While behavior may alienate society or draw them nearer to God, the bulk of Biblical promises and directive target His church. The Body of Christ on Earth is a single entity comprised at any one time of perhaps billions of individuals. Like cells, each of us has a role to play in the health and vitality of the Body. Our willingness and ability to function depends largely on our own relationship with God and one another. Growth in insight and revelation into the nature of our Creator and Savior, as well as that of ourselves and Adversary, is key in both developing of our faith and increasing our satisfaction with experiencing of God.
Personal Insight
Acting on the insight we have fosters growth in living faith and it its additions. Prayer and studying the Bible, as well as the thoughts of others, should spurred us on to "love and good deeds." Once active on behalf of the Kingdom, we find ourselves facing various temptations. To the degree we're successful at resisting and overcoming worldly enticements and trials we are free to continue our journey of seeking and serving God.
There are many arguments for and against seeking God in a personal way. Happily scripture ways in heavily for doing just that. From the entire message of the New Testament, including the Apostles pointing out that God's not willing that any should perish and Christ's encouragement to keep asking, seeking and knocking, to Old Testament examples of deliverance and prophetic cries for God to rend the heavens and come down, direct and indirect offers to know Him personally abound.
The Apostle Paul recognized Individual revelation is a critical stage of spiritual development. A central theme of his message, Paul's personal prayer was that all Christians would experience God in a way that far exceeded knowledge. Personalization of the offers and directives of scripture is a turning point where most who seek God turn back, settle in or press forward. At this stage many find themselves facing a quandary. One one hand, our experiencing God largely depends on our willingness to trust His promises and commands. On the other hand, our willingness to trust His promises and commands is largely dependent on our experiencing God.
Several key factors influence the level of effort we invest in the pursuit of personally knowing God. Some of these include:
- Denominational Affiliation: Denominations, as well as individual churches within them, vary greatly on the emphasis they place on experiencing God personally. Teachings can run the gamut from all but forbidding such efforts to exalting every thought and feeling as arising from perfect communion with God.
- Family Religious Tradition: Our family's practice of faith, or lack thereof, may have a deep impact on our childhood and teenage years and have tremendous influence our choices as adults.
- Regular Church Attendance: The quality and quantity of church attendance plays a large role in shaping our religious world view. Doctrines learned and relationships developed deeply impact our feelings about others, ourselves and God.
- Christian Activities: As with our physical bodies, spiritual exercise is vital if we are to grow in faith. While some prefer to "work out" alone, most find group dynamics helpful.
- Understanding the Bible: Comprehending God's word can be challenging. For many understanding and remembering what they've read presents a problem. Thankfully there are many study helps available. Unfortunately, a lack of diligence and discipline has left a majority of Christians Biblically illiterate.
- Individual Personalities: Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to meditate on one's thoughts and feelings. Having or cultivating the skill of "being still" long enough to pray, read the Bible and contemplate is a tremendous aid in our experiencing God.
- Habits and lifestyle: How we live our lives may be the greatest determiner of our experiencing God. Obviously major sins derail our attempts while lessor ones hamper our ability to hear from and enjoy the Lord. Spiritual apathy and laziness are also damaging while a devotional diligence should prove rewarding.
- Circumstances: Individual and family circumstances vary greatly. Often the situations we find ourselves in, and our response to them, can make or break our faith.
- Conflicts and Rewards: The way we are treated by others, particularly Christians, and vice versa, weighs heavily on the satisfaction we feel in pursuing God. While not always the case, disappointment and sorrow can seem like failure and defeat. Discernment and endurance play vital roles if we are to stay the course, grow in our faith in God and receive the vast rewards He "has prepared for all those who love Him."
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