God Blog

Approaching God One Thought At A Time

Satan, the leader or dictator of devils, is the opposite, not of God, but of Michael.
- C. S. Lewis

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Eternity…The Wager
Full Draft Text
Eternity...The Wager
by Robert R. Pennington

The first of a seven part series, Eternity...The Wager uses the literary device of Biblical Faction to answer all these questions and more!

Lucifer, the supreme archangel and architect of
Heaven's rebellion now commands billions of eternity's fallen as Satan, the Adversary. Chief instigator and prosecutor of mankind's sins, the Devil demands Creation's Supreme Court authorize his commencement of the End of Days.

As the advocate of Heaven and Earth, Christ's motion for angelic proxies Mace and Ariel to confirm the true nature of humanity's state is granted. Satan's greatest generals Ruel the Destroyer and Samel the Angel of Death are dispatched to incite earth's demonic princes and ensure the testimony of their lower ranking counterparts is damning.

Returning to Court, the Advocate’s proxies testify before God and billions in the Third Heaven. Satan’s generals are called as well to explain the Rebellion’s true motives for corrupting Earth. Eternity is first surprised then stunned as the four mismatched angels battle over the fate of mankind, culminating in Satan's unprecedented success at calling none other than Christ Himself to the stand as the Devil's final witness!

The elements of Lucifer’s Rebellion, the Agreement and Earth’s role in Heaven’s unfolding drama make Eternity...The Wager the backstory of everything and thereby the Greatest Story Never Told!

It is all so strange and wonderful that even the angels in heaven would give a great deal to know more about it.

- 1 Peter 1:12 TLB

Eternity…The Wager
Full Draft Text
Eternity...The Wager
by Robert R. Pennington

Eternity…The Wager Full Draft Text Download

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