Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do.
- Thomas Aquinas

Modern Proverbs
When answering the questions of questions, “what must I do to be saved?” in the Good Samaritan and the Rich Young Ruler, as well as when addressing the issue in the Rich Man and Lazarus and the Sheep and the Goats (His four major treatments on the subject), Christ continually emphasizes personal salvation is received by serving and saving those in need. To the exclusion of any and all doctrinal considerations.
Christ and His apostles wisely noted that living faith's acknowledgement of Jesus as the only Lord and Savior is best revealed by following Scripture’s command to love and serve others. The Old and New Testaments together teach that God so identifies with the needy that to love them or fail to do so, is to love or fail to love, Him. What is not widely acknowledged is the interesting emphasis the Gospels and Epistles give. When weighing the mind, heart and will's contribution to salvation, Scripture clearly teaches it's our deeds the seem to tip the scale.
Modern Proverbs
by Robert R. Pennington
Do we, "Accept the Lord" or does He Accept (or Reject) us? Have we exalted the former to hide the truth of the latter?
Salvation is a conditional yet unmerited fee gift. Both an event and process it's hardly the "Get out of Judgment Free Card" some claim. “If (one of over 1,400 in Scripture) you endure to the end you shall be saved." Telling that Jesus never invites us to "tell" Him of our love. Peter did and was tested within hours. Interviewed by Jesus after his 3 denials, his responses are revealing in the original Greek. Peter, as an example for us, learned the hard way to listen when Jesus warns, "If you love me you will obey my commandments and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free! If here identifies, "the truth" that salvation, like ALL free Gifts, is conditional, and reasonably so.
Some claim adherence to the greatest themes of scripture is enough to secure salvation. Odd that the Apostle Paul, the most prolific of the New Testament authors, admonished that we should ""work out our salvation with fear and trembling."
Under emphasizing conditional righteousness by over emphasizing positional righteousness is like hoping to make weight by standing on a scale with one foot in the air.
Jesus clearly warns on several occasions that those failing to forgive others their sins will themselves not be forgiven. Odd that any reference of this is omitted in Christ’s major dealings with salvation: The Sheep and the Goats, The Rich Man and Lazarus and the Good Samaritan.
Should loving ones neighbor prove to be the golden rule of the New Testament it would not be surprising that it features so prominently in Christ’s most exhaustive teachings on salvation including the Good Samaritan, The Rich Man and Lazarus and The Sheep and the Goats. Nor does it surprise this same tenant, or it’s germ form, appears in many of the world’s religions. God would allow it to aid the conscience of the Gentiles sometimes “excuse” them. Satan would allow it knowing the inclination of humanity towards selfishness and entitlement, particularly with constant bombardment of temptation and sin, about, above and within.
Salvation is a Priceless Gift, given in exchange for ALL we have! ("Pearl of Great Price," "Treasure Hid in a Field," Rich Young Ruler, Penitent Thief, etc.). Yet how few are willing to pay? Jesus warns unless we deny ourselves Daily and take up our Cross (giving all) we can't be his disciple. Yet how few are willing to die? Might we admit we are not able or willing to be disciples? Might we say with Peter, "Lord, I love (Grk. phileo) you" and until I LOVE (grk. agapeo) you enough to exchange my All for Yours; until I'm fit to bare my cross for You as You bore Yours for me. Will He fit us for one, as he did for Peter upon who's confession of unworthiness He replied, "When you were young you went were you wanted but when you are old they will stretch out your hands and take you were you do not want to go"". Salvation's price must remain All, yet perhaps for the honest and penitent might He except a down payment with Daily installments?"
The foundation stone of modern Western Christianity is the philosophy of God's unconditional love, a phrase oddly absent from the Bible cover to cover. This, in and of itself in not unique. The Trinity, the most distinguishing doctrine of Christianity as a phrase is also absent in God's Word. Yet, unlike the Trinity, our teaching God's Love as being Unconditional is contrary to the implicit as well as explicit teaching of the Scriptures. America's stumbling block, antinomianism or lawlessness has mistaken UNMERITED Grace, as UNCONDITIONAL Acceptance. Christ Lived, Bled, Died and Arose to purchase the former while decrying the later. Has this obvious Truth become our modern Rock of Offense?
Western Christians feel exonerated when extolling Jesus as Christ as if this validated our more precarious claim of ourselves as Christians.
As for salvation, "Broad is the way…Narrow is the path…" I'm aware the odds favor multitudes will perish. Yet I remain hopeful, being a little odd myself.
Today, faith is validated by our words and emotions, we live for self during times of prosperity hoping to escape suffering on the merits of our confession. Biblically, faith is validated by our works as nailing our emotions to the cross we crucify self hoping to merit eternal life by making a good confession while suffering!
If 'life or death is in the tongue,” Heaven or Hell is in the ear! "He who has ears to hear…"
By the example of most of us one would think Jesus had commanded, 'Deny the cross, pick up your self (centered desires) daily and follow me...
What if the greatest place to conceal the Truth is in plain view? This might work if the whole were fragmented and hidden by excess and errors and thereby discredited. An example: Repentance, a gift not of works (penance) thereby unconditional? The greatest prophet, John the Baptist demanded good works of the Pharisees "Before" accepting their repentance while the greatest apostle, Paul writes concerning our conduct "After" "let him who stole steel no more but let him work with his hands that which is good that he might have to give to those who have need...
Its troubling that millions today misinterpret the meaning of "believe" and "grace.” Since one might reduce to the lowest common denominator "believing" to simply mental assent, many have "marked down" the price of salvation. Though a thorough rendering of the scriptures yields a much more inclusive definition, unfortunately most choose the easy broad interpretation claiming faith, being a free gift, costs them nothing. In actuality, the Bible's every chapter declares the opposite. Though so great a salvation could never be earned by sinners, the cost to man to receive God's all is reciprocal. The divine exchange rate is All, His for ours. Salvation, as grace, though by definition always unmerited is never unconditional. Like ""the pearl of great price"" and ""the treasure hid in a field"" the price to possess the kingdom is not "some" but "all". Ironically, in light of such NT teaching, one wonders if the true cost of modern ""easy believeism" might not be the souls of it's adherents thereby making faith with a price tag of "nothing" worth exactly that.
Might the stumbling of much of Western Christianity over shopping for salvation at the reduced rack be the latest fulfillment of Isaiah, Jesus and Paul's warning that having eyes, ears and hearts we fail to perceive, hear and understand. The supposed loophole of "only believe" providing a litmus test revealing those who seek a cheap salvation opposed to those seeking a thorough one. The former being casual inquirers while the latter in desperation do violence to the kingdom, taking it by force.
Further damning is the doctrine of "Eternal Security" arising among the very generation standing in history's most ""Eternal Peril"". Perhaps as God sent a lying spirit to kill Israel's most wicked king so a doctrine of devils has risen to repay a people now guilty of all the innocent blood from Able, through Christ and His apostles, to a billion of His aborted brothers.
Evangelism Explosion's 2 premiere questions are intriguing. "If you where to die tonight do you know for a certainty your eternal destination?" and "Why should God let you into heaven?" The first, "are you saved" is so readily answered by modern believers as to give the thoughtful pause. Personally I answer "I I dare to hope for heaven if I endure to the end.” This response is troubling for believers today who rest upon God's promises without meditating on their conditions. My answer to EE's second question is also unacceptable which is telling since it's the Lords own advice, "Have mercy on me a sinner."
As for the idea of Eternal Security, Paul, perhaps the greatest of the Apostles rejected it, practically speaking. His willingness to trade his soul for the salvation of his people rendered the question moot.
Are the soils in the parable of the Sower a warning for the world, Church or both? Is the expected fruit good doctrine, good works or both?
I don't know how to rejoice in salvation with it so Rare and at such Risk.
Imputed or Infused Righteousness? Quantum Theology suggests this ardent debate may be "much ado about nothing." Reasonably, Eternal life, like its Physical counterpart, is Imputed at Conception, the beginning of a continuum of cooperation, becoming more a matter of Infusion as maturation progresses. Spiritually, as Physically, the embryo and fetus are totally dependent on their mother. A newborn, slightly less so, while a toddler begins an ever increasing pattern of cooperation. Every child and teen will choose to infuse the nature (Righteousness) of their parents into the formation of their own or to hazard the gift of life originally imparted.
Seeing Perfection is continually commanded we Sing, "I Surrender All..." covered in religious fig leaves of traditional self delusion and/or apathy, we hide in the foliage of purposed ignorance. Like Adam and Eve, we fear His Voice who keeps of the Garden of Christ, the True Eden.
How easy two little verses make righteousness comprehend "'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."" How hard one the little word, "all" makes righteousness to apprehend.
Isn't, "for in Him we live and move and have our being," at once the most Awesome and Awful of news?
"In C. S. Lewis' "the Great Divorce" heaven's "weight of Glory" is too Solid for the curious or even hopeful lost souls of hell. With every blade of grass a needle, every gentle brook a crushing river, few of the damned choose to stay though family, friends or angels bid them do so freely. How apt an analogy of the kingdom of heaven on Earth and salvation's process of maturity.
If, “such as are lead by the Spirit of God (like Jesus etc...) are the sons of God,” the question that begs asking is are we in as heirs or in error?
Quoting what passes for Pauline doctrine today, many lay hold of 'grace' to excuse fruitlessness. Paul, on the other hand, says grace, laying hold of him, labored more than in all the other Apostles.
Jesus, the Lion of Judah. The claws of God, the maw of God... do you know these?
Nearly the entirety of Western Christianity has behaved like the "prodigal son," demanding its inheritance of God's riches of grace and squandering them on riotous living. Many claim the husks they have in hand as manna. How few are willing to admit the truth of being, "no more worthy to be called your son." Yet only those so pleading to become servants are given the ring and robe of righteousness.
Love, like holiness, is more a decision than an emotion. It requires repentance, a term meaning "about face." Unfortunately, we Christians when faced with Truth often respond, if we respond at all, with a 45, 90 or even a 360 degree turn rather than a 180.
Recognizing repentance is a process is easy enough, understanding to be converted into or out off anything begins in the Mind, moving through the Heart and followed by action of Will. Hence, in the order of the Armor of God, the Helmet of Salvation is 5th out of 6 pieces! First is the Girdle of Truth (Mind), followed by the Breastplate of Righteousness (Heart), then the Shoes of the Gospel of Peace (Will) finally providing Living Faith (the Shield). Only then, since Salvation is by Faith, can one don the Helmet of Salvation after which one thing is needful, the Sword of the Spirit to fight our way from here to Heaven. What level of discipleship we're wrestling with can also are seen by locating oneself in the progression of 2 Peter 1: 5-10.
Oz's Tin man's Brain, Scarecrow's Heart and Lions Courage (Will) typify these three states of conversion.
In light of the whole of cannon of scripture, it's fearful and wonderful message, how awesome is Revelation's simple yet glorious four letter final command, "COME!"
Love never faileth? With the eternal loss of 80-97% of Earth's adult populace either love faileth miserably or we faileth miserably to love.
Concerning the time of great tribulation, Jesus taught a form of escapism..."watch and pray that you might be counted worthy to escape all these things." Today, by our lifestyles, we also teach a form of escapism, but instead of "Watch and Pray" it's "Watch TV and Play."
Continually taught as A, if not The, defining character trait of God, "Unconditional Love" as a phrase, doesn't appear A Single Time in the Scriptures! "If" however, is used 1456 times in the Old and New Testament, often to express a condition as in 2 Chronicles: "IF my people who are called by my name WILL humble themselves... AND (not or)...AND (not or) ...AND (Not or)...T H E N (conditional upon meeting 4 requirements) will I hear...forgive...heal." Directly in opposition to Jesus' teaching and example we teach "Grace" as lawless-ness and claim we're teaching "Godly Unconditional Love?" Yet, isn't there an Eternity of difference between a Free Gift and an Unconditional One? In the Scriptures the former is true of Salvation while the latter of Damnation."
Two words whereby we define Grace, to our salvation or undoing: Unmerited or Unconditional.
Salvation is a Priceless Gift, given in exchange for ALL we have! ("Pearl of Great Price," "Treasure Hid in a Field," Rich Young Ruler, Penitent Thief, etc.). Yet how few are willing to pay? Jesus warns unless we deny ourselves Daily and take up our Cross (giving all) we can't be his disciple. Yet how few are willing to die? Might we admit we are not able or willing to be disciples? Might we say with Peter, "Lord, I love (Grk. phileo) you" and until I LOVE (grk. agapeo) you enough to exchange my All for Yours; until I'm fit to bare my cross for You as You bore Yours for me. Will He fit us for one, as he did for Peter upon who's confession of unworthiness He replied, "When you were young you went were you wanted but when you are old they will stretch out your hands and take you were you do not want to go"". Salvation's price must remain All, yet perhaps for the honest and penitent might He except a down payment with Daily installments?"
The foundation stone of modern Western Christianity is the philosophy of God's unconditional love, a phrase oddly absent from the Bible cover to cover. This, in and of itself in not unique. The Trinity, the most distinguishing doctrine of Christianity as a phrase is also absent in God's Word. Yet, unlike the Trinity, our teaching God's Love as being Unconditional is contrary to the implicit as well as explicit teaching of the Scriptures. America's stumbling block, antinomianism or lawlessness has mistaken UNMERITED Grace, as UNCONDITIONAL Acceptance. Christ Lived, Bled, Died and Arose to purchase the former while decrying the later. Has this obvious Truth become our modern Rock of Offense?
Today, faith is validated by our words and emotions, we live for self during times of prosperity hoping to escape suffering on the merits of our confession. Biblically, faith is validated by our works as nailing our emotions to the cross we crucify self hoping to merit eternal life by making a good confession while suffering!
If 'life or death is in the tongue,” Heaven or Hell is in the ear! "He who has ears to hear…"
By the example of most of us one would think Jesus had commanded, 'Deny the cross, pick up your self (centered desires) daily and follow me...
Well intentioned believers in Eternal Security may ask how one lives uncertain of ones eternal destiny. Perhaps deceived and robbed by shortsightedness of a most sublime state. Or perhaps it they that are deceived and closer to the truth is the state most the world has and does exist in. One of terrible risks to life and limb. One requiring constant judgment and care. One of working out their temporal lives, often with fear and trembling in hope of seeing goodness in the here and the hereafter.
The above state seems odd to we Westerners (who so laden with prosperity often lack long term memory or empathy with the suffering of billions around them). Ironically, those who prosper most seem to be among the richest of sinners (i.e. James 5, Laodecia, etc...) and at greatest risk spiritually. Yet it is we who clamor loudest, entitled to our God give right to eternal security, irregardless of the 1,456 ""ifs"" found in God's Book.
Irrational action often seeks a rational excuse. This is recognized by many. Easily seen, by those looking, in its grosser aspects yet it goes largely unnoticed it's subtler forms. Example: Indictments against pro-choice (liberals) vs. subtler yet similar case could be made pro-life (conservative) movements.
Wise and telling is the oath required before giving testimony in a court of law: swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Just as "good can be the greatest hindrance to the best" so "a truth" framed by poor context may obscure rather than reveal "the truth" of a given situation. Unfortunately political and religious speakers are not "sworn in" beforehand and compelled to comply with this oath. 1 Peter 4:11 "If any man speak let him speak as an oracle of God."
Jesus declared His sheep hear His voice and follow Him to provision and safety. Yet billions of Christians have and do testify to nearly the opposite experience. Apologetics assures today's disillusioned Church of their personal and even intimate relationship with Him, if only by faith, all disappointing evidence to the contrary. Yet we are told “faith is the evidence of thing not seen" not the opposite. We are also warned in a myriad of ways to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling." Let us carefully examine ourselves lest we find, like Jesus' Five Foolish Virgins, ourselves individually or corporately cast out with Christ's lament, "I never knew you" echoing for eternity in our ears."
"If all our modern ""faith"" is subjective then what ""evidence"" do we have that we will experience the ""substance of things hoped for?""
Jesus is clear that His sheep hear His voice and follow Him and not another. But on which issues, to what degree and how often? Are their non negotiables? What is less clear is whose sheep we are if we fail which tests?
Paul's great revelation from God and passionate obedience to Him caused a groaning to be absent from the body and present with Lord. I groan that I may one day groan as he.
I may only be myself alone before God and that only for moments at a time. A most comforting fact if only eternity were not at risk.
The flippant phrase, "God said it, I believe it and that settles it" leaves much to be desired. First, there can be an eternity of difference between what one reads and what One meant. Secondly, even understanding, while a vital component, greatly differs from experience. Thirdly, all acts and journeys have beginnings, middles and ends. "He that endures to the end will be saved."
Life is far more than simply birth. So too, Christian salvation is more a process than an event. This holds true in experiencing all Christianity's tenants. Try peddling that to a society filled with glimmering opportunities of instant gratification.
With mountains of evidence to the contrary, Churchianity stubbornly clings to its assertion that it's saved. Granted, but saved for what, eternal life or destruction?
"The doctrine that God requires living faith, as demonstrated by sacrificial love and continual good deeds, has been jettisoned for that of unconditional love. This not only flies in the face of the Bible’s more than 1,400 "ifs" preceding scriptural condition(s) for salvation but the logic of "Pascal's Wager." In the end, isn't it better to be safe than sorry when dealing with both the existence of God and the level of obedience and service He demands?
In Romans 8:1-17 alone Paul uses 8 literal ""ifs"" and nearly as many implied ones to encourage and confront God's people with a singular truth. "If" conditionally we live as Jesus did "then" through Him and by His Spirit we may enjoy His position before God, in time and in eternity.
Telling that in dealing with the "Rich Young Ruler's" questions concerning how to merit salvation Jesus emphasizes only the last 6 of Moses’ commands which deal with our treatment of each other. Pressing the point that scriptures describing the conditions of salvation, such as Jesus' stories of the "Good Samaritan" and the "Sheep and the Goats" constantly reflect this emphasis raises many objections. Most take offense, sure that salvation's primary concern is our vertical faith and love towards God. In some respects this would seem true, however in many passages developing the theme, as in this one, references to such "vertical devotion" are missing entirely. Rather what is stressed is our responsibility to "horizontally love our neighbors."
Jesus, in the day(s) of his flesh offered up loud CRIES and tears to the One who was able to save him from death and was heard in that he feared.
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