I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by those who were inspired. I study the Bible daily.
- Sir Isaac Newton

Just as mastery of basic education is essential to those graduating to the study of higher learning, so an accurate grasp of Christian fundamentals and intermediate truths are crucial when pursuing Scripture's greater insights and commands.
While this should be obvious, amazingly a small percentage of modern Christians clearly comprehend the elemental principals of the faith as taught in the Bible. One reason for this alarming trend is Biblical illiteracy on the part of a vast majority of clergy much less laity. Caught up in the wordiness of modern culture church audiences have become doctrinally intolerant of genuine Biblical Christianity.
With 6 billion Bibles printed over the years, not to mention a Google search result for “Bible” of 166,000,000 links in .61 seconds, Scripture clearly carries some clout. Yet, with over 31,000 verses presented non topically, there’s bound to be confusion and differing opinions. This raises an interesting question. If God is the ultimate Author, has Omnity provided ways to understand the Bible’s meta-messages and discern the true meaning and intent of Scripture?
Yes. But with a caveat. Practical considerations such as it’s 35 authors living 1,500 years apart partially explain why the Bible was not written topically. From a spiritual viewpoint, there’s an even more compelling reason that few, even among billions of enthusiasts, may have noticed.
Scripture is a Test.
For those of us fortunate enough to have the cannon of Scripture translated into modern language and so readily available, all the more so. As previously noted, to whom much is given much more is expected. The Bible contains the ultimate owner’s manual and eternal drama, as well as the most incredible sci-fi and fantasy story imaginable. The pages of Scripture are filled with accounts of Heaven’s rebellion and our universe’s creation. The genesis of earthly life and mankind. The origin and narrative of faith. The incarnation and atonement of Christ. The promises and conditions of the Kingdom of God. The hope of Heaven. The Horror of Hell. Glimpses into the history and future of eternity, etc.
So where’s the test? In our willingness to recognize such a gift and respond accordingly. To what degree do we diligently seek to understand the Word of God? Do we comprehend and accept the privilege and responsibility it conveys? To what degree do we submit to studying and being studied by Scripture? Those committed to honestly doing so soon find that the Bible is topical after all. Clues and answers to every great, and even eternal question, have been embedded throughout. All just awaiting those who care enough to conscientiously search them out.
But how? The historical rules of Biblical interpretation have stood the test of time, having long been employed by various disciplines. Given epidemic levels of Biblical illiteracy symptomatic of modern Christianity’s variety of sects, each offering differing versions of Christ and the gospel, QC introduced the Rule of Emphasis. An additional tool designed to assist in clarifying both the context and content of Scripture.
Yet even conservative viewpoints vary greatly on many truths and concepts central to the faith. Adding to the controversy is that the Bible is unlike today's topical texts. Rather than being able to turn to the Book of Salvation or Prayer and read chapter and verse on the subjects, one must sift through all it's pages to piece the puzzle together.
While clearly a challenge, it needn't be overwhelming. The Bible is after all a single book with interlocking themes building on each other. Moreover, technology provides unprecedented tools to instant research any topic, in any version and even explore original languages with just a click of a button. Add to this hyperlinks to reference information and commentary comparison and we've got a match made in heaven!
Unfortunately, Bible study and understanding may be at an all time low given it's competition with a thousand news, education and entertainment sources.
While some like to ease into a pool slowly others like to dive in at the deep end. Either way's better than walking on by. As with all learning, thoughtful study of the scripture will provide its students with answers easily grasped as well as those raising additional questions. God Blog, feating Quantum Christianity, is committed to this process and providing information in a firm and fair, factual and friendly manner.
Intermediate Truths
Please click a link to view the following articles:
- Atonement’s Price
- Forgiving
- Forgiveness Checklist
- Faith vs. Presumption
- Assumed Salvation
- Which Story?
- Spiritual Sensitivity
- Spiritual Practice
- Why Suffering?
- Eternal Rewards
- Better Than Eden
- Eternal Damnation
- Eternal Security
- Rich Man and Lazarus
- Rich Young Ruler
- Jesus Judges His Church
- Christ’s Harsh Sayings
- Armor of God
- Peter’s 2nd Great Confession
- If My People
- Wisdom from Above vs. Below
- 10 Virgins
- Gifts of the Spirit
- Healing the Sick
- Knowing God’s Will
- Realizing God’s Will
- Praying for the Power of God
- 7 Reasons for Powerlessness
- Spiritual E=MC²
More information
In the Red Dropdown Icon you'll find resources that we hope will both stimulate and facilitate your pursuit of and understanding of the God of the Bible. To get started simply place your cursor on a category of interest and see where it leads. You can also join the discussion in a variety of ways including posting comments to God Blogs as well as making comments or asking questions by email or text.
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