God Blog

Approaching God One Thought At A Time

The Pro-Life cause is the preeminent cause of our time, and this struggle between the gospel of life and the culture of death will determine the destiny of mankind.
- Peter Garrett

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Abortion's Antidote

Arguing the impact of abortion on secular society has been a major strategy of the pro-life movement. While true and a worthy effort, clearly this method has failed to produce a fraction of the needed results. The chief reason for this is that the sin of abortion is first and foremost a spiritual attack, in many ways the most effective Earth has ever seen. In the same way diet and exercise could never have stopped the bubonic plague, so a secular strategy will never stop abortions "red death."

If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him because God’s temple is holy. You are that holy temple!

- 1 Corinthians 3:17 GW

Years spent as a pro-life activist, director of right to life organization and political consultant have brought into sharp relief the the culture of death permeating Western society. Sadly, even once Christian nations long heralding the Gospel of Christ and the sanctity of human life, now embrace and export a gospel of abortion. Just one of many indicators evidencing the greatest reversal of righteousness in Christian history.

Nevertheless, their are still
many ways individuals, churches and organizations can and should become authentically pro-life. Sadly, after over forty years of apathy and worse, by even the church, if ever there was a time legalized abortion in America and 1st World Nations could have been defeated without the power of God it has long past. Abortion, as the pinnacle sin of mankind is far too entrenched in modern society.  Abortion's collateral damages, combined with the effectiveness of it's secondary (women) and primary objectives (Churchianity), make it an unparalleled foe in cunning and achievement. 

Abortion's global death toll of 1-2 billion alone has an equivalent casualty count of a full scale nuclear war.  In a very real sense, abortion has spiritually set the world ablaze, radiated our entire populace and produced a nuclear winter. As a result our
prayers, worship and communion with God have been contaminated to the point of neutralizing our effectiveness to fulfill the great commission and even jeopardizing salvation.

Such levels of the legalized and voluntary destruction of individual lives has destroyed the conscience of every nation practicing such barbaric acts and has
undermined the very institutions given by God for the protection and advancement of mankind. Finally, modern Christianity's participation in and/or apathy towards abortion has accomplished Satan's primary objective of using the cries of the innocent blood of billions of Christ's "least brothers" to drive a wedge between us and God who is a Self proclaimed Consuming Fire:

  • So see to it that you do not reject Him or refuse to listen to and heed Him Who is speaking [to you now]. For if they [the Israelites] did not escape when they refused to listen and heed Him Who warned and divinely instructed them [here] on earth [revealing with heavenly warnings His will], how much less shall we escape if we reject and turn our backs on Him Who cautions and admonishes [us] from heaven? Then [at Mount Sinai] His voice shook the earth, but now He has given a promise: Yet once more I will shake and make tremble not only the earth but also the [starry] heavens. Now this expression, Yet once more, indicates the final removal and transformation of all [that can be] shaken—that is, of that which has been created—in order that what cannot be shaken may remain and continue. Let us therefore, receiving a kingdom that is firm and stable and cannot be shaken, offer to God pleasing service and acceptable worship, with modesty and pious care and godly fear and awe; For our God [is indeed] a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:25-29 AMP
The results of Churchianity’s complacency and/or complicity with the global abortion of 5-10 times the earth’s population in Christ’s day has had a devastating impact on every aspect of our faith. Such circumstances as these call for drastic collective action, such as unprecedented prayer and repentance.  We must heed Scripture's prophetic advice by calling sacred assemblies throughout the world to seek a global outpouring of the Holy Spirit. With the effects of abortion engulfing the modern Christianity it's high time the pro-life movement was willing to sound the alarm loud and clear, “breaking glass in time of emergency." 

Additionally, we would do well to
head the warning placed on fire extinguishers because of their limited contents, "aim at base of fire." All fires require heat, fuel and oxygen.  Abortion's heat comes from the lust inherit in mankind's sinful nature.  Abortion's fuel is provided by a myriad of temptations that inundate modern life.  The oxygen allowing abortion's spark to explode and engulf our world is the combustible atmosphere of self centeredness and entitlement, the ironic byproduct of God’s blessings of unequalled prosperity our generation daily takes for granted.

In Revelation’s harsh record of
Christ judging His churches, Philadelphia (Literally: Those who love the womb) are commended. Unfortunately Western Christianity is nearly a carbon copy of Laodicea, the last church or church age. They boasted, “we are rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing" when in reality Jesus explained “you do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked."  Yet even with Christ’s two thousand year old warnings against such wholesale deception reinforced by frightful passages as The Good Samaritan (Jesus’ answer to the question how to get to heaven?) and Rich Man and Lazarus (the only conversation between human beings in the afterlife recorded in Scripture) the worldliness of “believers” continues to escalates. So much so that in light of our lavish lifestyles and cathedrals, presumptive faith and fellowships, prayerlessness and Biblical illiteracy, inappropriate apathy and worship, spiritual insensitivity and sin, we might well make our ancient counterparts blush.

When levels of
temptation and deception become ubiquitous even among the elect, the only antidote remaining is the glory of God. God’s glory is both the firm foundation and greatest weapon of the Church.  From God’s glory flows His power.  From His power flows His Kingdom. A formula is best demonstrated in Jesus' conclusion of "the Lord's Prayer”:

  • "For Yours is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever.  Amen." Matthew 6:13            
When God's kingdom on earth, the Church, succumbs to Satan's assault it is as the direct result of a lack of spiritual sensitivity and power.  The Church's lack of spiritual power, both to discern and repel attack, stems from a single source.  When the people of God grieve and insult the Spirit of grace, He distances Himself.  As our sin diminishes the voice and presence of the Holy Spirit the experience of God's glory lifts.  While such a vacuum can be quickly replaced with building projects, programs and intimate sounding worship, the net effect is still a deficiency of the fruit and gifts of the Spirit,  In turn this produces continued sin, enabling temptation to gain an even greater foothold, escalating the cycle.

One Thing You Lack

Through extreme
brokenness and honesty, radical repentance and discipleship, thee pro-life movement must recover the glory of God if modern Christianity is ever to “believe our report.”  As in the famous "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, a fellowship of pro-life activist must arise to undertake this difficult but necessary mission.  Like in the trilogy, the key players may well come from various sources.  Some of the most essential participants may hardly seem up to the task.  Opposition will be great, from within, about and above.  The price may be high.  Yet the goal is essential if we are ever to be victorious.  We must reveal and destroy abortion's "ring to bind them,"  Not in the fires of Mt. Doom, where indeed it was made, but in the hottest burning fire of all, that of the glory of Omnity. God's glory ignited a quadrillion, quadrillion, quadrillion, quadrillion suns.  Only this same glory burns bright and hot enough to destroy abortion before it mutates into something far worse.

But who will answer this great call?  Who among the pro-life activists isn't already busy?  Which of our organizations will give place to such an unlikely yet all important quest?  Is not the power of the Great Eye of Mordor growing?  Are there not wizards at work, and orks to fight in the battle for Middle Earth?  Can men, dwarfs, elves and hobbits even work together?

The pro-life movement would do well to consider the compelling story of the "
Rich Young Ruler."  When questioning Jesus as to how to inherit eternal life Christ inquired of him concerning the last half of the Decalogue, those commandments concerning how we treat one another. To which he replied:

  • “Teacher, all these things I have kept from my youth.” Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.” Mark 10:20-22
Will we entertain the notion that having done well, well enough to earn a special pronouncement of love from Christ, we may yet lack One Essential Thing?  Is it possible this one thing is a strategic unity, at the heart of which is the objective to bring Western Christianly back to God?  Would we be willing to give up the rest of all we have and take up the cross to purse Him and His glory for this singular all important purpose? 

Having not done so in three and half decades the answer is likely, "no." Yet given this unfortunate and foolish
spiritual impasse, might some of us risk taking a step of two in the this direction? What do we have to loose from shaving a few hours from our schedules to begin an ernest regimen of waiting on and wrestling with the Lord together in repentance and expectation

With the
stage being set for judgment and tribulation’s approach, with hell to loose and heaven to gain, let even the weary among us remember the commands and promises of God:

  • "God doesn't come and go. God lasts. He's Creator of all you can see or imagine.  He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch his breath.   And he knows everything, inside and out.  He energizes those who get tired, gives fresh strength to dropouts.  For even young people tire and drop out, young folk in their prime stumble and fall.  But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles,They run and don't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind." Isaiah 28-31  The Message

  • In this all-out match against sin, others have suffered far worse than you, to say nothing of what Jesus went through—all that bloodshed! So don’t feel sorry for yourselves. Or have you forgotten how good parents treat children, and that God regards you as his children? My dear child, don’t shrug off God’s discipline, but don’t be crushed by it either. It’s the child he loves that he disciplines; the child he embraces, he also corrects. God is educating you; that’s why you must never drop out. He’s treating you as dear children. This trouble you’re in isn’t punishment; it’s training, the normal experience of children. Only irresponsible parents leave children to fend for themselves. Would you prefer an irresponsible God? We respect our own parents for training and not spoiling us, so why not embrace God’s training so we can truly live? While we were children, our parents did what seemed best to them. But God is doing what is best for us, training us to live God’s holy best. At the time, discipline isn’t much fun. It always feels like it’s going against the grain. Later, of course, it pays off handsomely, for it’s the well-trained who find themselves mature in their relationship with God. So don’t sit around on your hands! No more dragging your feet! Clear the path for long-distance runners so no one will trip and fall, so no one will step in a hole and sprain an ankle. Help each other out. And run for it!” Hebrews 12:4-13 MSG

An Acrostic of Change Today there are many opportunities for individuals, churches and organizations to have an impact on people within their communities.

For some
great simple pro-life ideas just click the link below: Change

For an overview of being authentically pro-life click the link below. For an
in depth report on serious church and denominational objectives and strategies to enable the church to have a comprehensive pro-life, pro-family and pro-mission strategy click the link below: Authentically Pro-Life Objectives

UPDATE: Roe vs. Wade Overturned

To the joy of countless millions, on Friday 6/24/22 the landmark decision Hobbs vs. Jackson by the Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe vs. Wade. Thus auspiciously ending 40 years of national tyranny against 60 million pre-born.

Or at lease throwing the decision to allow mothers to continue conspiring with physicians to murder the offspring within their wombs back to America's 50 individual states...

While I now live in North East Texas, years ago I spent nearly 100 Saturdays at Central California clinics warning and imploring up to twenty girls a day to spare their babies. Via public parking constraints, forced to pass near I implored, “If God gives you the gift of a child don’t let anyone harm it.”

Often alone, sometimes there would be nearly a handful of us. On a good day, one or two mothers would listen and change their minds.

On many other occasions none at all.

As in Christ's end time parable of the
Sheep and Goats, there I discovered Jesus in His smallest and most innocent form. Totally dependent for “food” and “drink,” “naked” and “in prison” in the very womb of His mother. There I watched as He was repeatedly carried, “Like a lamb to the slaughter,” into a medical clinic. A most solemn and sorrowful scenario with grave spiritual ramifications.

One repeated in Fresno alone over 50,000 times.

In over two years I don’t recall a single member of the clergy or even lay leader joining us. Though I understand the odds may have somewhat improved through the influence of 40 Days For Life.

Only a fraction of fraction of a percent of ordained ministers have served as a director of a leading pro-life organization. Far less still have had the honor and responsibility to act as a leading liaison to over a thousand churches in state wide pro-life political initiatives.

With well over thirty years in
strategic Christian service, including more than a decade of pastoral ministry and pro-life activism, the author is privileged to belong to a select fraternity. This and other articles and books represent a culmination of experience. Using such depth perception, this commentary is intended to introduce the true nature of the challenge presented by abortion. Particularly to modern Christianity.

During California’s 2005 Prop. 73 Parent’s Right To Know initiative I produced the pro-life political DVD entitled “Protect Me…Please” to be shown in hundreds, if not thousands of churches, prior to or on election Sunday. Groundbreaking, the 3 minute video featuring post abortive laments of teenage girls, made the front page of both the LA Times and San Francisco Chronicle. Prop. 73 failed by a narrow margin.

During the subsequent Prop. 85 initiative I achieved another milestone. For the first time, four leading Protestant state denominations, the
Southern Baptists, Assemblies of God, Calvary Chapel and Foursquare, officially endorsed a political initiative. Again Parent’s Right to Know (PRK) was defeated.

Our third attempt in 2008 with Prop 4. affectionately dubbed “Sarah’s Law” failed as well. More than
political, my involvement was spiritually motivated. After having spoken to thousands of Christians across denominational lines, it was clear that far less than 1% of either clergy or laity had the vaguest notion of the scale of abortion’s true threat to either the pre-born or the Church.

As a topical Biblical commentary, Quantum Christianity was designed in recognition of the need to examine and handle truth carefully and honestly. Scriptural and otherwise. The nationalized legalization of clinical abortion, and its apparent overruling, presents a perfect case in point.

A faithful handling of the Old and New Testament requires would be students and adherents to develop
spiritual discernment on a variety of subjects crucial to Scriptural Christianity. The lack of which has produced hundreds of differing denominations espousing various Christs and versions of the gospel. Tragically, many of the hopeful insights inherent in Christ's command to "Judge with righteous judgment" continue to go largely unrealized within modern Christianity.

Such is certainly the case when considering the American church's 40 year track record in regards to appropriately responding to abortion. Or more accurately, the lack thereof. Both clinically and

Bear in mind that church attending Christians could have ended abortion in a single day, 365 days a year, for nearly 40 years, by simply sending 1% of our congregations to have family friendly picnics in front of every abortion
clinic in America. With thousands peacefully blocking entrances, even should there be numerous arrests, the sheer numbers involved would shut down all abortuaries in a single day. With 99% more authentically pro-life Christians waiting for a chance to join cause.

Yet nothing could be further from the case.

Nor have we seriously addressed the widespread use of
abortifacient contraception throughout Christendom. A topic that many, if not most, pro-life organizations know or speak little about. Most often chemical in nature, early term abortions are a result of various forms of birth control and other devices. Abortions of this kind happen before the mother is aware of her pregnancy. The exact numbers are unknown. Some estimates suggest the daily total of these types of abortions may be surprising large. In the U.S. alone perhaps between 834,000 to over 4,000,000 per year (Dr. Bobmir Kuhar, Infant Homicides Through Contraceptives Pg 27.) Lower estimates range around 100,000 to over 1,500,000 annually (Randy Alcorn: Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions? How Often Does the Pill Cause Abortions?)

Thus the compelling need to rethink Jesus' directive to "Judge with righteous judgment" should be abundantly evident.

But is it? Throughout the
Hobbs vs. Jackson decision by the Supreme Court celebratory posts and podcasts, sermons and ceremonies, is there any awareness of the reality of the seriousness our situation? Or brokenhearted repentance in light of the depth of our failures?

Are any of today's joyful messages cognizant of the Bible's repeated warning that God is not mocked.

  • Do not be deceived, God is not mocked [He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside]; for whatever a man sows, this and this only is what he will reap. Galatians 6:7 AMP

  • For they sow the wind [in evil] And they reap the whirlwind [in disaster]. Hosea 8:7 AMP
Is our revelry tempered with the sobering fact that while abortion is currently the pinnacle sin of mankind, it's only the tip of the iceberg? One floating in a WaterWorld of immorality unleashed by the continual and increasing tsunami of the 60's sexual revolution redefining and/or eliminating traditional marriage and family.

devilish sociopolitical engineering undoubtedly ushered in such modern woes as career felon George Floyd's sainthood and efforts to undermine criminal justice. Antifa and BLM riots and violence. CRT and orchestrated racial tensions. C19's plandemic and goal overreach. Medical interference and harmful vaccines. Woke agenda and transgenderism. Biden's malevolent war on Ukraine and America's economy. All part of the Great Reset.

And these are just the highlights. All coordinated and choreographed by the clearly visible and menacing Iron Triangle of liberal global politics, media and corporations.

Yet even now,
modern Christianity, up to and including the vast majority of Prophetic Christians, refuses to discern the clearly repeated handwriting on the wall. And having done so, to enter the crucible of James 4's Prayer of Anguish in hopes of James 5's reconciliation to, and empowerment by, God.

Particularly the Person of the
Holy Spirit, Whom we continue to annoy and grieve, if not profane and blaspheme.

Instead, across America,
Laodicea is congratulation itself for being Philadelphia. Lauding the Supreme Court for Hobbs vs. Jackson while the highest court in the land continues to sidestep or support all the devastating atrocities mentioned above. Many of which modern Christianity has yet to Scripturally repent of, up to and including sins of clinical and/or contraceptive abortion. In regards to commission and/or omission.

Mankind’s current pinnacle sin of abortion is spiritually quantum in a variety of ways. For example, it’s hardly just like any other sin. Even so, as with any other sin, it does require the event and process of genuine repentance. Like faith itself, honest and heartfelt repentance encompasses our entire mind, heart and will. As required by 2 Chronicles 7:14’s perfect formula for repentance.

The New Testament reiterates this principle in multiple ways. Putting the
penance in repentance, Scripture reinforces the need for a change of both attitude and action as exemplified in the old adage, “When is a thief not a thief?” The Bible’s answer is not when someone merely confesses. In and of itself a rarity these days. Not even when a thief stops stealing. That’s just an out of work thief. But rather:

  • If you are a thief, quit stealing. Instead, use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need.” Ephesians 4:28 New Living Translation

Herein lies one of several grave errors in
modern Christianity’s understanding of Biblical repentance. All too often members are bid to simply believe in the cross of Christ, with little or no discussion of practical aspects of repentance and/or restitution. Much less of His command we daily shoulder our own. As Jesus’ brother James warned in regards to living and dead faith:

  • “Do I hear you professing to believe in the one and only God, but then observe you complacently sitting back as if you had done something wonderful? That’s just great. Demons do that, but what good does it do them? Use your heads! Do you suppose for a minute that you can cut faith and works in two and not end up with a corpse on your hands?” James 2:19-20 The Message

In continued support of
conflict theology, a military analogy perfectly exemplifies Scripture’s emphasis on the crucial 3 step process of genuine repentance:

  1. Halt: “If you are a thief, quit stealing.”

  1. About Face: “Instead, use your hands for good hard work…”

  1. March: “and then give generously to others in need.”
Before continuing to celebrate exchanging presumption for faith, perhaps some soul serious searching would be in order. The Roe vs. Wade debacle would be a good place to start...

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