Hold fast to the Bible. To the influence of this Book we are indebted for all the progress made in true civilization and to this we must look as our guide in the future.
- Ulysses S. Grant

by Robert R. Pennington
In a single generation, the loss of human life by clinical abortion, not to mention contraceptive abortion, has grown to eclipse all other forms of murder. With over a billion slaughtered the womb has replaced the battle field, freeways and crack houses as the world's most dangerous place. The aborting of perhaps a third or more of our offspring, has devastated the conscience and soul of every nation legalizing the barbaric act. From the men and women seeking abortion to the institutions supporting its proliferation the quantity and quality of so much innocent blood has stained our blue planet red.
The command to care and love children, at every age, is ubiquitous throughout Scripture. The truth is God's feelings about abortion are anything but vague. Omnity knows if humanity’s sharp enough to uncover the presence of and split the atom, we can understand human life begins at fertilization. Undoubtedly why we are told that when only a fist sized second trimester fetus John the Baptist as a "Babe" in Elizabeth's womb leapt for joy at the presence of Jesus as yet only a thumb sized first trimester embryo.
Pro-Life Scriptures
There are numerous reason our generation has aborted well over a billion babies in the last few decades. For such a common act, few have ever seen an actual abortion. Few understand the emotional trauma and physical danger millions of post abortive women experience. Fewer still have a clear understanding of the overwhelming emphasis the Bible places on being authentically pro-life.
When asked how to get to Heaven Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan who's actions are the antithesis to abortion. By His incarnation and costly atonement, His teachings and example Christ makes it abundantly clear that living faith requires "loving our neighbor as ourselves" not in "word but in deed". The pre-born are our the ultimate neighbor, forming children fully dependent on sharing their mother's body.
For the Bible believing and obeying Christian. there can be no debate. So often the result of immorality and the ultimate example of the original sin of entitlement, Scripture clearly warns that such atrocity will not only bring the undiluted justice and judgment of God, but in the meantime will abort the prayers, worship and even salvation of those responsible or failing to be authentically pro-life.
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