed that afternoon walked into the service. She came forward for prayer. Wigglesworth asked, “Are you ready now?”
“Yes, I am.” Then she added, “After you left this afternoon, I was convicted that what you said was true.”
That evening, she was healed.”
Smith Wigglesworth - Life In The Spirit (Spiritual Combat)
To discern the seducing spirits which are appearing and multiplying in these last days, we desperately need the help of the Holy Spirit. Wigglesworth, in describing a place he had been, once remarked that the people there were under such satanic delusion that their marriages and homes were breaking up. I wonder what he would think today with so many marriages, even Christian ones, breaking down. Wigglesworth was concerned about this satanic invasion of the sanctity of marriage, which he foresaw. His apprehensions were well justified.
According to Wigglesworth, a Holy Ghost-oriented person would not fall victim to the demands of the flesh, regardless of what those demands were. He was persuaded that life in the Spirit could so dominate, that the physical body and its desires could come under the Spirit’s control.
He used to say, “It is a luxury to be filled with the Spirit. I see everything a failure except that which is done in the Spirit.”
Because Wigglesworth was filled with and radiated the Comforter, it was a common experience of both sinner and professing Christian alike to be under great conviction when in Wigglesworth’s presence. For the same reason, those of God’s people undergoing trials found wonderful consolation in Wigglesworth’s presence.
Wigglesworth said, “We should be like torches, purifying the very atmosphere wherever we go, moving back the forces of wickedness.”
Once I asked him what he did for relaxation. He said, “I find my relaxation in the presence of the Lord. That is all I need. Any other form of relaxation is not for me, because I am continually doing battle with the devil. Any form of relaxation apart from being in God’s presence would leave me wide open to the adversary.
Smith Wigglesworth - Life In The Spirit (The Shield Of Faith)
Great fights produce great faith. Wigglesworth enjoyed the greatest season of supernatural ministry during the period of time in which he endured the greatest physical affliction. A doctor, whom he knew well, persuaded him to have an X-ray examination. Mainly to find out the extent of his illness, Wigglesworth obliged.
The X–ray revealed the presence of kidney stones in an advanced stage. The doctor said there was only one option open: to operate immediately. To this, Wigglesworth responded, “The God Who made this body is the One Who can heal it. No knife shall ever cut it.”
“But what about the stones?” the doctor asked.
“God will deal with them.”
Shaking his head, the doctor said, “If He ever does, I shall be interested to know about it.”
“You shall know.”
As the pain increased, Wigglesworth suffered indescribable agony. When ministering on the Isle of Man, he had lost so much blood that his face was pale. From there, he went to Sweden and held a meeting, full of tremendous blessings.
His son-in-law, James Salter, who was there with him, later told me, “Night after night, Wigglesworth was in and out of bed trying to pass the stones, often rolling on the floor in agony. Yet he never missed a service, and ministered to as many as a thousand sick folks in one day.” Even though Wigglesworth was in worse condition than many of those for whom he prayed, tremendous miracles were wrought. When he undressed at night, his underclothing was soaked with blood.
From Sweden, he went to Norway. Still the pain continued. Then he went to Switzerland and held a great revival. Multitudes were saved and healed. But Wigglesworth found no relief. Few people knew that he was going through the biggest test of his life. By faith he rose above it.
“He went to America and swept through the country like a prairie fire. Thousands were saved and healed during this blessed campaign. By this time, he had been fighting the battle of his life for six long years.
James Salter said, “Sharing his room over those years, I marveled at the unquenched zeal with which he preached and the amazing compassion he manifested in his ministry to the sick. I have seen many people break down under lesser tests than his. He passed hundreds of stones. It was a miracle.”
Wigglesworth came through this grueling test with his fire-tried faith stronger than ever, and with a trust in God all hell could not shake. That period of glorious ministry left an unerasable impact upon this world so great that it is still being felt, and will continue to be until Jesus returns.
Wigglesworth’s telling me one week before he died that God would take him from the scene was not mere conjecture. He spoke by the Holy Ghost. Fifteen years previously he had said, “I am asking the Lord for fifteen more years of life and service.” God granted this request down to the very week.
“God granted this request down to the very week.
When he was seventy-two years old, he made that request. During those fifteen extra years of glorious ministry, he preached and ministered throughout Europe, America, and South Africa. He also had a great burden for his native land then, having seen ominous signs. He talked to me about this subject only a week before his death.
Wigglesworth accomplished what he did for God without formal education, yet this simple man of God reached many intellectuals. “Where is there any faith?” he used to ask. “I can get more out of God by believing Him for one minute than by shouting at Him all night.”
He guarded jealously the faith he preached and practiced. On one occasion he said, “Don’t you settle for anything less than the best. And there is nothing better than a life of faith: It brings challenge and excitement.”
To his listeners, he would say, “Two things will cause you to leap out of yourselves into the great promises of God. One is purity, the other is faith. God has no room for the man who looks back, thinks back, or acts back.”
Smith Wigglesworth - The Man (A Humble Man)
Wigglesworth never claimed any glory for any miracle of healing. Only wanting Christ to be seen, he scorned the acclaim of men. In fact, he said that on one occasion God had spoken to him and said, “Wigglesworth, I am going to burn you up until there is no more Wigglesworth left; then only Jesus will be seen.” As far as Wigglesworth was concerned, this had happened; he never wanted to be seen.
I will never forget the last time I had fellowship with him. We were sitting at the table in his home. It was one week before he died. Looking at me with tears in his eyes, he said, “When are you going to move into a realm that you have not yet touched and get going for God?” He went on, “I am an old man, eighty-seven years of age. I may not look it; I certainly don’t feel it. But you cannot argue with the birth certificate, and it tells me I am eighty-seven. So I have to accept it, regardless of how I feel about it.”
“Today in my mail I had an invitation to Australia, one to India and Ceylon, and one to America. People have their eyes on me.” Then he sobbed as if his heart would break. “Poor Wigglesworth,” he wept. “What a failure to think that people have their eyes on me. God will never give His glory to another; He will take them from the scene.”
I thought, My God, if this man is a failure, what am I?”
Excerpts From: Albert Hibbert. “Smith Wigglesworth.” iBooks.
Manifesting The Power Of God: by Smith Wigglesworth
Chapter One: Your Invitation Into The Fullness Of God
The Holy Ghost, when He comes into your body, is come to unveil the King, to assure you of His presence. The person who says, “I am ready for anything,” will never get it. When the Lord reveals unto you that you must be filled with the Holy Ghost, seek only that one thing and God will give you that one thing. “What are you seeking, my brother?”
“Oh, I am ready for anything.”
“You will never get anything.”
“Oh! Well, tell me how to get it.”
“One thing have I desired and that will I seek after.” When the Lord reveals unto you that you must be filled with the Holy Ghost, seek only that one thing and God will give you that one thing. It is necessary for you to seek one thing first.”
Chapter Two: When The Spirit Comes
“I went to two young men in a meeting one day and said to them, “Young men, what about it?” They had just passed through their degrees, and beautiful young men they were.
“Oh!” they said, “We don’t believe in it the same as you do. We don’t believe in receiving the Holy Ghost as those people do.”
There was a crowd of people tarrying at the front. “You are dressed up as you would like to have it,” I said. “You are dressed like preachers. And seeing you are dressed like preachers, it is a pity for you to have the dress without the Presence.”
“Well, we don’t believe it that way,” they said.
“But look,” I said, “the apostles believed it in that way. Wouldn’t you like to be an apostle? Wouldn’t you like to go on the same line as they? They believed it that way.”
Never you forget, the baptism will always be as it was in the beginning. It has not changed. If you want a real baptism, expect it just the same as they had it at the beginning. “What had they at the beginning?” you ask. Well, they knew they had the same as they had at the beginning for they heard them speak in tongues, and that is the only way they did know, because they heard them saying the same things in the Spirit as they said at the beginning. It has never been changed. It has always been the same right down. As it was in the beginning, so shall it be forever and ever.
There is an ordination that is better, and it is the ordination with the King. This is the only ordination that is going to fit you people for the future. When these two young men realized that Peter and John and the rest of them had it, they walked up. They were beautifully dressed. In about half an hour’s time they looked strange. They had been rolling, somehow; I had not caused them to do it. But they had been so lost and so controlled by the power of God that they were just rolling all over and their clothes were changed, but their faces were wonderful.
What was up? They got it just as they got it at the beginning. They had been ordained by men—I do not say anything against that, I think it is very good—but there is an ordination that is better, and it is the ordination with the King. This is the only ordination that is going to fit you people for the future. The King is already on His throne, but He wants crowning, and when the Holy Ghost comes He crowns the King inside.
The person who has passed through that ordination goes forth with fresh feet, the preparation of the Gospel; goes with a fresh voice, speaks as the Spirit gives utterance; goes with a fresh mind, the mind being illuminated by the power of God. He goes forth with a fresh vision and sees all things new. "When He comes, He shall reveal things unto you." Has He revealed them yet? He is going to do it. Only expect Him to do. The best thing for you is to expect Him to do it now.”
Excerpts From: Smith Wigglesworth. “Smith Wigglesworth on Manifesting the Power of God.” iBooks.
Wigglesworth Quotes:
The following are a sample of some of Smith Wigglesworth's more famous quotes from GoodReads:
- “Great faith is the product of great fights. Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests. Great triumphs can only come out of great trials.”
- “In me is working a power stronger than every other power. The life that is in me is a thousand times bigger than I am outside.”
- “The secret of spiritual success is a hunger that persists…It is an awful condition to be satisfied with one’s spiritual attainments…God was and is looking for hungry, thirsty people.”
- “It is better to live ready than to get ready!”
- “God wants to purify our minds until we can bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, and endure all things. God dwells in you, but you cannot have this divine power until you live and walk in the Holy Ghost, until the power of the new life is greater than the old life.”
- “Wherever the Holy Ghost has right of way, the gifts of the Spirit will be in manifestation; and where these gifts are never in manifestation, I question whether He is present.”
- “I will tell you, for I never saw a man get anything from God who prayed on the earth. If you get anything from God, you will have to pray into heaven; for it is all there. If you are living in the earth realm and expect things from heaven, they will never come. And as I saw, in the presence of God, the limitations of my faith.”
- “Those who carry the vessels of the Lord must be clean, must be holy."
- “I am not moved by what I see. I am moved only by what I believe. I know this-no man looks at appearances if he believes. No man considers how he feels if he believes. The man who believes God has it.”
- “It pays to trust God with all and to make no reservation.”
- “These times of waiting on God for the fullness of the Spirit are times when He searches the heart and tests the mind (Jer. 17:10).”
- “I believe that there is only one way to all the treasures of God, and that is the way of faith. By faith and faith alone do we enter into a knowledge of the attributes and become partakers of the beatitudes, and participate in the glories of our ascended Lord. All His promises are Yea and Amen to them that believe.”
- “The Lord was looking for fruit on the tree. He found “nothing but leaves.” There are thousands of people like that. They dress up like Christians, but it is all leaves. “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit …” (John 15:8). He has no way in which to get fruit, only through us. We have not to be ordinary people. To be saved is to be an extraordinary man, an exposition of God. When Jesus was talking about the new life He said, “…Except a man be born again [of God], he cannot see the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the spirit is spirit.”
Additional Wigglesworth Quotes:
- "Fear looks; faith jumps. Faith never fails to obtain its object. If I leave you as I found you, I am not God's channel. I am not here to entertain you, but to get you to the place where you can laugh at the impossible."
- "Can demons remain in your presence? You have to be greater than demons. Can disease lodge in the body that you touch? You have to be greater than the disease." 1 Jn. 4:4
- "Were you saved before you believed or after? After he answered. You will be healed after."
- "Faith is an act." Wigglesworth stormed heaven into God's presence to draw stronger faith for the task before him. Example: demon possessed woman who slept 14 years and awoke delivered.
- "If I read the newspaper I come out dirtier than I went in. If I read my Bible, I come out cleaner than I went in, and I like being clean!" He was, as Wesley said, "a man of one book."
- "If it is in the Bible, it is so. It's not even to be prayed about. It's to be received and acted upon. Inactivity is a robber which steals blessings. Increase comes by action, by using what we have and know. Your life must be one of going on from faith to faith."
- "Some people like to read their Bibles in the Hebrew; some like to read it in the Greek; I like to ready it in the Holy Spirit."
- "Great faith is the product of great fights."
- "Repeat in your heart often"baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire, fire, fire!" All the unction, and weeping, and travailing comes through the baptism of fire, and I say to you and say to myself, purged and cleansed and filled with renewed spiritual power." "Who maketh his ministers a flame of fire." Heb. 1:7.
- "How can one come to possess great faith? Now listen, here is the answer to that: First, the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear. Faith must grow by soil, moisture, and exercise."
- "Wigglesworth knew a place in God where nothing disturbed him. He could say with Paul, none of these things move me." (Acts 20:24).
- "Lord, give us, Thy servants, great searchings of heart, great decisions of will, and great assurances through the blood of Jesus. Amen."
- "Wigglesworth, like Charles Finney, believed that the presence of a man filled with God could bring conviction to sinners without even a word being spoken. As he sat opposite a man in a railway carriage, the man suddenly jumped up, exclaimed, 'You convict me of sin!' and went out into another carriage."
- "How great is the position of the man who is born of God, born of purity, born of faith, born of life, born of power!"
- "How the outlook changes when Jesus comes!"
- "You will have to voice many things in order to bring them into being."
- "God will come to the one who cries first."
- "I want to help you decide that, by the power of God, you will not be ordinary."
- "If you are in the same place today as you were yesterday, you are a backslider."
- "Power from on high… It is God inserting into you divine activity with mightiness."
- "I am always on my merit. Every time I preach, I preach my best. Every time I pray, I pray my best."
- "To the man of faith, there is not a thing that is not opportunity."
- "I am all Pentecost."
- "The baptism of the Holy Ghost has brought us to the fact of a remarkable personality dwelling within us which is all faith."
- "God's word lives!"
- "Without faith, you have nothing. You cannot be saved without it. You cannot be healed without it."
- "Before a man can bind the enemy, he must know there is nothing binding him."
- "Faith is such a divine establishment of courage in you that courage sweeps you through every condition: You cannot come into the divine order, except on the line of being soaked in the word of God."
- "Purity is vital to faith."
- "If you want to increase in the life of God, then you must settle it in your heart that you will not at any time resist the Holy Spirit. The Holy Ghost and fire - the fire burning up everything that would impoverish and destroy you."
- "Voice your position in God and you will be surrounded by all the resources of God in the time of trial."
- "Shout, 'Get thee behind me, Satan,,,' and you will have the best time on earth. Whisper it, and you won't."
- "We miss the grandeur because we lack audacity. If you will voice God at any time, you will find that He will be greater than any power that is round about you."
- "On reading Romans 8, 'you will be sin-proof and devil proof'."
- "I don't ever ask Smith Wigglesworth how he feels!" I jump out of bed! I dance before the Lord for at least 10 to 12 minutes - high speed dancing. I jump up and down and run around my room telling God how great he is, how wonderful He is, how glad I am to be associated with Him and to be His child."
- "Everything has to be changed by us through faith, weariness with rest, weakness with strength."
- "You have divine personality, but you will know the mightiness of its workings only as you venture. You cannot be with me at anytime, anywhere, but I am after God."
- "I am on the plan of daring, acting in the Holy Ghost."
- "God's plan for you is to forget the past in every way, because the future is so amazingly wonderful. Oh, the word of God is so wonderful! The word so eats me up that I have no place but in God's word."
- "Everyone in this place who is saved has a million times more than they know."
- "I want you to promise the Lord that, from tonight, you will not think back, look back, or act back!"
- "God wants His people to be ablaze with Holy Ghost activity."
- "When things are not going right, there are satanic forces in operation. What is my solution? To rebuke the condition of sin, death, disease, or whatever it is. I can pray in the Holy Ghost, and that prayer is effectual to bring down every stronghold of the enemy."
- Is salvation and healing for all? It is for all who will press in and get their portion. The word can drive every disease away from your body. It is your portion in Christ, Him who is our bread, our life, our health, our all in all."
- "Dare you, dare you spurn this glorious Gospel of God for spirit, soul and body? This Gospel that brings liberty, this Gospel that brings souls out of bondage,
this Gospel that brings perfect health to the body, this Gospel of entire salvation." - "Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost." Acts. 6:5.
- "Polly, (Wigglesworth's wife) said "If we've got what they (apostles) got, then we can do what they did."
- "Far too many of us dwell on the lowlands of salvation. Can't you hear voices calling you to the uplands of divine grace? Mountain climbing is thrilling! Let's be off! Hebron's heights rise before us. Shall we explore our unclaimed inheritance in the heavenlies?"
- "If you leave people as you found them, God is not speaking by you. If you are not making people mad or glad, there is something amiss with your ministry. If there is not a war on, it's a bad job for you."
- "If the spirit does not move me, I move the Spirit."
- "I am not moved by what I see or feel but by what I believe."
- "No wavering. This is the principle: He who believes is definite. A definite faith brings a definite experience and a definite utterance."
- "Men can grow lopsided by emphasizing the truth of divine healing. Men can get wrong by all the time preaching on water baptism. But we never go wrong in exalting the Lord Jesus Christ, giving Him the preeminent place and magnifying Him as both Lord and Christ, yes, as very God of very God. As we are filled with the Holy Spirit our one desire is to magnify Him. We need to be filled with the Spirit to get the full revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ."
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