God Blog

Approaching God One Thought At A Time

Abortion on demand has, in my judgment, contributed significantly to an environment in our country in which life has become very cheap.
- Robert Casey

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Collateral Damage

With well over a billion clinically poisoned and/or torn limb from limb, abortion is currently the pinnacle sin of mankind. Put another way, if sin were measured in altitude and the second greatest sin reached Mt. Everest in elevation, abortion would be over the Moon.

Add to this
God's absolute mandate against shedding of innocent blood and Christ's identification with the least among suffering humanity, and surely the coming commensurate judgment of abortion will be apocalyptic in nature and scope. Such a temptation is compelling evidence of an Arch Deceiver with eons of practice inciting rebellion among men and angels.

When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.

- Proverbs 29:2 NIV

In many respects abortion is the "perfect sin."  Abortion, both clinical and contraceptive, is hidden and quiet, normalized and easily forgotten.  Abortion is the most diabolical "designer virus" in human history, passing easily, repeatedly and undetected through the firewall of the conscience of both society and modern Christianity.  It raises little genuine alarm among God's people, neither clergy or laity.  It deletes vast quantities of our most precious files while hacking and attacking our most vital programs and systems.

In every respect abortion is the ultimate fulfillment of Joseph Stalin's prophecy, "One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic."  As destructive and deadly as it is deceptive, its war with life rages largely unchecked. Decades of legalized abortion has produced a landscape of unbelievable devastation.  The following is only a partial list of its effects:

  • The murder of 1 to 2 billion babies globally, the equivalent of 5 to 10 times the population of the Earth in Jesus' day and 12 to 25 times the death toll of WW2.

  • Explosion of STD's, particularly among teenagers.

  • Warped sense of character, purity and holiness among teens and adults.

  • Sexual predation on our minor girls by older men.

  • Increased rate of suicide among women who abort, particularly teen girls.

  • Increased rate of death from all causes in women who abort.
Even a preliminary review of the aftermath of legalized abortion, often financially state sponsored, reveals a traumatic trail of tragedy.  Yet where is the appropriate level of concern, outrage or even mourning? 

In the Biblical Book of Job, three "false friends" come to lament with him after the devastating loss of Job's children, health and wealth.  Their compassion was such that they mourned there
seven days and nights without uttering a single word... If Job's "false friends" grieved silently for seven days and nights in light of a single man's loss, what level of mourning and repentance, prayer and action should such "statistics" as those above engender from us?

Deconstructing The Conscience Of Society

Unfortunately, this is only a glimpse of abortion's destructive power.  Much like an iceberg, 2/3rds of abortion's impact lay in wait beneath the surface.  As in the case of the Titanic,
its the hidden danger that proves the most devastating. Every culture, society and nation has institutions designed to protect the health and well being of its citizens from enemies both foreign and domestic. 

Since America legalized abortion, the foundations of our greatest institutions have been undermined.  Nearly four decades of attack have left many of the pillars of our society cracked and crumbling.  In regards to abortion, far from protecting its youngest and most vulnerable future citizenry, these institutions are implicit in the murders of tens of millions. 
Some of these include:

1. Supreme Court:  Justices, revisionist policies and the appointment process.

2. Political System:  Both politicians and the pro-death lobbying process.

3. Medical Profession:  Those performing abortions and those failing to appropriately oppose the murderous and injurious practice.

4. Legal Process:  Police, judges and a court system condoning abortion and penalizing "rescuers" and other pro-life efforts.

5. Education System: From "Planned Parenthood" tax funded sexual education for public schools (fox guarding the hen house) to assistance in secret abortions for minors.

6. Media:  Unabated support for abortion and vilification of pro-life concerns. Glorification of entitlement, immorality and the saturation of soft porn.  Biased treatment of the merits of humanism's pro-death agendas.

In many respects, the groups of professionals mentioned above represent the best and brightest society has to offer.  How can it be that the very institutions that once made Western society great have turned on and devoured over a billion of our offspring?

They, or more correctly we, have been tragically deceived.

Like all great campaigns,
deception and misdirection is at the heart of the devilish cunning of abortion.  Without question, the devastating effects of abortion already named constitute the greatest wholesale betrayal of mankind towards both God and itself.  Yet, abortion's primary target and objective is non of the above... It’s nothing short of the abortion of Churchianity as we know it though short circuiting our faith and fellowship, prayer and worship, all the while setting the stage for the Great Tribulation and summoning the Antichrist.

An Acrostic of Change Today there are many opportunities for individuals, churches and organizations to have an impact on people within their communities.

For some
great simple pro-life ideas just click the link below: Change

For an overview of being authentically pro-life click the link below. For an
in depth report on serious church and denominational objectives and strategies to enable the church to have a comprehensive pro-life, pro-family and pro-mission strategy click the link below: Authentically Pro-Life Objectives

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For a hyperlink footnoted version of this article see eBook Quantum Christianity Introduction Volume 2

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