Prayer is not only asking, but an attitude of mind which produces the atmosphere in which asking is perfectly natural.
- Oswald Chambers

God Blog has addressed the important issue of prayer in a variety of articles, modern psalms and Quantum Christianity's 40 part series on prayer. While cautioned not to pray and tell, it might also prove helpful to give an example of a precisely crafted strategic daily prayer. Over a decade ago, I began setting aside 45 minutes at the beginning of every day to continually lay siege to Heaven on a wide variety of topics of vital interest. By early 2020, my memorized list had grown to encompass 1,000 requests, taking 90 minutes or more to complete.
Topics include the glory of creation and repentance. Thanksgiving and petition. Requests for Kingdom provision and influence. Spiritual concerns and sensitivity, discernment and humility. Explanations and questions. Suggested answers to intractable problems. Appeals for the full restoration of the authentic fruit and gifts of the Spirit. Requisitions for genuine power evangelism and discipleship, that Churchianity might be transformed into an entirely New Creation!
Heartfelt laments, so that judgment and tribulation may be forestalled by Prophetic Christians entering into James 4's Prayer of Anguish. Hope against hope for pre-revival repentance and a New Pentecost for the express purpose of renewal, revival and reformation. Deep dives into Paul's greatest intercession and the Lord's Prayer. Petitions to open the eyes and ears, hearts and minds of family and friends, co-workers and colleagues, influencers and churches. As well as national and local leadership throughout countries and states, global corporations and media, that we might live peaceful lives and thereby escape Satan's array of temptations and deceptions. All the more so as we "see the Day approaching" magnified in the face of global pandemics and economic collapse, societal upheaval and lawlessness.
Decades ago I suffered the first of a sad series of ministerial and career setbacks. All at the hands of dear friends and colleagues who proved unworthy of the trust I had placed in them.
Admittedly, hearing from God is a subjective business. Nevertheless, forced into an unwanted sabbatical, I remain fairly certain the Lord offered me a condolence in the form of a trade. On my part, I was invited to "bring it as I felt it" without fear of reprisal or the need to "holy up my thoughts and feelings." In exchange, God would get "equal time to do the same."
After a few years, the Lord scheduled a follow up meeting. Best as I could hear, it went along these lines:
Lord: So how are things going?
Me: Okay I guess.
Lord: How's prayer working?
Me: Not well. Obvious answers are few and far between.
Lord: Learning anything?
Me: Tons. In some way's I've learned more in the last 3 years than my entire Christian life.
Lord: Want to learn something else?
Me: Sure.
Lord: When it comes to prayer, what exactly are you trying to accomplish?
Me: I guess I want to move people and circumstances, the Devil and You.
Lord: How likely is it that you'll be able to move people and circumstances, the Devil and God if you can't move yourself to ask for what you want at least once a day?
Me: Not likely.
Lord: How many people, places and things are important to you?
Me: Quite a few.
Lord: More than you're confident you can remember?
Me: Yep.
Lord: Looks like you might need a list.
Needless to say I wrote my first list. Probably on a Palm Pilot. Eventually it expanded to cover the names of most the countries in the world and states in America. Larger CA cities and several hundred denominations. Para-church organizations and local fellowships. It also included challenges and opportunities, family and friends, etc.
A living document, it altered in size and scope to reflect changes in personal and ministerial issues and efforts.

The exacting nature of what is generally my first prayer of the day creates the groundwork I use to pray more freely thereafter. I start by humbling myself through laying an extensive foundation of repentance. Next I begin the process of interceding in detail on behalf of the people and issues I care most deeply about. Once these first two aspects of prayer are accomplished I move into serious intercession for issues great and small, weaving in and out of repentance, adoration and petition. As you will see, I directly and indirectly employ dozens of Scriptures, exploring their meaning and the power they contain.
With such preparation I feel more confident to continue employing several if not all Seven Modes of Prayer throughout the day.
The length and detail of my personal prayer list may seem overwhelming but I strongly recommend investing the time and energy to create and daily pray one of your own. If you hope to move or prevail in prayer with God, the Devil, Circumstances and Men on behalf of yourself and people you love it seems wise to "care enough" to create a list of things to daily ask God for.
In the Biblical parable of the persistent widow, Jesus promises God will speedily vindicate or answer prayer for those who "cry out day and night" but then wonders aloud if upon returning He would find such faith on the earth.
The following transcript is the foundational first half (45 minutes) of the what grew to become my 1,000 request strategically memorized prayer list. Daily prayed for over a decade, faith and time permitting…
Rob's Daily Prayer
Honor and Repentance
Good morning Lord God Almighty, Creator of at least 200 billion trillion suns and perhaps a trillion trillion number of planets! Each sun born, existing and expiring as a consuming fire. Many reaching a million degrees and earth masses. Many orbiting super massive galactic black holes reaching billions of years of age, degrees and solar masses. All spread across a canopy with a growing observable diameter of 90-100 billion light years of space time arising from what some have theorized as a singularity a million trillionth the size of a proton. Forming this the first and/or second and perhaps least of three heavens.
I ask You to forgive my sins, the sin of my wife Cathy, my son Derek Judah, his wife Melissa and my grandchildren Maddie “Charis” and Beckett "Teras" Pennington, my daughter Bethany Telah, her husband Alex and my grandchildren Zoey Piper and Aden Alethea, Tasha and Tori Dermer. As well as any descendants I might have physically and spiritually. My mother's family (deceased), my brother Jamie and his wife Sherry, nephew Jake and Emily, and nieces Shelby, Daley and Zach.
I confess once again that my family’s sins are as grievous as those of others including ministerial colleagues and Christian friends. I ask You forgive the whole unprofitable lot of us, opening our eyes and ears, hearts and minds that we might fully perceive and enter the Kingdom of Your dear Son and be transformed by heaven’s glorious light of life.
Thank You for blessings of nature and nurture. Particular those of modern life including science and technology. Education and healthcare. Transportation and communication. National and social security. Endless and inexpensive amusements and clothing, food and drink. Much of which I fear is devilishly deceptive.
For a fine home (literally live on the corner of Fine and Home Ave). Including electricity and plumbing, fixtures and appliances, furnishings and memorabilia, AC and water heaters, soft and firm - warm and cool beds and bedding. Refrigerators and freezers, stoves and ovens, microwaves and dishwashers, clothes washers and dryers, remote garage door openers and alarm systems, precious pets like Bentley. Volvo XC90 and Honda CRV. iPhones, MacBooks and iPad Pros (I hope You're pleased with what I've done with mine). A recumbent bike and the wherewithal to daily prayerfully ride it (bless Bill and Dave).
For marriage and children, family and friends. For grand-babies, though I miss them so.
For the Bible and Christianity, prayer and Quantum Christianity. For any interest and/or assistance You've taken and/or given in my life and family. Career and/or ministry. Lay or professional. Pastor. Activist. Director. Consultant. Author.
I ask You to forgive our sins of entitlement, omission and commission, often willful and repeated. A myriad of them unknown to us. Vices extolled as virtues. Virtues suppressed by vices. Condemning to idol words. Debts owed to You and others. Please continue to deliver and protect us from every evil thing and danger, from sin, self, Satan and the spirit of Antichrist to accidents, incidents, illnesses and injuries. By the blood of Jesus Christ may there be no ill effects.
Local and Global Petition
Bless and hear praying parents everywhere, the few who are and the billion of more who should be. Please do the same for the pro-life movement and all godly activist. For those who seek revival, may we be surprised by joy this very hour, glorying in the Holy Ghost and answered prayer from this time forth and forever more. For all those who have, are and/or will be facing trouble and trial, persecution and/or tribulation particularly among the “household of faith.” And/or murder, torture, war, violence, greed, injustice, slavery, sexual exploitation, abuse, neglect, pain, poverty, famine, drought, plague, illness, disease, death, natural and/or man made disasters, conspiracies, recession, depression, temptation, deception, addiction, entitlement, unbelief, lack of or inappropriate faith, hope or love, judgment in this life and/or the next.
Provision and Influence
For Accurate Painting, thanks for decades of work. Please perfectly fill up this month, year and years to come with even greater paying work that can be done providing for salaries and additional time, energy and money for me to invest in writing, prayer and research. For Bill (partner) and I, cause us to be in health and prosper, and make our souls to prosper. I ask the same for all my Care Consulting clients: past, present and future. For Jim Holman and Life on the Ballot. The Cielnicky's (Crusade for Life and Life Priority Network).
I ask for Your most immediate, massive and resource filled blessing on 'Eternity...The Wager' and Series. God Blog, Truth Talks, Praying Parents, Care Consulting and Quantum Christianity from which all these have arisen, including what I believe to be the greatest story never told and one of the most relevant Biblical commentaries of our day. For the creation of Omnity Media Group (OMG) and Awake Fellowship, should You be so inclined. Remember me today as you did Joseph Egypt. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-Nego, Mordecia and Nehemiah in Babylon. Cornelius in Israel.
And might I ask, If You're going to give the lion share of the resources to those not truly teaching the truth, how will the truth be taught? Particularly to, for and by generations less and less truly interested? Grant me the kind of resources of time, energy and money daily squandered by tens if not hundreds of millions of others, far more apathetic and worse. Often in direct opposition to Your Kingdom and the interests of humanity. In time and eternity.
I ask you to come and heal the bones You've broken. Make my bones fat. That You'd grant me a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness. The oil of gladness above my companions, pardon my asking. Fill me with all the fruit and gifts of the Spirit, including mustard seed faith and miracles, healing and deliverance, prophecy and discernment of spirits, words or wisdom and knowledge, gifts of administration and tongues when expedient.
That You'd so bless the time, energy and money I've invested in the Kingdom, particular in the areas of income, inheritance and equity, as You did the loaves and fishes, that all might be feed and there be far more left over.
Ask really BIG!
I ask for “the gift of prophecy. That we would understand all mysteries and have all knowledge and all faith, all working by love. To speak in all tongues of men and angels and be prepared for all good deeds.” (1 Corinthians 13)
That all God's people would be prophets, filled with all the fullness of God from this moment forevermore.
That you would send us into all the world to preach all your gospel, to all those You Yourself have created, learning together to obey all the things You Yourself have commanded. And that all Your signs and wonders would accompany Your message including the healing of all the sick, raising of all the dead, casting out of all devils and demons. Giving sight to all the blind, hearing to all the deaf, speech to all the mute both physically and spiritually. For it is written, "Surely as I Live, says the Lord, I am not willing that any should perish" but that all should come to the knowledge of truth, repentance and salvation. To which I would ask for immediate and massive global seasons of healing, revealing and appealing, times of refreshing coming from the presence of Lord. Not by the judgment we deserve but rather by mercy and grace, grace grace.
Corporate and Personal Concerns
"I ask for these Seven things:
1. A New 'Pentecost' with an immediate global impact of a Million Upper Rooms.
2. "Power from on High" for myself and family, friends and colleagues. All Christians everywhere and our descendants forever.
3. Provision: 5 to 6 figure salary for myself annually and 6 to 7 figure budget for Quantum Christianity. Both secured, retroactive for doing the best work I've done in the Kingdom.
4. Passion for the wife of my youth. That she be wise, virtuous and beautiful filled with all the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
5. For my prodigal son Derek, that he might instantly and fully come to his senses and grant you the full honor due the Tri-Omni God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords and grant me the honor due a father and leader this very moment while I am yet speaking.
6. That my precious daughter Bethany would do the same, coming to her senses and coming home and neither her or her brother ever leaving again (at least in their hearts) until they were ready to do so spiritually, physically, socially and emotionally. That they would quickly learn to fear and obey God and honor their godly father, mother and grandparents to the degree they may be found, that it might go well with them in time and eternity. That together our family and friends would be filled with the Holy Ghost and fire. That we would be preserved entirely blameless spirit, soul and body to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
7. For a beautiful new premises on a wonderful new property, preferably in a forest perhaps above the snow line overlooking an ocean, lake or tinkling city that I might do my work in peace, sin less and prepare myself and others for that which is to come."
Forgiveness, Restitution and Resource
Please forgive our sins and help us “forgive those who sin against us.” Issues real and imagined, past, present and future. Sins of omission and commission, willful and repeated, unknown and ongoing.
Help us not to be vindictive but vindicated, immediately in this life and eternity. For myself I ask for 2, 10, 1,000, 1,000,000 fold the resources I had previous to, and would have had without the subsequent betrayals of, ministries and colleagues. Wealth, salary, staff, district, title, product, productivity, resource, receptivity, lack of resistance and lasting results.
That You'd roll away the sorrow upon sorrow I have, am and will be facing. As you did Joseph in Egypt, when he found You not only sent him ahead to preserve life, but granting him all the fabulous blessing of wisdom and revelation, influence and resource he needed to get the job done.
Grant us to bend the bow of bronze. That we might be transformed from cowardly victims to courageous victors, more than conquerers through Christ who loved us. A love I pray You would extend my generation and the next. My family and myself. My ministry and career. Fill us with love, peace, joy, faith, hope, righteousness and glory in the Holy Ghost.
Thank You for, and please continue to, deliver and protect from all debt and taxes. Wage, salary or benefit loss. Repossessions and foreclosures, bankruptcy and divorce. Worldliness, immorality and apathy. Please increase my fortunes that I might pay out of a small percentage all that is owed and owe no debt but that of love. And be fully paid on that account. In keeping with merit and potential of my work. Past, present and future. That I might successfully complete all that is in my heart to do for Your Kingdom.
Love and Glory of God Ephesians 3
I pray these things to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom all the families of Heaven and Earth are named. That You might grant by You glory that we should be strengthened with all might by Your Spirit which dwells in us by faith. That being rooted in Your love we might comprehend the length, depth, width and height and know the love of God that passes knowledge.
And that we might be filled with all the fullness of God... with all the fullness of God... that right here and now, in real time and the light of day, we might be filled with all the fullness of God.
Now unto You who are able to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond all we can ask or think, according to the power that works within us which I prayed repeatedly would be immediate and unlimited. May there be glory in Your church, in every Christian and family, group and organization, church and denomination, through Jesus Christ, throughout all ages, including this present dark and evil one and that which is coming, world without end.
Have mercy and grace, grace, grace...
Prostration and Intercession
Dear God I confess once again that I and the entire human race, perhaps a hundred billion or more past, present and future are but 'dust in the balance' before any aspect of Your Omnity or even Your creation of space, time or matter.
I confess You are the great I Am and I am nothing great. You have so much, everything. You know so much, everything. You are so much, everything. Tri-Omnity (not just Omnity or Bi-Omnity). Self existing and immutable. We on the other hand are as a mist, here in the morning and burnt off by mid morning. Thinking, feeling, sinful reeds to whom a little water added or withheld can mean life or death. Soulish spirits in bloody meatcycles on skeletal sticks, most “fearfully and wonderfully made” in a fearful and wonderful place, living fearful and/or wonderful lives, facing fearful and/or wonderful futures and a most fearful or wonderful eternity yet with little or no concern over the true demands placed on us by our Maker to be obedient, productive and thankful. And this, even though for the most part we’re born between urine and feces and for all our pomp will die as dogs never really knowing where we come from, who, where and when we are or where we are going, being as it were twisted sideways, backwards and upside down.
Nevertheless, it is written that even we might become beloved stardust, heirs of God and joint heirs of Christ. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
So I pray that You would help us 'come today and reason together, though our sins be as scarlet that we might be washed white as wool.' That through abortion and other acts of global violence and evil we have covered the Earth in crimson, reaching to Heaven and filling it with scandal to our shame, that we might be washed white as snow. By the love and will of God the Father. By the blood and work of God the Son. By the fruit and gifts of God the Holy Spirit. Blessed Omnity, Three in One.
I ask that You would speak to us immediately, forgivingly and gloriously and that we 'would not harden our hearts against Your voice' and that You Oh Great, Awesome and Awful God would do the same, hearing and answering our prayers today while yet on our lips, even those which from our perspective seem long delayed.
That you would help us to come humbly and boldly, successfully and repeatedly, victoriously, joyously and gloriously 'before Your throne of grace to obtain mercy, help and resource at this time of need.'
Desperate Complaint
For while we stand before You utterly condemned for our sin, particularly my generation and the next in First World Nations and beyond and are without excuse, even our behavior is not without explanation. For it is written that he formally known as Lucifer or in Hebrew הילל בן־שׁחר Helel Ben-Shachar, who stands accusing and condemning us, first tempted and deceived us after having led a myriad of angels astray. Ancient, holy and glorious angels from Heaven above. To which end I would ask what chance do we have dear God to stand against so great an Adversary, his army and demonic resistance given that by comparison the entire human race was born yesterday and dies tomorrow balanced if and when at all on toes of flesh. Praying if and when at all as lungs expel air strumming vocal cords to the tune of two to three pounds of decaying brain matter, what’s to become of us without an unprecedented global outpouring of Your Spirit's presence and power, provision and protection? So I pray along the lines the Lord taught:
Our Father in Heaven, Your name is Holy. Your Kingdom come and will be done on Earth, today, as it is in Heaven. Thank You for giving us so much. Please give us far more as well as wisdom on how best to use it, particularly on behalf of those with the greater need. Please forgive our sins, trespasses and debts and help us forgive those who sin and trespass against us and are indebted to us as previously prayed. Particularly I ask that You lead us not into but out of all temptation. All sin, above, about and within. All evil, the evil One, the evil Him and his for Yours is the Kingdom, Power and Glory forever, of which we know little but I suspect they are to be feared, revered and desired above all things in appropriate ways.
Continuing The Ascent
Pressing Heavenward
Genuine endeavors to ascend the Mountain of the Lord are as crucial as they are rare. Yet, there has never been a more pressing and auspicious time to do so than today. Daily and strategic prayer are a good start. One that may need to be supplemented from time to time. After memorizing and interceding via the prayer above for more than a decade, an addendum seemed in order.
When interceding for family and friends, I noticed a similar desire for all. Up to and including myself. Namely, that God would fully and immediately open the eyes and ears, hearts and minds, spirits, souls and bodies of all those I have, am and hope to continue to be praying for.
A tall order to be sure, given the myriad of ancient and modern challenges arrayed against us. Nevertheless, such a request rightly identifies the primary purpose of genuine Biblical Christianity. That Scripture's story, and our own, would become one and the same. That believers might be transformed by the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit to the point that, "We are no longer Jews or Greeks or slaves or free men or even merely men or women…" but entirely New Creations!
All seven forms or modes of prayer are essential. Furthermore, serious, regular and extended corporate prayer meetings are more crucial than ever. See GB's Prayer Meetings, Lessons from Azusa Street and Prayer of Anguish. Even so, daily personal prayer has always been, and will always be, fundamental for all would be radical disciples committed to following Christ's commands and example. And in so doing, walk the path less taken of honesty and repentance, brokenness and intercession. In hope of securing their own salvation, as well as that of family and friends. Not to mention sparking renewal, revival and reformation.
Over decades of Christian service, including attending and/or leading well over a thousand prayer meetings, I've often remarked that in actuality I have only one prayer, with a hundred variations. Again, that God would open the eyes and ears, hearts and minds of modern Christianity. Thus giving us a fighting chance in the heavenly war having marred the very history of eternity and vastly reshaping our own.
Throughout this period, if the Lord has spoken to me at all, it's largely been a single phrase, "Is that how much you care?" This oft repeated refrain has never seemed a chastisement or rebuke, but rather an encouragement and caution. Scripture warns we shall each give a complete account of all our deeds (or lack thereof), every idle word and our thought life. And do so before the living God and all the host of Heaven. With the most horrific everlasting punishments and beatific eternal rewards at stake. As the New Testament often reminds:
- " Behold then the kindness and severity of God…" Romans 11:22 NSAB
- "Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade others." 2 Corinthians 5:11 NIV
- "Be merciful to those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear… Jude 1:22-23 NIV
Such fearful and glorious motivation explains the expansive and nuanced nature of the both my original prayer list and its recent additions.
As for style, taking 10-15 minutes to pray similar prayers over each family member and friend wouldn't get me very far. Though I think such wrestlings with God and "praying through" are also vitally important. In this case, it seems far more efficient to be precise in my requests. First, by introducing a series of powerfully transformative Scriptures. Then, by identifying a myriad of people and places and organizations and institutions as intended recipients. Often with little or no embellishment.
In time, this second list has grown to encompass 800 names. Bringing the total number of my memorized strategic requests to over 1,000! About twice as many as imagined when using a hand clicker to count them. The length of prayer time to complete my original daily prayer and addendum takes 90-120 minutes.
I created and memorized both parts organically, with prayers arising and expanding from a growing sense of concern. Decades ago, my first foray was an attempt at using the Lord's Prayer as a kind of spiritual meditative mantra. At the time it seemed Jesus responded, "My prayer's a great template. Got one of you own? How about writing a prayer along the some lines that address your greatest hopes and fears. Maybe keep it short, about the same length?" It took an hour or two. After which I imagined Christ asking, "How about making it rhyme so it's easier to remember?" Hence, my first memorized prayer was born. One I've prayed thousands of times since:
"Abba of our Savior Yeshua Hamashia, Tri-Omni God of the multiverse.
Limitless, so Ruach Elohim fill us, nuking sin's curse.
Baptizing with such power, love and soundness of mind,
So as with Christ, these our earthly days, by Your glory would shine."
From this foundation, paragraphs were added here and there. Often piecemeal, until a cohesive whole began to emerge. It's never been my intent to fill the air with "meaningless repetitions" in hopes of "being herd for much speaking." It has been my goal to care enough to persevere in prayer by way of meaningful petitions. As Jesus encouraged in His classic parables of the Persistent Widow and Friend at Midnight. Thus was born an expanding firm, fair, factual and friendly synthesis of Paul's directive, "in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God…" and Dr. William Harley relationship advice to make thoughtful requests with abandon.
Another motivation for such an in depth prayer list came from the 17th Century puritan preacher John Bunyan. A prolific writer, he is world-renowned for his work of religious fiction, The Pilgrim's Progress, which he authored while spending 12 years imprisoned in England for his faith. In regards to his dreadful persecution, Bunyan is reported to have lamented failing to strategically pray "lead us not into temptation" before his incarceration as a means of avoidance, or at least preparation.
To this end, rigorous repentance throughout the calisthenics of extended daily prayer and frequent fellowship with like minded Prophetic Christians seems wise. All the more as we "see the Day approaching." Having doubly enshrouded the Earth in ever increasing immorality and abortion, sin's mutation and judgment are all but inevitable. Spiritually and socially, relationships with God and one another are already tempest tossed as an unprecedented Geostorm gathers on the horizon. One of such magnitude as may soon build into the long prophesied global hurricane of the Great Tribulation:
- "This is going to be trouble on a scale beyond what the world has ever seen, or will see again. If these days of trouble were left to run their course, nobody would make it. But on account of God’s chosen people, the trouble will be cut short." Matthew 24:21-22 MSG
- "But be on your guard. Don’t let the sharp edge of your expectation get dulled by parties and drinking and shopping. Otherwise, that Day is going to take you by complete surprise, spring on you suddenly like a trap, for it’s going to come on everyone, everywhere, at once. So, whatever you do, don’t go to sleep at the switch. Pray constantly that you will have the strength and wits to make it through everything that’s coming and end up on your feet before the Son of Man." Luke 21:34-36 MSG
- "'I’m going to make a clean sweep of the earth, a thorough housecleaning.'" God’s Decree. 'Men and women and animals, including birds and fish—Anything and everything that causes sin—will go, but especially people.'" Zephaniah 1:2-3 MSG
- "So get yourselves together. Shape up! You’re a nation without a clue about what it wants. Do it before you’re blown away like leaves in a windstorm, Before God’s Judgment-anger sweeps down on you, Before God’s Judgment Day wrath descends with full force. Seek God, all you quietly disciplined people who live by God’s justice. Seek God’s right ways. Seek a quiet and disciplined life. Perhaps you’ll be hidden on the Day of God’s anger." Zephaniah 2:1-3 MSG
- "By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith." Hebrews 11:7 NIV
Scripture's greatest example of importance of the Before Principle is found in Christ's most fearful account of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Not a parable, this crucial teaching is the only conversation between human beings in the afterlife recorded in the Bible! One that should be carefully studied, with the greatest of concern and honesty.
For our purposes, notice the rich man's response when awakened by eternal damnation. Rather than demanding an explanation of his horrific state, he humbly requests a few drops of water from Lazarus' hand to cool his tongue. Abraham denies even this modest plea. The father of the Jews explains he's physically unable to comply with his great, great, great....grandson's request. Abraham levels no charge of sin against the one in torment. His only explanation is that on Earth the rich man had received "good things" and Lazarus "evil things." Now their roles would be eternally reversed!
The rich man then becomes an evangelical, immediately pleading for the salvation of his family. His charismatic request for an appearance of Lazarus to his father and five brothers is denied. The man in torment presses in, repeating his petition. Fearing his loved ones lack of respect for Scripture, he continues imploring Abraham to send Lazarus. Again his appeal is denied.
The Before Principle is one of the greatest morals of the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Its application best observed by a kind of reverse engineering. How differently might have been his eternity should he have had the foresight to daily and strategically intercede on behalf of himself and family long before he, and perhaps they, entered eternal torment? The question then become to what degree do we?
Motivated by such concerns, I've been glad to find memorizing even such an incredibly lengthy list of prayers came with surprisingly little effort. Their heartfelt and oft repetition easily solidifying them in my mind and heart. While at certain points special attention is required, they flow almost as naturally as does the frequently misunderstood spiritual gift of speaking in the prayer language of tongues. For this and other reasons, I've generally not felt it necessary to delete repeated words and phrases. On the contrary, Biblical Hebrew uses repetition for the sake of emphasis, such as "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts." A habit I've long adopted in a variety of respects.
More so in the following addendum. Almost ad nauseam in certain respects. While it's wise to wonder how much is too much, particularly when stretching the prayer almost beyond credulity, I'd rather err on the side caution. Which in this case translates to a concise yet thorough expression of humility and repentance, contemplation and thanksgiving, concern and compliant, in regards to our exponentially deteriorating spiritual and social condition. Note: To reinforce a need I occasionally add a brief comment from "Yikes" to "God have mercy, Christ have mercy." Many are not recorded here for privacy sake.
As in the case of the Before Principle, many of Scripture's top ten teachings are sadly overlooked. One of most crucial is the Diligence Directive. A concept reinforced hundreds of times throughout the New Testament: Diligent (12), Diligence (7) Work (225) etc. Perhaps most prominently noted in an oft quoted, but woefully underutilized verse, describing the parameters of living faith:
- "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6 NKJV
- "Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified." 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
- "Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose." Philippians 2:12-13
- "Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. Soldiers don’t get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them. And athletes cannot win the prize unless they follow the rules. And hardworking farmers should be the first to enjoy the fruit of their labor. Think about what I am saying. The Lord will help you understand all these things." 2 Timothy 2:3-7
Of Scripture's three examples of diligence, the least dedicated is likely to be the athlete. Soldiers literally have the most skin in the game, putting their lives and those of their units on the line. Farmers must also be diligent or face eventual bankruptcy or starvation. Athletes, particularly non professionals, have only the the honor of winning "the prize" at stake. Even so, what amateur athlete doesn't train dozens of hours a week?
So how do modern Christians compare with even the amateur athletes Paul describes? Not well when the average devotional life of church attenders is only minutes a day. This begs the question, if we continue to neglect such easy tasks as talking to God or studying His word, how will we ever grow strong enough to be as diligent and hard working on behalf of the Kingdom as the radical disciples Jesus and His apostles direct us to become?
Beyond professional ministry, hoping to match the dedication of at least amateur athletes, for a decade or more I've habitually written and prayed during at least the first 4 hours of each day. Give or take. Averaging 30 hours weekly is equivalent to a part time job. Over years, such an investment could have paid a good return in a variety of areas such as finances or home improvement. Instead, I've chosen another kind of venture that may well fall into the category of the "work of God." One that like spiritual exercise, holds "promise in the present life and the life to come." The dividends of which, only time and/or eternity will tell.
Generally, I complete my initial strategic daily prayer, and much of the addendum, early in the morning. Preferably shortly after sunrise. Most often while biking around my neighborhood for some fresh air and much needed exercise. In doing so, I've found the words flow with little or no effort. When faith and schedule permit, I add most, if not all, the remaining names from the following lengthy addition. A secondary list that largely took shape in mid 2019. With intercessions increasing in length and fervency by early 2020. Just as the COVID-19 health, economic and institutional crises began to first greatly influence, and then radically alter, normal life. On a national and global scale.
Rob's Personal Prayer Addendum
Dear God, I ask that You would fully and immediately open the eyes and ears, hearts and minds, spirits, souls and bodies of all those I have, am and hope to continue to be praying for. People and places, groups and organizations. That we might literally be filled with all the fullness of God. Right here and now. In the light of day and forever more. All the genuine fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Including Divine love, joy and peace, patience, kindness and goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Against which there is neither law, nor I suspect regret. In time or eternity. And for those who are or would be worthy, mustard seed faith and miracles, healing and deliverance, prophecy and discernment of spirits, words or wisdom and knowledge, gifts of administration and tongues when expedient. With all necessary edits to doctrine and lifestyle.
That from the least to the greatest within modern Christianity we would no longer be mere men, already all but completely defeated, who's worship, prayers and meetings often do more harm than good. But rather entirely New Creations. Neither Jew or Gentile, slave of free, male or female. Full Kingdom citizens, having already completely passed from death to life. Having rivers of living water springing up into eternal life from our innermost being. Saving not only ourselves and families, but hundreds if not thousands, millions if not billions. As far as the need may be, which seems pretty far to me indeed.
That even the least among us would be greater than John the Baptist, whom Jesus said was not only a prophet and more but the greatest of these born among women. Preferably conditionally and positionally. Thought I suspect there is little or no Kingdom difference.
Cause us to judge with righteous judgment. To believe that You are and that You're a rewarder of those who diligently seek You. To number our days and enter Your rest. To fully embrace the wisdom from above and reject the wisdom from below which is earthly, sensuous and demonic. To have godliness and contentment, which is great gain. With food and clothing to be content. To rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ concerning you.
That we would find faith, hope and love displacing fear, anger and sorrow. Particularly for those who've learned that godly fear is the beginning wisdom. But not necessarily its end. For he that fears is not perfected in love. For fear has torment. And perfect love casts out fear.
That we would count it all joy when we fall into diverse temptations knowing that the trial of our faith works patience. that we would let patience have it's perfect work that we might be entire lacking nothing. That we would make no provision for the flesh and redeem the time for the days are evil. That we would present our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable, which is our reasonable form of spiritual worship. That we would not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. That we would approve and prove what is the good and acceptable will of God.
That we might even enjoy buffeting our bodies as extreme spiritual athletes, for profit both in this life and the life to come. That we would be crucified with Christ, nevertheless live, yet not us but Christ living in us. That the life that we now live, we'd live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved us and gave Himself up for us. That we would be risen with Christ. Seated with Christ in heaven places. And our lives hid with Christ in God.
I know it's a big request. One I may have no right to ask. And for many of those I'm asking, far less. Nevertheless I ask according to Christ's commands (I generally quote one or two of the following): Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who keeps on asking receives, and he who keeps on seeking finds, and to him who keeps on knocking, it will be opened. And if you being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, will not your Heavenly Father give good gifts, and/or the Holy Spirit, to those who ask? Also Christ taught we should always pray and not give up. Like the Friend at Midnight, when Jesus said, If you knock long enough you'll get whatever you kneed. And the persistent widow, of whom Jesus asked, When the Son of Man returns, will He find this kind of faith on the earth?
Family, Friends and Ministries
I ask this for myself and my wife Cathy. My son Derek Judah, Melissa, Maddie “Charis” and Beckett "Teras." My daughter Bethany Telah, Alex and Zoey Piper, Tasha and Tori Dermer. Any descendants I might have physically and spiritually. My mother's family (mom's deceased). My brother Jamie and his wife Sherry. Nephew Jake and Emily. Nieces Shelby, Daley and Zach. Bill and Bentley. Trae, Troy and Tammy. Joey, Richie, Debbie and Robert. And our families, immediate and extended. For Doug and Brenda, April and Janelle, Wyatt and JR. For dear Laura, Amanda, Sara and their brothers and sisters.
For Paul and Kim, Hannah and Ruth (the Disney princesses and family of giraffes). Often creative and crazy Phil Brewer. Ted and Dianna (and their tabernacle). Doug, Cindy and Embassy India. Lucie Long. I ask that we would all walk in Divine health and healing, for ourselves and others. For Michael and Charity, Hunter, Michaela and Mariah. Randy and Teri. Dear Kelly, Lizzy and Christian Lightner
Dennis and Judy Long, Steve and Marty Kelsey (the huggers). Dave and Luelle. Doug and Heather (who having healed fully get the glory). Laura and Tom (please heal and get the glory). Yuet and Sundong. Scott Fable. Mark Peterson, Devon Hartman and Debra Little. Amy Cross, may she live up to her name. For all of these, and all of us together, please immediately and fully reveal that which is most important and into it pour our time, energy and money before it's eternally too late. For ourselves and others. As in my favorite parable of the Treasure Hid In The Field, in which I've long hoped against hope.
For Randal Terry, Joseph Foreman and Troy Newman. Operation Rescue, Shattering the Darkness and such. The Palmquest and Life Savers. Cindy Turner, Eloise Banuelos, Fritz and Beth. Dear John Long. April and Ed, Linda and Greg. Lucie and Ed, Ashley, Timothy, Ben and Randi. Please heal Lucie, Ed and Randi Long and get the glory (all pro-life leaders and their families).
Rene and Christy. Ray and Maria (ministerial colleagues). May they read my articles and all of us respond appropriately to everything the Spirit is saying to the churches.
For Hugh Ross at Reasons to Believe, Guillermo Gonzalez and Priviledged Planet, Michael Guillen and Science and the Bible. Petersons and The Message, Mc Dowells and Evidence and More. Jeffreys and Signature of God (you never know). Ripken and Insanity of God. Brunson and God's Hostage. Marriage Builders and Connect Families (as far as they go.) For the messages of Wesley and Taylor, Finney and Wigglesworth, Müller and Roberts, Bonhoeffer and Pullinger, Gruver and Pitman, Ravenhill and Wilkerson.
For Brother Yun, the Heavenly Man. The church and people of China. Church and people of the world. I ask that you would immediately and fully reveal any and all conspiracies and conspirators, up to and including the Illuminati and Deep States, Shadow Governments and organization, corporations and agendas. COVID-19, where it came from and what it is, what it's doing, its aftermath and what is coming. Help us respond appropriately. Also to matters regarding religion and morality, ethics, science and technology. Pro-life, sexual and gender issues. AI, VR, Nano, Cyber and Bio-tech. Space, nuclear and climate change. Health care, economies and freedoms. Rioting, violence and lawlessness. Billionaires, media and politics (make them tell the truth). Vaccines, Mark of the Beast and spirit of the Antichrist.God's judgments, Revelation (great and small) and apocalyptic events. Back to Jerusalem.
David Wilkerson's Prayer of Anguish, James 4 and 5 as presented by GodBlog, Quantum Christianity and Eternity the Wager. Time Square Church and Samaritan's Purse. Christian Children's Fund and World Vision. Wycliffe and YWAM. All missionaries, missions and ministries. Youth for Christ and LoveINC. FCA, CBA, Teen Challenge. The Grahams, Palaus, Joni and Friends, Master's Commission and such. Justin Brierly and Unbelievable, his guest and audience. Swindoll, MacArthur and such. The Greens and Last Days Ministries, Jars of Clay, Sons of Korah, Jeremy Camp and acceptable worship.
Dobson and Focus on the Family, CA Family Council, Plugged In and such. All Crises Pregnancy Centers and Pro-Life Programs. International and national, regional, state and local. CBR and Abortion No. Priests for Life, Walk for Life, March for Life, 40 Days for Life. Bound4Life, Lou Engle's the Cause and Call. Matt Walsh, Candice Owens and such. Republican, Tea Party and such. GodBlog, Quantum Christianity and Eternity the Wager. Tulare Kings RTL, RLCC: Jonathan Keller, Josh Brahm and John Gerardi. Victor Fierro and Lori Kruger, Dave and Erica. Nicole and Rene, Jeremy, Jonathan and Charis Muster. Fred and the Vanderhoof's, Julie and the Fry's. Alison and the Berry's. Ryan Winter, Drew Atkins and such (staff and supporters from Right to Life of Central CA).
Here I insert the last names of several of my past closest ministerial colleagues and friends who's actions severely impacted my family and ministry. May their sins not be counted against them. Rather may we forgive from the heart which is right and required. Not being vindictive but vindicated. In time and eternity. (Here I insert their first names, too be clear of my intent to completely forgive and ask the best for them and their families).
Denominations and Churches
The Catholic Church, I ask that you would immediately and fully reveal any and all conspiracies and conspirators, up to and including the Illuminati and Deep States, Shadow Governments and organization, corporations and agendas. COVID-19, where it came from and what it is, what it's doing, its aftermath and what is coming. Help them respond appropriately. Also to matters regarding religion and morality, ethics, science and technology. Pro-life, sexual and gender issues. AI, VR, Nano, Cyber and Bio-tech. Space, nuclear and climate change. Health care, economies and freedoms. Rioting, violence and lawlessness. Billionaires, media and politics (make them tell the truth). Vaccines, Mark of the Beast and spirit of the Antichrist. God's judgments, Revelation (great and small) and apocalyptic events.
For all past, present and future influence of all church councils and popes, cardinals and bishops, priest and nuns, monks and clerics, clergy and laity. If they're immoral, particularly if abusive or in leadership, please quickly reveal and remove them, while moving this massive block of believers through genuine Biblical repentance into renewal, revival and reformation.
I ask the same for the Protestant Church. That you would immediately and fully reveal any and all conspiracies and conspirators, up to and including the Illuminati and Deep States, Shadow Governments and organization, corporations and agendas. COVID-19, where it came from and what it is, what it's doing, its aftermath and what is coming. Help us respond appropriately. Also to matters regarding religion and morality, ethics, science and technology. Pro-life, sexual and gender issues. AI, VR, Nano, Cyber and Bio-tech. Space, nuclear and climate change. Health care, economies and freedoms. Rioting, violence and lawlessness. Billionaires, media and politics (make them tell the truth). Vaccines, Mark of the Beast and spirit of the Antichrist. God's judgments, Revelation (great and small) and apocalyptic events.
Up to and including Calvary Chapel and Calvary Chapels, Chuck Smith and/or their influencers. Valley Christian Center and SouthPoint, the Foursquare and Hayfords. University Vineyard, the Vineyard and Wimbers. Peoples Church and Cornerstone, Franklin and Richardson and the Assembly's of God. Bethel Redding, SaddleBack, the Warrens and such. Phil Kell and the Southern Baptist. All Baptists. Methodists. Lutherans. Presbyterians. Church of God. Church of Christ. Various Charismatic, Pentecostal and Holiness churches. Reformed and Anabaptists. Mennonites. Amish. Quakers. Building Quakers, may they soon arise. Episcopals and Anglicans (Carlos Rains). Messianic Jews and their converts (Ashodians). Armenians (Greg). All non and interdenominational churches. All home fellowships, small groups and parachurch organizations.
From the Emerging and Liberal church, Fundamentalists and Conservatives, Evangelicals and Charismatics. I ask that you would save the whole unprofitable lot of us. Healing and forgiving. Recruiting. Training. Deploying. Monitoring and nurturing. Expanding the Kingdom of Your dear Son on earth by saving modern Christianity, and through us humanity. Also Cross City. Mountain View. St. Patricks (the Martins and Courtnee). The Well. Clovis Hills. Trinity Community. Legacy (the Whites). Living Water, (the Halversons) and such. For heresies and cults. From the Emerging Church and Word of Faith, to Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Christian Science and such.
World Religions
For the Jews, who's time again seems to be swiftly approaching.
For the Muslims. Hindus and Sikhs. Buddhists, Confucianists, Taoists and Shintoists. Animists and worse. Humanists and secularists. Agnostics and atheists. From the confused to militant (God have mercy, Christ have mercy).
Personal and Family Business
For Accurate Painting: GSF, SanMar and Manco Abott (Wendy Christianson). These apartment managers and families, communities and workflow to Accurate Painting: Gloria and Joe (please heal and get the glory) Wendy and Mario. Mark. Lupe. Christina. Alisha. Julie. Lorena. Maria. Patty and Sue. Care Consulting and The Arc. Cathy's clients, coworkers and conditions. For Dermers and Fleet Core. Citi and Wells Fargo, WestAmerica, UBOC and such. Selma Honda, Honda and third party insurance. Ditech and Shellpoint, American Airlines and such.
World Authorities and Influencers
For all those in authority, that we might lead quiet, peaceful and godly lives without undue influence or restrictions. International and national. Regional, state and local. For all governments and governors. Politics and politicians (make them tell the truth). For all past, present and future Presidents and Vice Presidents. Secretaries of State and Cabinet Members. Communists and capitalist. Dictators and despots. Religious leaders and zealots (Sharia and such). Tech and media moguls. All billionaires. Corporations, syndicates and cartels. All media and influencers. Stars of screens and airways, cable and the net. Speakers and teachers. Authors and artists.
For all past, present and future occupants and workers at the White House. I ask that you would immediately and fully reveal any and all conspiracies and conspirators, up to and including the Illuminati and Deep States, Shadow Governments and organization, corporations and agendas. COVID-19, where it came from and what it is, what it's doing, its aftermath and what is coming. Help us respond appropriately. By us I mean "We the people" "Of the people, by the people, for the people." Also to matters regarding religion and morality, ethics, science and technology. Pro-life, sexual and gender issues. AI, VR, Nano, Cyber and Bio-tech. Space, nuclear and climate change. Health care, economies and freedoms. Rioting, violence and lawlessness. Billionaires, media and politics (make them tell the truth). Vaccines, Mark of the Beast and spirit of the Antichrist. God's judgments, Revelation (great and small) and apocalyptic events. President Trump and Vice President Pence. Politics and elections (make them tell the truth). Federal and state, citizen and civil rights. For emergency powers. Economic and institutional shutdowns. Shelter in place and social distancing ordinances. The budget, deficit and debt. Taxes, stimulus and unemployment. No reparations. Foreign and domestic policies. Judicial appointments.
For all past, present and future Federal, Appeals and Supreme Court Justices and judges. I ask that you would immediately and fully reveal any and all conspiracies and conspirators, up to and including the Illuminati and Deep States, Shadow Governments and organization, corporations and agendas. COVID-19, where it came from and what it is, what it's doing, its aftermath and what is coming. Help up respond appropriately. Also to matters regarding religion and morality, ethics, science and technology. Pro-life, sexual and gender issues. AI, VR, Nano, Cyber and Bio-tech. Space, nuclear and climate change. Health care, economies and freedoms. Rioting, violence and lawlessness. Billionaires, media and politics (make them tell the truth). Vaccines, Mark of the Beast and spirit of the Antichrist. God's judgments, Revelation (great and small) and apocalyptic events. Politics and elections (make them tell the truth). Federal and state, citizen and civil rights. For emergency powers. Economic and institutional shutdowns. Shelter in place and social distancing ordinances. The budget, deficit and debt. Taxes, stimulus and unemployment. No reparations. Foreign and domestic policies. All procedures and policies, precedents and the Constitution.
For all past, present and future workers on Capital Hill. Members of the House an Senate: Republican, Democrats and Independent. Conservative and liberal. Moderate and radical. Christian (if there are any). No communist or muslims please. I ask that you would immediately and fully reveal any and all conspiracies and conspirators, up to and including the Illuminati and Deep States, Shadow Governments and organization, corporations and agendas. COVID-19, where it came from and what it is, what it's doing, its aftermath and what is coming. Help up respond appropriately. Also to matters regarding religion and morality, ethics, science and technology. Pro-life, sexual and gender issues. AI, VR, Nano, Cyber and Bio-tech. Space, nuclear and climate change. Health care, economies and freedoms. Rioting, violence and lawlessness. Billionaires, media and politics (make them tell the truth). Vaccines, Mark of the Beast and spirit of the Antichrist. God's judgments, Revelation (great and small) and apocalyptic events. Politics and elections (make them tell the truth). Federal and state, citizen and civil rights. For emergency powers. Economic and institutional shutdowns. Shelter in place and social distancing ordinances. The budget, deficit and debt. Taxes, stimulus and unemployment. No reparations. Foreign and domestic policies. Mitch Mc Conell, Nancy Pelosi and such,
All committees and sub committees. Ways and Means. Federal Reserve and banking. Wall Street and stock market. All stock markets: currency and gold, commodities and futures, notes and bonds, funds and shares. Social Security. Health care: from research and development to products and providers. Insurance, from traditional to the Affordable Care Act: Covered CA and such. Free quality universal health care. Lowering the age for medicare to 60, that Cathy and I could have quality benefits without restrictions and walk in Holy Ghost health and healing for ourselves and others.
For transportation and communication (thank You very much). For agriculture and commerce. Housing and Urban Development. For Education (God have mercy, Christ have mercy). For Justice and Corrections. Prisons (God have mercy, Christ have mercy). Immigration, naturalization and refugees (God have mercy, Christ have mercy). The boarder and the wall, Homeland Security and Ice. For FDA, CDC and FEMA (make them tell the truth). Also EPA, NOAH and NASA. UN, Nato and NAFTA (and its replacement). WHO and World Bank (make them tell the truth).
Armed Services
The Armed Services: Space Force, Air Force, Army, Navy and Marines. DOD, NSA, CIA, FBI, Secret Service, U.S. Marshals and such. All National, State and Coast Guards. Federal, State and citizen militias. All police, sheriff and fire departments (Jake, Vanderhoof and Berry boys). Highway patrol, emergency responders and health care workers (Jeremy and Charity).
For all States, I ask that you would immediately and fully reveal any and all conspiracies and conspirators, up to and including the Illuminati and Deep States, Shadow Governments and organization, corporations and agendas. COVID-19, where it came from and what it is, what it's doing, its aftermath and what is coming. Help up respond appropriately. Also to matters regarding religion and morality, ethics, science and technology. Pro-life, sexual and gender issues. AI, VR, Nano, Cyber and Bio-tech. Space, nuclear and climate change. Health care, economies and freedoms. Rioting, violence and lawlessness. Billionaires, media and politics (make them tell the truth). Vaccines, Mark of the Beast and spirit of the Antichrist. God's judgments, Revelation (great and small) and apocalyptic events. Politics and elections (make them tell the truth). For emergency powers: federal and state, citizen and civil rights. Economic and institutional shutdowns. Shelter in place and social distancing ordinances. The budget, deficit and debt. Taxes, stimulus and unemployment. No reparations. Foreign and domestic policies.
For all Governors and Lt. Governors. State Legislators, Secretary of States and Cabinet Members. State and lower courts. Lawyers and lobbyists. Chief of Staffs and staffs. Politics and elections (make them tell the truth). For emergency powers: federal and state, citizen and civil rights. Economic and institutional shutdowns. Shelter in place and social distancing ordinances. The budget, deficit and debt. Taxes, stimulus and unemployment. No reparations. Foreign and domestic policies.
For utilities: water, electrical, gas, sewer, sanitation, fuel and emergency services. The service sector, retail, wholesale, commercial, manufacturing, industrial and delivery. Programs: Unemployment and disability, welfare (workfare) food stamps and IHSS. Governor Gavin Newsom and such.
California, Texas, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, Road Island. The Virginias, Carolinas and Dakotas. Florida. Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Colorado. Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee and such.
Cities and Counties
The same for all cities and counties. All mayors, city councils and board of supervisors. School districts: from students and teachers to bus drivers and cooks. From admin and trustees to superintendents. All municipalities, cities and counties: Fresno, Clovis, Madera and McKinney. Kerman and Central, Coalinga, Dinuba, Merced and Modesto. Tulare-Kings, Kern and Santa Clarita. GLA (Greater LA Area), Orange and Long Beach. Artesia, Anaheim, Lakewood, Bellflower, San Pedro, San Bernardino, Newport, Huntington and such. San Diego. Pacific, Mission and Ocean Beach. Sea World. Chula Vista.
Sacramento. San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland and such. Santa Cruz. Monterey, Carmel and Pacific Grove. Morro Bay, Cambria and Cayucos. Pismo. Santa Maria, Pismo and San Luis Obispo. Yosemite Lakes Park (Bethany's family commute). Coarsegold and Oakhurst. Bass Lake, Yosemite and Shaver Lake.
Neighborhood Friends and Acquaintances
Jessica and her brother. Robert and Andrew. Nate, Tommy and Rueben Jr. Dear Manda and Anthony, sweet Sophia and Penelope. Josh, Todd and Karen. Pat, her brood and friend. Please heal Larry, Orson, Via and get the glory. My neighbors to the left, right, behind and kitty-corner. Linda Rae, Sarah, Diana and the Martins. Jasmine. Juju. April and her brothers and sisters. The Asian, Mexican, Black and White kids. Suzanna, Sharon and Mr. Atkins (please heal and get the glory). The older ladies and hispanic walkers. The young ladies and there beautiful Yorkies. The Raiders fan. Spinners family. Charley's family. St. Bernards family. The boy who needs healing so badly.
Josh Hays and the Maroa Home guys and families: Jeff, Kisha, Kyle and Kori Stamps. Tony Reynish and Justin Yuen. Mike Whipple, John and Brenda Rocha and such. Deacon Dickie.
For Sandy and Steve (please heal and get the glory). Adam and Aaron (heal and get the glory). Lupe and Reno (heal and get the glory). Christian and Melody (heal and get the glory). Jackie and Brytt (heal and get the glory). Tom Staples (heal and get the glory). Sandi, Clarence, Josh and Summer (heal and get the glory). For Patty and Keith, Jose and Maria, Kenny and Ida, Xiong Lee, Saifa, Laurel, and the Killians. Lamont, Heather and Mary. For Richard, the Bakers and Justine. For Rogelio, Brenda and Red Cave. Jose and Ricardo. Carlos Sandoval, Carlos Gomez, Jessie Ortiz and Jesus Lopez. Dr. Rodney and Selma Vet. Larry from MidCal. Lee, Steve and Debbie Sebert. Brent Percy.
For Cheryl and Bob (please heal and get the glory). Robert and Tammi. Shaun and Sherry. Steve and Peggy (Accurate Painting). Curt and Val. Bill and Carla (that's not a debt and God's holy number). Jetti. Gloria and Ceece. Pat Hebert and Ladonna Streed. Marvin Harms. Randy and Susan. Julie and Jeff. Tim and Anne Marie. Scott and Kelly, Samuel and Alexa (God have mercy, Christ have mercy). Also on James and Hannah, Tony and Ralaine. Bruce and Loreen, Victoria, Nick and Stevie (God have mercy, Christ have mercy). Also on Jon and Rebecca, Dawn and Don. Tom and Pat, Rebecca and Elizabeth. Mike and Pam, David, Brandon and Jillian. Todd and Cindy, the Guerreros, Gutierrezs and such.
For Ken and Sharon, Danny and Denney. Bill and Karen, Danny, Missy, Randy and Valery Slentz. The Millers. The Osbornes. May Gary's and Pete's prophecies, and those of Rene, Jeanette and Anna all come true this very day. The gifts and calling of God being without repentance, though hopefully leading multitudes of us to and through it. The Jones, Gene Hurely's family. Carpenters, Pallesis, Jerilyn and the Von Flues. Jackie and the Buttrams. Cotrells, Woodstras, Prims and Darlene Hillyard.
For the Lloyds, Lawins and Holts. Lebuefs, Nords, Lunas Jeorgensons and Mores. Marty Magona and Marie Sanchez. Patricia Stoops, Lisa Mitchel and Lori Armstrong. Rosemary Kuppina, Stephanie Zapanivich, and Kim Wear. The Civellos, Snyders and Rouseys. The Sanchezes, Applegates and Writes. Depues, Hans and Bowels. Morales (Romero, Rueben, Juan, Nicky, the girls and Paulita's). Samiagos, Davises, Brewers, Colemans. Joyce Patterson, Becky Blair, Tammy Burgan and Linda Souza. For the Lewises, Cogbils, Idies and Ortizes. Steve and Susan, Catherine, Kathleen and Kirk. Mark Schofield and his dear assistant.
Medical Providers
For all health care providers. Dr Wu, Harvey, Dr. Law, J.R. Alvarez, Gracie Lue and Michael Castillo. Kaiser medical and insurance. All insurance, pharmacy and pharmaceuticals. Nurses and specialists. Dentists and hygienists. Optometrists, oncologists, pediatricians, gynecologists and such. Fresno, Clovis and all community and county hospitals. St. Agnes and all Catholic hospitals. Valley and all children's hospitals. Fresno and all VA hospitals. The Ericksons, Peachwood and all medial centers. Horizons and all after care facilities. Nancy Hinds and all hospices.
Eternity…The Wager
For Icon and Mel Gibson. Caviezil and Pachino. Lucas, Spielburg, Cameron, Jackson and Cruz. Howard and Hanks, Willis and Eastwood. Wachowskis brothers and Reeves. Comcast and Universal. Paramount, TriStar, Disney, Marvel and DC. Prime Video, Netflix, Hulu and such. All those who could, should and would help with Eternity…The Wager and Series. Up to and including the world's richest: Bezos, Gates, Buffet, Zuckerberg, Musk, Saudi Royals, Apple, Virgin Unite and such. On behalf of the world's poorest half. And those of us in between: Christ's Rich Man and Lazarus, Rich Young Ruler, Good Samaritan, Sheep and Goats. Mary's Magnificat. John the Baptist's alter call. Peter's "Silver and Gold have I none" (Kingdom power vs. wealth).
For music, TV and movies. Broadcast, purchased, streaming and downloads. Spotify, Itunes and Prime. CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, CNN, PBS, MSN, CNBC and such. Comcast, Netflix, Hulu, Redbox and such. For Hollywood and Motown, Madison Ave and Silicon Valley. For all websites, blogs and podcasts. All publications, print and electronic. All social media: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Tender (God have mercy, Christ have mercy).
For others I've remembered in the past or will in the future. For the children among us. Particularly my grandchildren. May they grow mentally and physically, in favor with God and man, animals and art, activities and athletics, technology and theology in ways befitting and benefiting the Kingdom of God. Perhaps along the lines of GodBlog, Quantum Christianity and Omnity Media Group (should I ever be better resourced). In Jesus Name. God have mercy, Christ have mercy…
Author's Note
For the sake of privacy, a third section of Rob's Daily Prayer dealing with personal and family, professional and ministry issues has been omitted. As have brief comments added here and there in association with certain people and organizations.
As referenced, the length of the entire prayer ranges from 90-120 minutes at normal conversational speed, which varies from day to day. When faith and time permit, I often complete the first 60-90 minutes while biking around my neighborhood. And the remainder after a short breakfast break, where for the last ten years I've exchanged my recumbent bike for the happy company of my Yorkie Bentley. Should schedule or circumstances be less favorable, I edit the duration of my daily prayer accordingly.
While cautioned not to pray and tell, given both the extremity of need and the late hour, it seems worth the risk. I do so admitting the vast majority of my prayers have long gone unanswered. For example, in the areas of influence and resource, I frequently complain and wrestle with God over the fact that tens, if not hundreds of millions of others, far more apathetic and worse, daily squander vast troves of time, energy and money that could be put to far better use. Rather than being employed in direct option to God's Kingdom and thus the temporal and eternal interests of humanity. A familiar refrain, often lamented in the Psalms and Prophets.
Similarly, and for a variety of reason, most of my requisitions for personal and corporate breakthrough in regards to the restoration of the genuine fruit and gifts of the Spirit have yet to be filled. A good faith effort, with as of yet little or no tangible impact. Neither in family or friends, colleagues or the opposition. Or seemingly even God Himself. Primary reasons for taking the further steps of creating Quantum Christianity and Eternity…The Wager, God Blog as well as Psalms in the Night in conjunction with Psalms of Delight.
Challenges to faith can serve to either oppose and/or bolster commitment to prayer. Particularly lengthy and strategically formulated daily prayer. A discipline as rare as it is needful. Continually offering the sacrifice of honest and heart broken confession of our dire situation is challenging on a variety of levels. Clearly and concisely asking for so much, so often, requires facing discouragement on a daily basis. Yet quantumly, faith is kindled in the very asking. As precious Scriptures are rehearsed, and spiritual endurance is exercised, the promise of hope has chance to arise. As Paul assures:
- "And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Romans 5:3-5 NKJV
The Bible explains that both personally, and as a species, mankind faces the deadly foe of sin on three fronts. Sin within, resulting from individual and inherited fallen natures. Sin above, in the form of devilish and demonic temptation and deception. And Sin about, the collective and cumulative effect of sin within and above. In regards to sin from above, the New Testament is quite adamant:
- "And that about wraps it up. God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels." Ephesians 6:10-12 MSG
With so much opposition, why begin much less continue, the habit and discipline of strategic daily prayer? Eugene Peterson, author of the wonderfully contemporary Bible version The Message (MSG), reinforces the need to soldier on in his book, "Long Obedience in the Same Direction" (always prefer the audio books narrated by their authors). Sadly, virtues such as endurance are fast being displaced by the demand for continual and instant gratification. Character flaws, aiding and abetting unprecedented levels of personal and corporate entitlement, collectively jeopardizing the very foundations of genuine Biblical faith.
Struggling against such spiritual and social onslaughts has its benefits. Daily rehearsing eternal values critical to the health and survival of ourselves and family, friends and neighbors, remains the original and authentic work of God. Appreciated or not.
Growing in the ability to answer the challenge of ubiquitous and growing levels of temptation and deception, worldliness and sin is essential in defending the faith once for all delivered to the saints. Both in regards to our personal and corporate testimony.
Additionally, things are rarely as they seem. Kingdom and worldly success have surprisingly little in common. God's way are not in keeping with our own. While dreadful to contemplate, millions enjoy abundance and the spot light now, yet face an eternity of weeping and outer darkness. Both inside and outside the rank and file of Churchianity. To this end we do well not to confuse the praises of men as God's anointing. Worldly blessings as His approval. Financial freedom as His favor. Or vice versa.
Another obstacle to developing a strategic daily prayer life is opposition from even Christian circles. Including cherished family and friends. It's been rightly noted we are all telling ourselves a story. Polarized in our positions, more often than not our narratives fail to fully harmonize with that of Scripture. Through misunderstanding and/or devilish influence, rather than approve and assist in the struggle, multitudes continually undervalue and/or undermine the effort. Sadly, those for whom we love and pray often confuse discernment and honesty with condemnation and negativity. Repudiating the need for Biblical repentance, most dismiss attempts at radical discipleship as legalism. Misusing emotionalism and/or Scripture, many deny the value of lengthy memorized prayer, or other serious disciplines, without caring enough to give them a try.
Nothing is more common than failing to grasp the true nature of the spiritual struggle before us. Hundreds of millions are tossed to and fro between the sentimental presumption of Churchianity and the original sin of entitlement. Rather than admit the inconvenient truth of our growing list of serious failures, much less the success of our Enemy's cunning, many take false comfort in poor doctrine and worldliness. Often wielding unanswered prayer as evidence against the heavenly wisdom of deepening repentance and redoubling our efforts. Distractions reminiscent of Lot's wife's backward leaning, and Job's wife's frustrated cry, "Curse God and be done with it."
Overcoming these and other hurdles requires a special breed of believer. Prophetic Christians. Men and women Scripturally savvy enough to appreciate that the afore mentioned context of conflict theology is vital to rightly understanding Biblical content. Readily admitting our desperate need of God, they seriously consider to what degree our doctrine, and lifestyles, may need adjusting to line up with the promises and commands of Scripture. They endeavor to more fully repent, shedding themselves of besetting sins and even doubtful habits. They double down in daily pray for spiritual transformation, while seeking to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”
Admittedly, lengthy and memorized strategic and daily prayer is not for everyone. Yet we are all called to go the extra mile for the Kingdom's sake. And to do so with wise enthusiasm:
- "Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life." Galatians 6:4 MSG
This holds doubly true for prayer. All the more as we see the last days drawing near. "Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches." Listen closely and you can hear Christ's rebuke to Peter echoing across the centuries, "What, could you not watch with Me one hour?" A vital question, given the Gethsemane we face is our own. And that of family and friends, neighbors and all of mankind. Billions woefully unprepared. All this at a time when serious and insightful prayer is at an all time low and intercession all but a lost art. We must learn to care enough to do better. And quickly, as Jesus warned the people of God in His day:
- "Then he said to the crowds, “When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once that it is going to rain, and so it does. And when you feel the south wind blowing, you say that it is going to be hot, and so it is. You frauds! You know how to interpret the look of the earth and the sky. Why can’t you interpret the meaning of the times in which you live?” Luke 12:54-56 PHILLIPS
When it comes radical discipleship in all its forms, including entering the crucible of overcoming prayer, Jesus warned, "For many are called, but few are chosen." Why? Because too few choose to answer His call. And again, when referencing the need for endurance in prayer, "When the Son of Man comes, will He find this kind of persistent faith on the earth?" As the late great Keith Green sang in Glory Lord Jesus:
"Glory Lord Jesus, glory to your Holy Name.
Forevermore you'll never change.
When the Son of Man returns,
Will He find faith on the Earth?
Well I hope so, I want to be found ready.
I wanna be found ready.
I want to be ready, Lord help me be ready.
Please let me be found ready, I wanna be ready.
Oh, Lord help me be ready.
I wanna be found ready, I wanna be ready.
Lord help me"
Lord help us all…
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