God’s holy wrath is poured out on what He hates because it damages and destroys what He loves.
- Sinclair Ferguson

Sadly, history and Scripture agree that humanity is slow to learn from its mistakes. It's been noted that those who "failing to remember the past are doomed to repeat it." Christ, in His condemnation of God's people of His day, took the warning a step further.
Aware of man's predilection to fall prey to temptation, Jesus sternly warned those touting their reverence and dedication, that their pride was a signal of their downfall. Apparently, the true lesson of history is that those proud they've escaped the mistakes of the past are often in the process of repeating them. And worse.
Because of it's unprecedented wealth, the modern world spends less and less time thinking about God, much less His warning of the Great Judgment. For the vast majority, Heaven and Hell seem constructs of the Dark Ages or puritanical holdouts. Busy enjoying life and all it affords, we give little credence to the unenlightened beliefs of the past.
Judging by the worldly lifestyles and serious sins of the Western Church, eternal rewards and everlasting punishments are among the last things on our minds. Unfortunately, many of Western Christianity's modern doctrines undermine such concerns. Over emphasizing the Bible's promises by under emphasizing their conditions, we've marginalized if not illuminated the vital roles of living faith and obedience. Such incorrect interpretation of scripture short circuits God's commands, including that we work out our salvation with "fear and trembling" even thought Jesus Himself taught the fear of God as fundamental to genuine faith.
Such a concern is made all the more vital by a host of factors including ubiquitous and growing levels of temptation and deception, worldliness and sin. Both within and without the ranks of modern Christianity. Among evil's growing global pandemic, abortion reins supreme. In a plethora of passages, such as Isaiah 59 passage, Scripture repeatedly warns of the dire consequences of either participation in or apathy towards the shedding of innocent blood. Legalized clinical abortion on demand's approaching the 50 year mark, and the issue of contraceptive abortion a non starter within the Protestant church. This not only reflect mass, if not nearly universal insensitive to the Spirit but a mishandling of Scripture. Both of which a successful POA/J4 style meeting is fully dependent. For more information please see the Pro-Life series of GB articles, including Authentically Pro-Life and Abortion and the Good Samaritan, Abortion and the Church and Aborting Prayer and Worship.
Throughout history, man's ancient and advanced Adversary has seen to the warping of God's word and thereby His people. Part of the pride going before their fall were feelings of superiority and insight over those of the past. While our shortsightedness and sin exceeds theirs, we are far from the first people to turn a blind eye to our rebellion while condemning that of others:
- "Then Jesus began to denounce the cities in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent. "Woe to you, Korazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! If the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I tell you, it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judgment than for you. And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted up to the skies? No, you will go down to the depths. If the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would have remained to this day. But I tell you that it will be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgment than for you." Matthew 11:20
- "Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, "Teacher, we want to see a miraculous sign from you." He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now one greater than Jonah is here. The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom, and now one greater than Solomon is here. Matthew 12:38
- "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous. And you say, 'If we had lived in the days of our forefathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.' So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. Fill up, then, the measure of the sin of your forefathers! "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? Therefore I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town. Matthew 23:29
- "Woe to you, because you build tombs for the prophets, and it was your forefathers who killed them. So you testify that you approve of what your forefathers did; they killed the prophets, and you build their tombs. Because of this, God in his wisdom said, 'I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and others they will persecute.' Therefore this generation will be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the beginning of the world, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, this generation will be held responsible for it all. Luke 11:47
- "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." Luke 12:48
Comments on the preceding passages:
1. Three of the above verses describe a judgment, not just of individuals but of cities and even generations.
2. In each passage Jesus issues a warning that He summarizes in explaining to whom much is given much will be required.
3. Christ is clearly angry that God's people, haven been given revelations, scriptures and thousands of years of Divine guidance were harder of heart than the worst of the Gentiles (something the Apostle Paul's 195 scars would later attest to).
4. Jesus reveals the hypocrisy of the Church of His day in that they were the children of those who killed the Prophets yet built memorials in their honor. More, they claimed they would never had behaved in such a way. Jesus prophecies they would in fact do worse and thereby become the guiltiest of all (until now).
Given Much
Considering Christ’s direct and indirect warnings implicit throughout the gospel, including the Rich Young Ruler and Rich Man and Lazarus, what wealth and blessings might the Western and 1st World Nations be held accountable for?
When considered in the broader sense as defined above, measuring wealth would include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Economic prosperity: Globally over a billion people make less that $1 a day. By comparison, "every man's a king" within First World Nations.
2. Nutrition and hydration: The choices of food and drink available in the modern world are unprecedented in human history. An average supermarket contains 45,000 various products. Meanwhile over a billion are without safe drinking water and every 16 seconds someone dies of hunger.
3. Housing and sanitation: Eighty percent of the world live in substandard housing. Two billion are currently without electricity. Less than one percent of those who have lived on Earth have known the enjoyment of modern housing.
4. Science and technology: Those of us living in the First World would be lost without our modern advances. Thousands of products and services provide instant access to everything from essentials to extravagances. Just to meticulously catalogue and describe all the modern conveniences we benefit from would literally fill volumes.
5. Health and dental care: Our quality and quantity of preventative and diagnostic health care would seem miraculous for ninety nine percent of humanity having walked the Earth. Far from perfect, modern medicine adds decades to our lifespan while vastly improving the quality of our lives.
6. Safety and security: Like health, the blessings of safety are often overlooked until they are endangered. From stable geo-political boarders and a standing military to dependable law enforcement and legal system, we currently enjoy unrivaled security and peace of mind.
7. Education and knowledge: It's almost impossible for modern society to appreciate the knowledge we've gained in the last few generations. How incredibly blessed we are, from our understanding the marvels of creation and insights into the human condition to public and advanced educational opportunities.
8. Communication: Half the planet's current population have never made or received a phone call. With T.V. and radio, cell phones and the internet our ability to communicate rivals that of mythological gods. We take for granted instant access to people and information the likes of which ninety nine percent of humanity never dare dreamed of.
9. Business and employment opportunities: First World citizens enjoy fantastic advances in the workplace. From shortened work days and weeks to paid vacation and sick leave, half the world and all our ancestors would marvel at our ease. Unemployment benefits and worker's compensation were undreamed of in earlier times. As is true of our nearly endless possibilities for employment and advancement.
10. Transportation and travel: Only 7% of the world owns an automobile. Most today, and nearly all in ages past, traveled less in a lifetime than we might in a weekend. Not to mention the style and amenities we enjoy whether speeding around in air conditioned cars, flying through the air in jumbo jets or sailing the sea in a luxury liners.
11. Entertainment: For millennia children, pets and rudimentary musical instruments provided daily entertainment. Today, tens of thousands of TV shows and movies, music videos and recording artists instantly come to life where ever we are whenever we want. Add to this access to everything from art and science exhibits to common and extreme sports and we've got entertainment that would make Julius Caesar envious.
12. Clothing and accessories: Ninety nine percent of those having been born on Earth have struggled to cloth themselves and their families. Today we're drowning in apparel, often paying for a single garment what for billions might be a years wages. It goes without saying that most of humanity would have given just about anything to be in our shoes.
Another measure of wealth is disposable income. How much we spend and what we buy are indicators of the prosperity as well as the values of a society. Both can clearly be seen by the following:
- Eight billion dollars a year is spent on cosmetics in the U.S.
- Eleven billion dollars a year is spent on ice cream in Europe.
- Seventeen billion dollars is spent annually on pet food in the U.S. and Europe.
- Seventy billion dollars a year are generated globally by the movie and music industries.
- Over one hundred billion dollars is spent on alcohol each year in Europe alone.
- Globally, over four hundred billion dollars is spent on illegal drugs annually.
Puzzle Pieces
Clearly the modern World is blessed. But are we fattening ourselves like a Thanksgiving Turkey? Consider the following:
1. Jesus clearly warns to whom much is given much is required.
2. Paul commands that we not use our Freedom as an occasion of the flesh but to serve one another. Which is abortion, homosexuality, promiscuity, divorce, pornography, drug addiction, crime etc..?
3. Are our educational institutions promoting Godliness and sacrificial service or godlessness and Me-ism?
4. Do we share our national resources. Or do we consume an inordinate percentage of the world's?
5. While militarily advanced, are we making war on our own offspring? With greater death tolls than all other wars combined?
6. Scientific achievements that are too often employed to destroy. Embryonic Stem Cell Research- (ESCR Clone and Kill).
7. Medical profession now as willing to kill and as to heal. Abortion, ESCR and Physician Assisted Suicide.
No Respecter of Persons
The LORD'S judgment of people and persons in the past is a good indication of His present and coming judgments. Jude points out:
- "But I want to remind you, though you once knew this, that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe. And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day; as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire." Jude 1
Observations from Jude and Scripture
1. God saved His people out of Egypt and destroyed nearly every adult in the Wilderness.
2. God did not spare the angles that sinned and chained in darkness those leaving their abode and proper domain.
3. God drowned Noah's entire generation and destroyed with fire from heaven Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them before a single page of scripture had been written to warn them.
4. God destroyed the nations occupying "the Promise Land" for their terrible sins. Warning His people He would do the same to them if they sinned in like manner.
5. God killed Aaron's 2 sons for simply changing the worship incense formula.
6. God killed Uzzah when he touched the the Ark of the Covenant to keep it from tipping.
7. God judged the church of Jeremiah's day by scattering 1/3, taking 1/3 captive and killing 1/3 by war.
8. God killed Ananias and Sapphira without mercy for lying concerning the percentage of a large free will gift they were offering the Apostles.
Many of the above judgments were against those who moved beyond mistaking presumption for faith to the point of Profaning the Holy. A good working definition for "profanity" is "treating the Holy as Common."
Paul's New Testament warning is that Christians take God's past judgment seriously, seeing they happened to them as examples for us:
- "Remember our history, friends, and be warned. All our ancestors were led by the providential Cloud and taken miraculously through the Sea. They went through the waters, in a baptism like ours, as Moses led them from enslaving death to salvation life. They all ate and drank identical food and drink, meals provided daily by God. They drank from the Rock, God's fountain for them that stayed with them wherever they were. And the Rock was Christ. But just experiencing God's wonder and grace didn't seem to mean much—most of them were defeated by temptation during the hard times in the desert, and God was not pleased. These are all warning markers—danger!—in our history books, written down so that we don't repeat their mistakes. Our positions in the story are parallel—they at the beginning, we at the end—and we are just as capable of messing it up as they were. Don't be so naive and self-confident. You're not exempt. You could fall flat on your face as easily as anyone else. Forget about self-confidence; it's useless. Cultivate God-confidence." 1 Corinthians 10:6-12 The Message
A Troubling Formula
God created Math for a reason. Here's some math based on Jesus' warning that "to whom much is given, much more will be required."
1. Noah's generation, as well as Sodom and Gomorrah, were destroyed before a single Bible page was written. They were part of Genesis.
2. The church in Jeremiah's day was judged severely, having 1/10 the revelation we enjoy. We have the entire cannon of scripture, the fullness of Christ, the presence of the Holy Spirit and thousands of years of Church history.
3. Through modern Technology we are 10x's more blessed (very conservative estimate) in education, medicine, communication, travel, entertainment etc.
4. Economically the average Westerner has 10x's the blessings of previous generations.
5. Even a few of our current sins make us 10x's more guilty that all generations before us. Examples: the Mega-Holocaust of Abortion, the explosion of Pornography (beamed into heaven and wrapped around the globe), drug abuse (Greek: Pharmakeia meaning Sorcery), rampant promiscuity and divorce, etc...
Even if our generation is only 10x's more guilty and 100x's more blessed, we would be 1,000x's more culpable...
These passages carry dire warning of great judgment in store for all rich rebellious nations throughout the West and beyond:
1. Aren't we repeating the very mistakes, and more, that Jesus, Jude and Paul warn of?
2. Given the astronomical death toll of abortion, will have replaced the cities and generation Jesus warned, as those who "will be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the beginning of the world, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, this generation will be held responsible for it all."
3. How much more have we been given that the Jews of the 1st Century? The New Testament, the fullness of Christ, the promise of the Father in the gift of the Holy Spirit and 2,000 years of church history. Add to this the incredible blessings of technology that permit us a race lifestyles rivaling the mythological gods and our culpability surpasses the Pharisee's of the 1st Century 1,000 fold.
4. Age after age God's people, even His anointed, have been deceived. We should reexamine Scripture's formula for repentance, confess our sins and seek a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
What would the reaping the aborting of over a billion of mankind's most innocent look like? Might the whirlwind abortion is creating be the Great Tribulation that seems to be at our door? What possible excuse can Christ, our Advocate, make to the Devil's charge against humanity, and the church, to justify such evil before the Eternity's Supreme Court? As war breaks out in Heaven, will billions of Christians covered in innocent blood and guilty of apathy or worse be secretly raptured away before the hurricane of justice strikes?
Might tempests of lessor judgments already be loosed against formally Christian Nations? From devastated homes and families to homosexuality and euthanasia, is the scourge of God being prepared as in Habukkuk's day? How long will we remain clueless, refusing to pray, repent and engage our culture of death.
One final bit of unpleasantness. With the exception of Omnity, all things change. For better and worse. On the bright side, consider Scripture’s fantastic promise of mortality becoming immortality:
- “Some skeptic is sure to ask, “Show me how resurrection works. Give me a diagram; draw me a picture. What does this ‘resurrection body’ look like?” If you look at this question closely, you realize how absurd it is. There are no diagrams for this kind of thing. We do have a parallel experience in gardening. You plant a “dead” seed; soon there is a flourishing plant. There is no visual likeness between seed and plant. You could never guess what a tomato would look like by looking at a tomato seed. What we plant in the soil and what grows out of it don’t look anything alike. The dead body that we bury in the ground and the resurrection body that comes from it will be dramatically different.” 1 Corinthians 15:35-38 The Message
Great news! Unfortunately quantum transformation is a two way street. As noted by C.S. Lewis’ quote regarding our future appearances as gods and goddesses, horrors and corruptions. In the same way, once a sin is introduced, there are only three possible outcomes:
- Complete Repentance: The offense against God and man must be recognized and fully repented of, uprooting plant, root and all. While this option remains available, it has never happened in all of human history. Not even in regards to the least of sins.
- Commensurate Judgment: Failing to respond in time to Divine waring, punishment befitting the sin is dispensed.
- Growth and Mutation: Should sin fail to be fully repented of or summarily judged, it will certainly expand in both quantity and quality. The afore referenced ripe tomatoes, not to mention immense and towering redwoods, grow from tiny seemingly insignificant seeds. So too temptation and deception, entitlement and sin, can and will mutate exponentially.
Prophetic Christians appreciate distress tends to awaken God’s people to the perils about them. While true, so is the fact that extreme pain and suffering clouds and hardens angry hearts and minds in far greater numbers. Tellingly, the Bible never directs believers to pray for judgment or persecution. An unprecedented global revival, if not reformation, would be far more preferable.
With so much at stake, it's high time we believers recognize our massive physical and spiritual blessings and begin seeking God as seriously as we do wealth and pleasure. Let's strive to be thankful and stop taking God and His gifts for granted. Let’s renew our efforts to "spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Before trials force the issue, let’s redouble our attempts to approach God acceptably, loving Him as He deserves and our neighbors as they so desperately need.
Times And Seasons
Modern Christianity's universal refusal to fully admit the simple fact that the overarching context of Scripture is that of conflict theology accounts for a myriad of unnecessary confusion and misunderstanding. A denial deeply affecting such crucial issues as repentance and salvation, Bible study and prayer, worship and discipleship, fellowship and church, entitlement and worldliness, immorality and sin to name but a few. It also darkens our perception of the dangerous times and season in which we live.
With obvious errors in regards to major concerns, it's little wonder complex matters requiring greater discernment and perception are continually misconstrued. As Jesus warned God's people in His day:
- "Then he said to the crowds, “When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once that it is going to rain, and so it does. And when you feel the south wind blowing, you say that it is going to be hot, and so it is. You frauds! You know how to interpret the look of the earth and the sky. Why can’t you interpret the meaning of the times in which you live?” Luke 12:54-46 Phillips
For example, there was little or no brokenness nor repentance over modern Christianity's lack of power to miraculously heal the sick. An essential core gift of the Spirit that Jesus, His apostles and brother James assured was both our spiritual birthright and Christian responsibility. Few, if any, recognized to what degree that which might have been our finest hour was in fact our darkest. Fewer still entered into the crucible of James 4's Prayer of Anguish in pursuit of the vital promise of James 5:
- "Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." James 5:14-16 NKJV
Scripture is clear such manipulations of facts and logic are forbidden and will prove disastrous for all parties involved:
- "Doom to you who call evil good and good evil, Who put darkness in place of light and light in place of darkness, Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20 MSG
All this as the specters of apocalyptic events appear looming on the horizon. Some, like Matt Walsh, a cultural and political commentator, pinpoint glaring lapses in judgment and common sense. Among liberals and conservatives alike. In areas from abortion, to the patently obvious and repeated failures to do their jobs, including quelling insurrection across American cities.
Others forward more nefarious social and spiritual scenarios. As for a COVID-19 vaccine, there are a great many reasons for caution, up to and including genuine concerns in regards to efficacy and safety, not to mention medical professionals questioning plans to roll out genetic manipulation and even nano technology (if video link fails to play click here to download an important 20 min video).
Still others speculate the introduction of a final New World Order. Possibly even the ushering in of the long foretold Antichrist, as well as the Mark of the Beast. The appearance of both, as Scripture plainly warns, predating Christ's prophesied Rapture of the Church. It's not hard to imagine a scenario where the primary, secondary and tertiary effects of global catastrophes such as COVID-19 play a significant role in the beginning of sorrows warned of in the gospels, epistles and Book of Revelation. A time and season which, according to Scripture and contrary to modern opinion, predates the Rapture.
Prophetic Christians do well to notice that the wording of Christ's dire warning introduces the principle of generational judgment. Such dreadful pronouncements are intended to put inattentive people groups and sinful societies on public notice.
- " Next Jesus let fly on the cities where he had worked the hardest but whose people had responded the least, shrugging their shoulders and going their own way. “Doom to you, Chorazin! Doom, Bethsaida! If Tyre and Sidon had seen half of the powerful miracles you have seen, they would have been on their knees in a minute. At Judgment Day they’ll get off easy compared to you. And Capernaum! With all your peacock strutting, you are going to end up in the abyss. If the people of Sodom had had your chances, the city would still be around. At Judgment Day they’ll get off easy compared to you.” Matthew 11:20-24 MSG
- "These are all warning markers—danger!—in our history books, written down so that we don’t repeat their mistakes. Our positions in the story are parallel—they at the beginning, we at the end—and we are just as capable of messing it up as they were. Don’t be so naive and self-confident. You’re not exempt. You could fall flat on your face as easily as anyone else…" 1 Corinthians 10:11-12 MSG
- "Write to Laodicea, to the Angel of the church. God’s Yes, the Faithful and Accurate Witness, the First of God’s creation, says: "I know you inside and out, and find little to my liking. You’re not cold, you’re not hot—far better to be either cold or hot! You’re stale. You’re stagnant. You make me want to vomit. You brag, ‘I’m rich, I’ve got it made, I need nothing from anyone,’ oblivious that in fact you’re a pitiful, blind beggar, threadbare and homeless. Here’s what I want you to do: Buy your gold from me, gold that’s been through the refiner’s fire. Then you’ll be rich. Buy your clothes from me, clothes designed in Heaven. You’ve gone around half-naked long enough. And buy medicine for your eyes from me so you can see, really see." Revelation 3:14-18 MSG
Why such a stinging rebuke by Jesus agains His own church? Why, given that impoverishment was a hallmark of 1st century believers, is this seventh and final church and/or church age so assured of its wealth and self sufficiency?
1. Might this passage be a warning echoing down through the millennia regarding the spiritual dangers of riches, Dangers Jesus repeatedly emphasizes in His conversation with the Rich Young Ruler and teaching in Rich Man and Lazarus?
2. Further, might these verses be prophetic in the sense of recognizing that the last church age would take for granted and over indulge in unprecedented levels of wealth and ease afforded by God through the rise of technology?
Most versions render the final verses on Laodicea along these lines:
- “To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Revelation 3:21-22 NIV
1. Self deception is far more difficult to overcome than one might think.
2. This last of the seven churches is a type of the final church age, thus Laodiceans will have to pass the final exam by surviving the Great Tribulation period. Note: This is yet another reason for Churchianity to immediately come to it’s senses, plunging itself honestly and accurately into every form of Christian discipline and sacrament.
Recorded for the benefit of Christendom throughout history, Christ’s judgment of His churches has particular merit and meaning for global Christianity today. Never before has a church age been nearer the Great Tribulation period. Yet given epidemic levels of me-ism and disobedience, prayerlessness and Biblical illiteracy, modern Christianity represents the least prepared off all believers to suffer the rigors of such testing. Particularly troubling is Churchianity’s predilection for the presumptuously inaccurate “Pre-Tribulation Rapture.” Rather than studying and teaching the Mid-Tribulation Rapture timeline revealed by Jesus, Paul and John, it’s been necessary to concoct a previously unknown “secret rapture” to fit the modern heresy of unconditional love and acceptance in regards to salvation and sanctification, discipleship and eternal security.
Christ's reprimand is eerily reminiscent of Paul's charge against the Jews in the final chapter of Book of Acts. Both reference the sad but frequent refrain that God's own people often critically lack Scriptural discernment and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Without spiritual eyes and ears, hearts and minds to accurately comprehend and appropriately respond, Jewish and Gentile believers alike risk extreme temporal and eternal danger.
Given the extent of today's global condition and crises, in keeping with the fearful message to Laodicea, a singular question arises. Just how much louder must Christ knock? When will at least Prophetic Christians band together and enter the crucible of James 4's Prayer of Anguish?
- " Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you. Conquerors will sit alongside me at the head table, just as I, having conquered, took the place of honor at the side of my Father. That’s my gift to the conquerors! Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches." Revelation 3:20-22 MSG
Our generation has been given unprecedented and tremendous gifts and would do well to remember Christ's warning, "to whom much is given much is required." Besides reaping the answers to the prayers of all generations we also have 2,000 fulfilled Bible prophecies and the pages of the Scriptures's final Book of Revelation coming alive as a prophetic witness of Biblical authenticity.
The Apostle John, perhaps well educated in the knowledge of his time, still knew far less about the world than today's average elementary school student. Even so, he was able to look ahead into the future and describe in detail what were then unimaginable events. Two thousand years later the honest reader of his words can see the stage being set for the last chapter of human history as many of of his prophecies begin to unfold!
For example, the nation of Israel is a key player in Revelation's drama, yet in the Apostle John's day Israel was being ground under the boot of Rome, a global power showing no signs of weakening. For John to suggest Israel would become the center of world wide attention was ludicrous. All the more so after 70 A.D. when the Romans literally wiped it off the map. Yet in 1947 A.D. Israel reappeared in the same location. Never before or since has a nation having vanished for two centuries, much less two millennia, suddenly reemerged so. Israel's resurrection as a nation, not to mention its global status, is unprecedented in human history. Adding to Israel's miraculous modern history is the unbridled hostility of billions of Muslims, hundreds of millions of which all but surround the small plot of land Israel resides on. About the size of San Bernardino County in the Los Angles basin, Israel's population has been as little as 3 million. The Muslim nations nearby occupy as much territory as the United States, with over 300 million and yet in every war and conflict Israel has not only survived but conquered its attackers. The odds of Israels reappearance, growth and national prominence are astronomical. Additionally, there are a host of other previously impossible predictions all testifying to the validity of John's awesome and awe-full prophecy. These include the potential of a nuclear holocaust and fallout, as well as the technology necessary for the Mark of the Beasts, both for the first time in human history at the stage of development necessary for the kind of implementation Scripture warned of two millennia ago.
The Alive After The Fall video is a short but well produced overview of last day prophecies in light of recent events. It also offers a reasonable though fearful handling of America's currently apparent place in Biblical prophecy, along with resources to help equip individuals and families to survive what may well be coming. GB highly recommends watching the video, but if necessary you can click here to view the transcript.
For additional information on this topic, please peruse the many hyperlinks provided throughout this article. Other articles along this line include Repentance, What Must I Do To Be Saved?, Prayer of Anguish, COVID-19, Pre-Revival Repentance, A New Pentecost, Prophetic Advice, Sacred Assembly, Renewal, Revival or Reformation, Prophetic Witnessing, Times and Seasons, Context Then Content, Satan, Litmus Test, and Eternity…The Wager.
An Acrostic of Change Today there are many opportunities for individuals, churches and organizations to have an impact on people within their communities.
For some great simple pro-life ideas just click the link below: Change
For an overview of being authentically pro-life click the link below. For an in depth report on serious church and denominational objectives and strategies to enable the church to have a comprehensive pro-life, pro-family and pro-mission strategy click the link below: Authentically Pro-Life Objectives
UPDATE: Roe vs. Wade Overturned
To the joy of countless millions, on Friday 6/24/22 the landmark decision Hobbs vs. Jackson by the Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe vs. Wade. Thus auspiciously ending 40 years of national tyranny against 60 million pre-born.
Or at lease throwing the decision to allow mothers to continue conspiring with physicians to murder the offspring within their wombs back to America's 50 individual states...
While I now live in North East Texas, years ago I spent nearly 100 Saturdays at Central California clinics warning and imploring up to twenty girls a day to spare their babies. Via public parking constraints, forced to pass near I implored, “If God gives you the gift of a child don’t let anyone harm it.”
Often alone, sometimes there would be nearly a handful of us. On a good day, one or two mothers would listen and change their minds.
On many other occasions none at all.
As in Christ's end time parable of the Sheep and Goats, there I discovered Jesus in His smallest and most innocent form. Totally dependent for “food” and “drink,” “naked” and “in prison” in the very womb of His mother. There I watched as He was repeatedly carried, “Like a lamb to the slaughter,” into a medical clinic. A most solemn and sorrowful scenario with grave spiritual ramifications.
One repeated in Fresno alone over 50,000 times.
In over two years I don’t recall a single member of the clergy or even lay leader joining us. Though I understand the odds may have somewhat improved through the influence of 40 Days For Life.
Only a fraction of fraction of a percent of ordained ministers have served as a director of a leading pro-life organization. Far less still have had the honor and responsibility to act as a leading liaison to over a thousand churches in state wide pro-life political initiatives.
With well over thirty years in strategic Christian service, including more than a decade of pastoral ministry and pro-life activism, the author is privileged to belong to a select fraternity. This and other articles and books represent a culmination of this experience. Using such depth perception, this commentary is intended to introduce the true nature of the challenge presented by abortion. Particularly to modern Christianity.
During California’s 2005 Prop. 73 Parent’s Right To Know initiative I produced the pro-life political DVD entitled “Protect Me…Please” to be shown in hundreds, if not thousands of churches, prior to or on election Sunday. Groundbreaking, the 3 minute video featuring post abortive laments of teenage girls, made the front page of both the LA Times and San Francisco Chronicle. Prop. 73 failed by a narrow margin.
During the subsequent Prop. 85 initiative I achieved another milestone. For the first time, four leading Protestant state denominations, the Southern Baptists, Assemblies of God, Calvary Chapel and Foursquare, officially endorsed a political initiative. Again Parent’s Right to Know (PRK) was defeated.
Our third attempt in 2008 with Prop 4. affectionately dubbed “Sarah’s Law” failed as well. More than political, my involvement was spiritually motivated. After having spoken to thousands of Christians across denominational lines, it was clear that far less than 1% of either clergy or laity had the vaguest notion of the scale of abortion’s true threat to either the pre-born or the Church.
As a topical Biblical commentary, Quantum Christianity was designed in recognition of the need to examine and handle truth carefully and honestly. Scriptural and otherwise. The nationalized legalization of clinical abortion, and its apparent overruling, presents a perfect case in point.
A faithful handling of the Old and New Testament requires would be students and adherents to develop spiritual discernment on a variety of subjects crucial to Biblical Christianity. The lack of which has produced hundreds of differing denominations espousing various Christs and versions of the gospel. Tragically, many of the hopeful insights inherent in Christ's command to "Judge with righteous judgment" continue to go largely unrealized within modern Christianity.
Such is certainly the case when considering the American church's 40 year track record in regards to an appropriate response to abortion. Or more accurately, the lack thereof. Both clinically and contraceptively.
Bear in mind that church attending Christians could have ended abortion in a single day, 365 days a year, for nearly 40 years, by simply sending 1% of our congregations to have family friendly picnics in front of every abortion clinic in America. With thousands peacefully blocking entrances, even should there be numerous arrests, the sheer numbers involved would shut down all abortuaries in a single day. With 99% more now authentically pro-life Christians waiting for a chance to join cause.
Yet nothing could be further from the case. Then or now.
Nor have we seriously addressed the widespread use of abortifacient contraception throughout Christendom. A topic that many, if not most, churches and even pro-life organizations know or speak little about. Most often chemical in nature, early term abortions are a result of various forms of birth control and other devices. Abortions of this kind happen before the mother is aware of her pregnancy. The exact numbers are unknown. Some estimates suggest the daily total of these types of abortions may be surprising large. In the U.S. alone perhaps between 834,000 to over 4,000,000 per year (Dr. Bobmir Kuhar, Infant Homicides Through Contraceptives Pg 27.) Lower estimates range around 100,000 to over 1,500,000 annually (Randy Alcorn: Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions? How Often Does the Pill Cause Abortions?)
Thus the compelling need to rethink Jesus' directive to "Judge with righteous judgment" should be abundantly evident.
But is it? Throughout the Hobbs vs. Jackson decision by the Supreme Court celebratory posts and podcasts, sermons and ceremonies, is there any awareness of the reality of the seriousness our situation? Or brokenhearted repentance in light of the depth of our failures?
Are any of today's joyful messages cognizant of the Bible's repeated warning that God is not mocked.
- “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked [He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside]; for whatever a man sows, this and this only is what he will reap. Galatians 6:7 AMP
- For they sow the wind [in evil] And they reap the whirlwind [in disaster]. Hosea 8:7 AMP
These devilish sociopolitical engineering undoubtedly ushered in such modern woes as career felon George Floyd's sainthood and efforts to undermine criminal justice. Antifa and BLM riots and violence. CRT and orchestrated racial tensions. C19's plandemic and goal overreach. Medical interference and harmful vaccines. Woke agenda and transgenderism. Biden's malevolent war on Ukraine and America's economy. All part of the Great Reset.
And these are just the highlights. All coordinated and choreographed by the clearly visible and menacing Iron Triangle of liberal global politics, media and corporations.
Yet even now, modern Christianity, up to and including the vast majority of Prophetic Christians, refuses to discern the clearly repeated handwriting on the wall. And having done so, to enter the crucible of James 4's Prayer of Anguish in hopes of James 5's reconciliation to, and empowerment by, God.
Particularly the Person of the Holy Spirit, Whom we continue to annoy and grieve, if not profane and blaspheme.
Instead, across America, Laodicea is masquerading as Philadelphia. Lauding the Supreme Court for Hobbs vs. Jackson while the highest court in the land continues to sidestep or support all the devastating atrocities mentioned above. Many of which modern Christianity has yet to Scripturally repent of, up to and including sins of clinical and/or contraceptive abortion. In regards to commission and/or omission.
Mankind’s current pinnacle sin of abortion is spiritually quantum in a variety of ways. For example, it’s hardly just like any other sin. Even so, as with any other sin, it does require the event and process of genuine repentance. Like faith itself, honest and heartfelt repentance encompasses our entire mind, heart and will. As required by 2 Chronicles 7:14’s perfect formula for repentance.
The New Testament reiterates this principle in multiple ways. Putting the penance in repentance, Scripture reinforces the need for a change of both attitude and action as exemplified in the old adage, “When is a thief not a thief?” The Bible’s answer is not when someone merely confesses. In and of itself a rarity these days. Not even when a thief stops stealing. That’s just an out of work thief. But rather:
- “If you are a thief, quit stealing. Instead, use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need.” Ephesians 4:28 New Living Translation
Herein lies one of several grave errors in modern Christianity’s understanding of Biblical repentance. All too often members are bid to simply believe in the cross of Christ, with little or no discussion of practical aspects of repentance and/or restitution. Much less of His command we daily shoulder our own. As Jesus’ brother James warned in regards to living and dead faith:
- “Do I hear you professing to believe in the one and only God, but then observe you complacently sitting back as if you had done something wonderful? That’s just great. Demons do that, but what good does it do them? Use your heads! Do you suppose for a minute that you can cut faith and works in two and not end up with a corpse on your hands?” James 2:19-20 The Message
Reflecting Scripture's overarching context of conflict theology, a military analogy perfectly exemplifies the Bible's emphasis on the crucial 3 step process of genuine repentance:
- Halt: “If you are a thief, quit stealing.”
- About Face: “Instead, use your hands for good hard work…”
- March: “and then give generously to others in need.”
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